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Kurdistan Regional Government Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Salahaddin University College of Languages/ English Language Department MA students in Applied Linguistics. By Ferhad Mehmud Asad Narmeen Abdul- Rehman Hawzheen Rehman Kanabi November 2011.
Kurdistan Regional GovernmentMinistry of Higher Education and Scientific ResearchSalahaddin UniversityCollege of Languages/ English Language DepartmentMA students in Applied Linguistics • By • Ferhad Mehmud Asad • Narmeen Abdul-Rehman • HawzheenRehmanKanabi • November 2011 Evaluating English Language Department Curriculum Linguistics, Translation and Novel Lessons in Third-Year Stage
Introduction As an assignment of MA students in Applied Linguistics at College of Languages of Salahaddin University, we started our task as an evaluation to identify the strong and weak points of the mentioned department curriculum; especially at the third-year stage and the Linguistics, Translation and Novelsubjects. In this presentation, we are going to explain the case through which we evaluate the subjects in the curriculum depending on a questionnaire that we made among the students; 40 samples were taken, to take their ideas and opinions regarding the subjects and the materials used. This will lead to some conclusions stating the solution of the problems of the students and the curriculum itself.
An Overview English Language department has been established in 1985-1986 in Erbil, Salahaddin University, and its first group of students had graduated in 1989. Post-graduation started its first group in 1992-1993. The aim of the department is to build the relationship between the Kurdish and English culture as the latter is the first language in the world and it is very necessary for the students to learn it. The main aim of the English Language Department is to teach the students how to learn this language and better use the writing and speaking skills scientifically and introduce them to English Literature. In this department, there are 20 staffers qualified as followed: • One Professor. • 2 Assistant professors. • 8 PHDs. • 9 MAs.
The Task Our task is to evaluate the Linguistics, Translation and Novel subjects in the curriculum of the mentioned department and state whether the objectives of the mission of the department has achieved through these subjects or not. The mission is to achieve the following three objectives: • To enhance the learners' level of communication in the four skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing). • To create opportunities for students to get acquainted with English culture and history. • To graduate students who should be equipped not only with necessary research skills, but also with the necessary critical and creative thinking abilities that help students to become students' long-term learners after their graduation. And also our task is to take students' opinions regarding some general questions we have asked in the evaluation.
The Results The answers of the first question: In the first question, which is something general, it has been asked whether the subjects are interested by the students or not. The students' answers were as it is shown in the table by the numbers and by percentage (then you see chart 1 for better clarification) to see the differences in the percentage of their interest in the subjects. It seems that the majority is interested in Linguistics, and very interested in Translation, but they are slightly interested in Novel. • Table (1) Table (1)/A: (by percentage %)
The answers of the second question: The second question is about the students' agreement or disagreement whether the subjects have achieved the objectives that are mentioned in the mission of the English Language Department. The students' answers were, as it is shown in the table 2 and Table 2A which is by percentage (see chart 2 for more clarification), different in the percentage of their agreement with the achieved aims by the subjects. The objectives are those three points which were mentioned previously in The Task. It seems that the majority of the students agree with the first objective which is achieved through Linguistics, neutral in the second achievement of the objective and strongly agrees with the third objective that is achieved. Regarding Translation, the majority of the students agree with the first objective which is achieved through Translation, and again agrees in the second achievement of the objective and neutral with the third objective. Finally, for the achievements of the objectives through Novel, the majority of the students agree with the first objective which is achieved through Novel, strongly agree in the second achievement of the objective and neutral with the third objective that is achieved. Table (2)
Table (2)/ A: (by percentage %) Chart (2)
The answers of the third question: In this question, we aimed to get students' opinion on evaluating the three mentioned subjects through the four general statements that are showed for them to cycle whether they agree with or not: 1.The content of the topic is current and relevant. 2. There are effective methods used by the teacher to teach the content of this topic. 3. The textbook which is used for this topic is good and new. 4. Adequate time is allocated for this topic. Table (3):
Table (3): (by the percentage %) Chart (3)
The answers of the fourthquestion: In another question that were raised for the students whether they have opportunities to participate in the class during the activities that are taken place inside the class for all the lessons equally, 32 students; which is the majority and is the "80%" of the students answered positively. This will provide a great chance for most of the students to participate in the class activities and have opportunities to practice the English language. This is a good result as it can be considered as an achievement for the one of the objectives that students have to be given the chance to communicate and use the English Language. Table (4) Chart (4) Table (4)/ A: (by percentage %)
The answers of the fifth question: By answering an essay question, students were exposed to give their general opinion regarding the question that was raised for them whether learning, programming and teaching contribute to their achievement of outcomes or not. Though most of them answered in brief, but we tried to connect and share their answers to be summed up in the following points: • Half of the students stated that some of the subjects are not useful and they won't get benefit from their teachers, but they have to depend on themselves to get use of the topics and develop their language skills for their future outcomes, while the other half of the students considered them as useful, and has benefit. • For some of the students Translation subject is somehow boring, and they can't learn from this subject and they stated that it is only the waste of time. There might have shortcomings in the program and teaching, otherwise students won't claim that, though 40% of the students considered it as a very interesting subject in the first question that we stated above. • They stated that the Linguistics subject is very important and is an interesting one, but they lack of having professionals in this subject. This can be revised in another way that the program and learning is good for it, but it lacks teaching. And this will affect their outcomes for their future.
