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Explore a collection of high school lessons that promote embracing diversity and fostering unity within the human community. This lesson collection features insightful works by students from around the world, touching on themes of acceptance, understanding, and kindness. Discover powerful messages that challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity in a global society.
Embracing our Differences 2019 Building the Human Community High School Lesson Collection Let it Grow by Tatiana Gaskin, 11th Grade, Booker High Scholl Lesson's Author: Christine Braun-Sarasota County Schools
Afghan Refugee by Shahab Naseri, Sanandaj, Iran Books are like people, if you judge them by their cover you may never know their story– Mia Amdur, 5th Grade, Out-of-Door Academy, Sarasota, Florida
A person is a book in the great library of the world; and like every book, they wait to be judged by their inside and not by their cover – Teodora Rinciog, Ploiesti, Romania Beyond from Burqa by Pranab Basak, Kolkata, India
L’DorVador – From Generation to Generationby Alissa Rosenberg, Commack, New York, USA We are not responsible for the wrongs done by our ancestors; we are responsible for making sure that history does not repeat itself – Irene Nicola, Sarasota, Florida
A circle isn’t any better than a square. Don’t let shape define you. – Taylor Reister, 12th Grade, Booker High School Pressureby Lindsay Weaver, 12th Grader - Bradenton, Florida
“Ramon” by Cinthia Baseler, Manchester, United Kingdom A single drop of kindness can change someone's day. - Sally Koscho, Sarasota Middle School
One World – One Heart by Anna Zigel, Bojarka, Ukraine An open eye, sees. An open mind, understands. An open heart, accepts. – TrishiaGuevana, Antipolo, Philippines
Blood for Life by Ade Milhad, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia A big heart makes a big life – Ojingiri Hannah, Nigeria
For more information on EOD click the links below: Questions or Comments- christine.braun@sarasotacountyschools.net