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First Thoughts about ep/eA collisions at PheniX. Physics Topics. unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics detect only the scattered lepton F 2 and F L for proton and nuclei, g 1 and g 2 for proton / He-3. Assumptions: 10GeV x 100GeV/n √ s =63GeV Ldt = 4/A fb -1
First Thoughts about ep/eA collisions at PheniX E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Physics Topics • unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics • detect only the scattered lepton • F2 and FL for proton and nuclei, g1 and g2 for proton / He-3 • Assumptions: • 10GeV x 100GeV/n • √s=63GeV • Ldt = 4/A fb-1 • equiv to 3.8 1033 cm-2s-1 • T=4weeks; DC:50% • Detector: 100% efficient • Q2 up to kin. limit sx • Statistical errors only • Note: L~1/A • smearing effects can be significant shadowing LHC h=0 RHIC h=3 “sweet” spot R=1 antishadowing E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Physics Topics • unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics • detect only the scattered lepton • F2 and FL for proton and nuclei, g1 and g2 for proton / He-3 • Lets get a feeling for systematic • uncertainties: • 1% energy-to-energy normalization • low detector smearing will be crucial • tracking vs. calorimetry • 1 - 2% vs. 5 - 10% FL for fixed electron energy (4GeV) and proton energies: 50, 70, 100, 250 GeV Luminosity: 4fb-1 each setting E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Physics Topics • unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics • detect only the scattered lepton • F2 and FL for proton and nuclei, g1 and g2 for proton / He-3 Same issues with detector resolution as F2 and FL in addition need to reduce systematics due to polarisation Integrated Lumi: 5fb-1 E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Kinematics Q2 x E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
e’ Kinematics • Lets concentrate on 4GeV lepton energy • electron beam “replaces” yellow hadron beam Proton Energy 50 GeV 100 GeV 250 GeV p/A e- 180o 0o pe: 0-1 GeV pe: 1-2 GeV pe: 3-4 GeV pe: 2-3 GeV 4x50 E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Hadron Kinematics 4x50 4x100 4x250 4x100 4x50 4x250 E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
? Diffractive Physics: p’ kinematics t=(p4-p2)2 = 2[(mpin.mpout)-(EinEout - pzinpzout)] 4 x 50 4 x 250 4 x 50 4 x 100 Diffraction: E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Current PHENIX Detector at RHIC MPC 3.1 < | h | < 3.9 2.5o < Q < 5.2o Muon Arms 1.2 < | h | < 2.4 South: 12o < Q < 37o North: 10o < Q < 37o Central Arms | h | < 0.35 60o < Q < 110o electrons will not make it to the south muon arm to much material e- E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
What will the current PheniX see pe: 0-1 GeV pe: 1-2 GeV pe: 3-4 GeV pe: 2-3 GeV 4x100 Current PheniX detector not really useable for DIS acceptance not matched to DIS kinematics 4x100 4x100 E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
How should a ePheniX look like • Coverage in |h| =< 3 0.1 < Q2 < 100 (5o – 175o) • need an open geometry detector • planes for next decadal plan • replace current central detector with a new one covering |h| =< 1 • replace South muon arm by a endcap spectrometer able to do DY at |h| > 2.5, preferable 3 < |h| < 4 North Muon Arm might need a RICH for HI physics or PID HCAL HCAL EMCAL 2T Solenoid EMCAL Preshower 5o @ 2m 17.4 cm dy Silicon Tracker VTX + 1 layer 40cm IP Silicon Tracker FVTX 1.2 < h< 2.7 8o < q< 37o at least 1.5m could be ILC-type HCAL with m-ID E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC
Questions which need answers • is inclusive physics all we want to do? • do we want to run through at all stages of eRHIC from 4x250 to 20x250 • measuring luminosity for ep/eA • symmetric vs. asymmetric collisions • for ep/eA collisions the IP would be much better not in the center of the detector but shifted to negative z • Problem silicon detectors: massive support material in the acceptance • material budget in the RHIC detectors • momentum resolution critical for precision inclusive physics • material and size of beam pipe E.C. Aschenauer PheniX & STAR meet EIC