The answers of the sixth question: In the sixth question, we want the students' response to the selection of the sources that are used as textbooks for teaching the three selected subjects which are the focus of our evaluation. We have summed up the answers in the following few points: • Some of the students stated that the subjects are not are complex and difficult, and they stated that the subjects have to be changed and substituted by other new and modern ones. • Most of the students considered the Novel as not useful and important due to the old textbooks that are used to be taught for this subject. This will affect their interest in the subject as we can see it in the first question that the majority "35%" are slightly interested in Novel subject. • Most of the students considered Linguistics as a very interesting and useful subject as a good reflection for the resource that is used. "55%" of the students are interested in this subject. • Half of the students considered Translation as not not useful as they don't have any textbook to study on; which means that they don't respond to the resource as they don't have any textbook to depend on in teaching and learning this subject, though the majority of the students are very interested in it.
The answers of the Seventh question: For the success of these subjects and its change, we asked the students whether they would like these subjects to be changed, deleted from the program or they are better to be remained as they are. The majority of the students "55%" answered negatively and they didn't want these subjects to be remained. They ask these subjects to be changed and to bring other new and modern ones that can suit nowadays' needs of the students through which they can learn better English. See Table (5) and the difference in the chart (5). Table (5) Chart (5) Table (5)/ A: (by percentage %)
The Conclusion • Generally, the majority of the students are interested in Linguistics, and very interested in Translation, but they are slightly interested in Novel, though they like these subjects to be changed and substituted by new and modern ones. • The subjects have achieved the objectives that are mentioned in the mission of the English Language Department. • Most of the students agree that the content of the subjects are current and relevant, but not of the Novel. • They didn't agree that there are effective methods for teaching the content of the subjects except for Linguistics. • Most of them didn't agree that the textbooks are new and modern. • Students think that there is adequate time allocated for the mentioned subjects.
7. 32 students which is regarded as "80%" of the total samples of the students stated that there are opportunities for them to participate in the class. This will provide a great chance for most of the students to participate in the class activities and to practice the English language. This is a good result as it can be considered as an achievement for the one of the objectives that students have to be given the chance to communicate and use the English Language. 8. The program is old and they need new and modern one to be taught by professional and good teachers experienced with new and modern methodologies so as to facilitate the process of the students' learning. 9. The resources are old and they have to be changed and substituted by new ones; especially for Novel, though they considered it as slightly interesting and not useful for their development of their language skills; while Linguistics is very important and useful to them. And there should have a textbook for the Translation subject for the students to depend on.
References • English Language Department at college of Languages at Salahaddin University. • Ministry of Higher Education and Salahaddin University web-sites: http://lng.suhedu.com/lng/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58%3Aenglish-department&catid=42&Itemid=71&lang=ku accessed by Ferhad, Hawzheen and Narmeen on 28-11-2011. • http://www.google.iq/#hl=ar&source=hp&q=ELO+SUPPORT+REQUEST+FORM+Please+return+completed+form+to:+elo_ankara%40state.gov&btnG=%D8%A8%D8%AD%D8%AB+Google%E2%80%8F&gbv=2&oq=ELO+SUPPORT+REQUEST+FORM+Please+return+completed+form+to:+elo_ankara%40state.gov&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=15546l15546l0l17590l1l1l0l0l0l0l267l267l21l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=fd4d08bf3dac4d6d&biw=1366&bih=509 accessed by Ferhad, Hawzheen and Narmeen on 28-11-2011.