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Transition Penwith Workshop 10am – 4pm. Facilitated by: Vicki Horner – Transition Penwith Project Officer projectofficer@transitionpenwith.org.uk Beccy Trahair – PCDT/Inter-Link Cornwall 01736 334676 beccy@pcdt.org.uk. The aim of this workshop is to:
Transition Penwith Workshop10am – 4pm Facilitated by: Vicki Horner – Transition Penwith Project Officer projectofficer@transitionpenwith.org.uk Beccy Trahair – PCDT/Inter-Link Cornwall 01736 334676 beccy@pcdt.org.uk
The aim of this workshop is to: Enable participants to review and reflect Transition Penwith’s current structure Explore what Transition Penwith does well and what could possibly be improved Review and reflect Transition Penwith’s work to date Reflect on Transition Penwith’s aims, objectives and vision – are these still current? Revisit Transition Penwith’s current structure and identify if this is still current - are any changes needing to be implemented or introduced? Visit how and who Transition Penwith communicates with. Overall this day is for you all to share knowledge………. Today’s Workshop
Set up a steering group and design its demise from the outset Awareness raising Lay the foundations Organise a Great Unleashing Form working groups Use Open Space Develop visible practical manifestations of the project Facilitate the Great Re-skilling Build a Bridge to Local Government Honour the elders Let it go where it wants to go… Create an Energy Descent Plan The 12 steps of Transition
Is there anything else that you think needs to be covered today?
Be punctual One person speaks at a time, no side talking or interrupting it is important to actively listen to others. Use plain language Do not dominate discussions Respect confidentiality Turn off mobile telephone or silent Key points are scribed on the flip charts Make your own needs known to the facilitators and if appropriate the group. Speak for yourself. Say "I believe/think" rather than on behalf of others Offer ideas Respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks Participate to the fullest of your ability -- community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice The goal is to agree/come to a consensus -- it is about hearing and exploring different perspectives Ground Rules
Each person to introduce ourselves Who am I? Why I became involved in Transition Penwith? What do I get out of being a member/part of Transition Penwith? Exercise 1 – Knowing me, knowing you!
Key questions: What has Transition Penwith achieved to date? What has Transition Penwith not achieved to date but would like to? (this can be used in future planning sessions - EDF) What is the current structure of Transition Penwith/how does it work? How is it governed/what does the constitution say/how should it be run? Who and how is it accountable - who is responsible and who makes the final decisions? What are your roles and responsibilities in Transition Penwith? Are any changes needed to the current Transition Penwith structure? Exercise 2 - Reflection session
Achieved to date – network, steering group, working groups, talks and workshops, Cape Cornwall School work, CSA, Vision, links with like minded people, chutney rules, local solutions, local schools Not achieved – structure and engaging with public, engaging and networking (wider context), linking with businesses, targeted awareness raising, EDP, practical projects/work plans, film season, non computer communication/s, sustainability, communication Current structure – alright, steering group/working groups, engaging smaller transitions How is it governed – by the community, don’t know, Who is responsible/accountable – co-ordinating committee, accountable to the community, don’t know Roles/responsibilities – volunteers, personal integrity, not clear of roles Changes needed to current structure – not at the moment, I’ll do it attitude, facilitator not leader Feedback from groups fromExercise 2
YouTube - The Wombles Tea Break
Recap on current structure from previous discussion Pictionary – lets draw it! Is this how it looks in the constitution? What are the differences? What needs to be implemented? Note: Transition Town Totnes - Structure 1 Transition Town Totnes-structure explained Exercise 3 – Firm Foundations?
NameThe name of the Charitable Trust shall be Transition Penwith, hereafter known as TP. Executive Committee Members TP is an informal group of people with an interest in promoting local awareness of the impact of ‘peak oil’ (fossil fuel depletion) and initiating positive, pro-active solutions for a low energy, low carbon future. The Trustees are members of the Executive Committee and they currently consist of representatives from the following groups and organisations: Penwith District Council Eco-Drive Cornwall Sustainable Tourism Network Community Energy Plus / Cornwall Sustainable Energy PartnershipRepresentatives from other key partnership organisations may be invited to join TP as agreed by the Trustees. 6. Decision Making Decisions will be undertaken by the Trustees wherever possible by consensus, and if necessary by majority voting. 7. Officers 7.1 The officers of TP shall be: a Chair responsible for chairing the meetings; a Secretary responsible for taking of minutes and distribution of papers; and a Treasurer responsible for maintaining accounts. 7.2 The officers are elected by the Trustees at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).7.3 In the event of an officer standing down during the year a replacement will be elected by TP Trustees. 10. Amendments 10.1 Any proposal to amend the Declaration of Trust must be given to the Secretary, and circulated to all Trustees for agreement. 10.2 The Trustees must send to the Commission a certified copy effecting any amendment made under this clause within three months of it being made. Transition Penwith Constitution
What is Transition Penwith’s vision statement/is there one/is it current? Example of a Vision Statement NCVO's (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) vision is of a society in which people are inspired to make a positive difference to their communities. What are the key words that are needed to express what Transition Penwith wants to achieve? How can these be pulled together to form a shared Vision Statement? Exercise 4 – Capturing an audience….Vision!
Do the current aims of Transition Penwith still apply? Is there anything missing? Do the current objectives of Transition Penwith still apply? Is there anything missing? Transition Penwith Constitution Exercise 5 – Aims and Objectives
3. Aims • To facilitate the exchange and pooling of ideas, services, goods, and other resources among Penwith residents and partnership organisations to encourage them to take action in preparation for Peak Oil (fossil fuel depletion). • Develop the capacity and skills of Penwith residents so that they are better able to address Peak Oil through the relocalisation of goods and services, and through reducing their energy consumption. • Educate public policy makers about Peak Oil, and encourage them to take Peak Oil into consideration in all aspects of public planning, and to provide incentives for organisations and residents to adopt policies consistent with TP objectives. • To promote the study and research of Peak Oil and its effects on Penwith, and disseminate the results to the public at large. 4. Activities • Offer an ongoing annual programme of events, films, talks, presentations and workshops by leading experts and professionals • Provide educational and training courses for low carbon sustainable skills • Develop the website as a participatory, communication tool • Establish working Groups in areas of energy, transport, economy, food / agriculture, housing, health, and others as appropriate. • Identify and enable practical, visible projects in partnership with TP Groups that demonstrate solutions for a positive, low energy future • Design and build the Penwith Energy Descent Action Plan to include conducting an audit (carbon footprint) and targeted steps towards a sustainable Penwith. Transition Penwith Constitution
Who are Transition Penwith’s key allies? Who do we currently network with? Who’s missing? Who else do we need to be networking with? Who else do we need to get involved in Transition Penwith Working Groups and why? How do we need to raise awareness about Transition Penwith? Are meeting dates and time convenient? Exercise 6 - Communication
Recap on todayNext Steps & Actions Who is going to do what and by when?