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Need for ASAP information sharing program. Industry/FAA Voluntary Aviation Safety Information-sharing Process (VASIP) asked University of Texas to develop and demonstrate an ASAP information sharing programRequested by:ALPAAirline collaborators FAA RequirementsCreate national ASAP da
1. The Information Sharing Initiative:An Overview of the Distributed National Aviation Safety Action Program Archive Michelle L. Harper
University of Texas at Austin
Human Factors Research Project
2. Need for ASAP information sharing program
Industry/FAA Voluntary Aviation Safety Information-sharing Process (VASIP) asked University of Texas to develop and demonstrate an ASAP information sharing program
Requested by:
Airline collaborators
Create national ASAP data sharing program to support proactive identification and analysis of safety issues at industry level.
Enable any airline with an active ASAP program to
participate in sharing of de-identified ASAP information
Support VASIP approved requests for querying national ASAP archive
ASAP Aviation Rule Making Committee
Designed to provide means for aviation industry and FAA sharing of safety-related information to proactively identify, analyze and correct safety issues
Oversees and approves development of a technical process to extract de-identified safety data from any participating airline FOQA and ASAP programs, and acts as gatekeeper to distributed archive
NASA identified as having the institutional background, resources and personnel capable of developing this technical aggregation framework, as well as the analytical tools to support the process
ASAP Aviation Rule Making Committee
Designed to provide means for aviation industry and FAA sharing of safety-related information to proactively identify, analyze and correct safety issues
Oversees and approves development of a technical process to extract de-identified safety data from any participating airline FOQA and ASAP programs, and acts as gatekeeper to distributed archive
NASA identified as having the institutional background, resources and personnel capable of developing this technical aggregation framework, as well as the analytical tools to support the process
3. ASAP Challenges Multiple data collection formats
U. Texas TEM
FAA sponsored format - IFQASys
Several unique internal airline formats
Data must be federally protected
ASAP data is content rich
De-identification must ensure airline and pilot protection
Archive functionality:
Search for like events across industry
Support confirmatory and exploratory analysis
No cost/limited impact to participating airlines 90% not known outside of cockpit
Airlines extremely protective over data, dirty laundry
Critical ASAP event data tends to be small n
5 internal documented formats
Many classification fields non-comparable across systems
Reports based on free text
Each airline has a unique system for collecting, categorizing, reviewing and processing
Most airlines are overwhelmed with the amount of data coming into ASAP
Need for both text analysis and categorization of data
What do we want the archive to be able to tell us?
90% not known outside of cockpit
Airlines extremely protective over data, dirty laundry
Critical ASAP event data tends to be small n
5 internal documented formats
Many classification fields non-comparable across systems
Reports based on free text
Each airline has a unique system for collecting, categorizing, reviewing and processing
Most airlines are overwhelmed with the amount of data coming into ASAP
Need for both text analysis and categorization of data
What do we want the archive to be able to tell us?
4. Distributed National ASAP Archive (DNAA) Entered into cooperative agreement with NASA to develop/implement the DNAA
Hardware, software, and networking infrastructure
Based on a distributed-concept archive
Supports sharing of de-identified ASAP data
Two-year demonstration project
Jointly funded by NASA and FAA
22 months demonstration project Assembling, developing and demonstrating
No single individual holds archiveAssembling, developing and demonstrating
No single individual holds archive
NASA Ames Research Center
University of Texas
10 participating airlines – supporting ASAP and FOQA data sharing
Why UT
2+ year working relationship with 5 large airlines in development of web-based ASAP data collection tools
Data collection tools based on Threat and Error Management
Established 3rd party with long standing relationship with airline safety managers
Project being developed in conjunction with FOQA archive – FOQA archive work started 12 months prior
22 month development and demonstration period
Key Players 3 of 5 airlines large carriers3 of 5 airlines large carriers
Explain network structure
Explain TEM ASAP tools
Common database structure
Online pilot reporting
ASAP manager editing
Web-based ERC review and critique
Explain network structure
Explain TEM ASAP tools
Common database structure
Online pilot reporting
ASAP manager editing
Web-based ERC review and critique
Explain network structure
Explain TEM ASAP tools
Common database structure
Online pilot reporting
ASAP manager editing
Web-based ERC review and critique
Explain network structure
Explain TEM ASAP tools
Common database structure
Online pilot reporting
ASAP manager editing
Web-based ERC review and critique
Explain network structure
Explain TEM ASAP tools
Common database structure
Online pilot reporting
ASAP manager editing
Web-based ERC review and critique
Explain network structure
Explain TEM ASAP tools
Common database structure
Online pilot reporting
ASAP manager editing
Web-based ERC review and critique
9. Two-year Demonstration Project: YR1
Build and test infrastructure for distributed archive for 5 ASAP airlines
ASAP Data Aggregation Working Group
Developed common ASAP fields list
Providing feedback for ASAP “rules and procedures” development
Demonstrate DNAA functionality
Increase to 10 ASAP airlines – including airlines with unique data structures
Support VASIP requests for DNAA queries
Test alternative search and analysis strategies
Text analysis Develop algorithms for de-identification at airline level
UT has installed ASAP data collection tools at 5 airlines.
Data collection tools include on-line Pilot reporting form and ASAP Manager tools.
Text analyss tools
Basic text based search programs
Preliminary development work on text analysis tools to provide integrity check for airline provided categorizations.
Goal to create and analyze DNAA archive through combination of search and analysis tools based on:
Categorized data
Text analysis
Working group subject matter expertise
Demonstrate network and software based infrastructure that can be used to support distributed data sharing initiatives.
Develop algorithms for de-identification at airline level
UT has installed ASAP data collection tools at 5 airlines.
Data collection tools include on-line Pilot reporting form and ASAP Manager tools.
Text analyss tools
Basic text based search programs
Preliminary development work on text analysis tools to provide integrity check for airline provided categorizations.
Goal to create and analyze DNAA archive through combination of search and analysis tools based on:
Categorized data
Text analysis
Working group subject matter expertise
Demonstrate network and software based infrastructure that can be used to support distributed data sharing initiatives.
10. Distributed National Aviation Safety Action Program Archive DNAA Michelle L. Harper
University of Texas at Austin
Human Factors Research Project