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Chemawa ELA 8. Week 1. Welcome to 8 th Grade English!. When you enter this classroom, take a seat and begin this assignment immediately and silently . You have 5 minutes to complete this assignment. When time is up, you will be asked to share what you wrote.
Chemawa ELA 8 Week 1
Welcome to 8th Grade English! • When you enter this classroom, take a seat and begin this assignment immediately and silently. • You have 5 minutes to complete this assignment. When time is up, you will be asked to share what you wrote. • Your Assignment: Finish the story! • Tickets for starting before the bell
Your Stories! • You are going to read your argument to the person sitting next to you (2 min) • You are going to listen to your partner’s argument (2 min) • You will complete the 3 questions on the back of your sheet (2 min) When you hear me clap, stop your conversations and face forward within 5 seconds. Volunteers & Cold Calling: Now some students will share aloud to the whole class. • Always raise a hand to speak
What to take away… This activity was designed to show you several things about how this classroom will work: • We begin work immediately and silently each day • We write…a lot! • We listen and speak to one another often (and are always kind) • We are expected to share with our partner and to participate in class discussions or share-outs If you see blue, copy the words into your notes
Objective (write in planner!) • I will be able tounderstand the classroom expectations and procedures. • I will show I understand by participating in a pair activity, following CHAMPS, and completing an exit ticket. Why? EVERYONE will follow the rules and do their part in this classroom. This will ensure that everyone can be safe, learn, and be heard this year. You will know from this day on what behavior is appropriate while you are in this class.
Mrs. Lozano • Welcome to 8th Grade English! • Reading • Writing • Group Work • Baking & Cooking • My dogs • Dallas Cowboys • Reading!!! • Playing Candy Crush • Traveling • Mint Chip Ice Cream • 6 kids • Sports fan • Very caring, • Very hardworking, • 18 Years Teaching
Student and Teacher My job is to give you the tools you NEED to succeed in high school. Your job is to DO YOUR BEST to succeed by working hard EVERY single day. My job is NOT… Baby sitter yeller quieter-down Police officer your parent your friend I am your teacher. I am here to help you. You are the student. You are here to give it your best.
Starting the Day/Class • 8:00 Classroom opens • I may be in the room preparing for class, but please give me the time alone I need to do just that. I love to see your SMILING faces, but not until 8:00. Please place your planner ON TOP of your desk when you arrive so I can quietly take attendance. • I will always greet you at the door like I did today • If I am not at the door, do not come in. Even if the door is open. Please wait till I am ready and class is set up for you • Attendance taken and class begins • You will be counted tardy if you are not IN YOUR SEAT when that bell rings. BE ON TIME and be prepared to have a GOOD day! • (In other words, have a POSITIVE attitude!) ☺ • After School Hours • Every day till 3:30. Sometimes later. Come get help!
Our Classroom Cleanliness • Floor: • Must be clean before any of us leave • Desks: • Keep them perfectly clean for next period • My desk is off limits. • You are not allowed to be at or near it without permission and please do NOT spend any time gazing at any papers I may have laying on it. • My teacher storage cabinets are off limits • You must be given permission to get something out of it.
Class Expectations WE ARE IN CHAMPS RED. That means No Talking! ALWAYS COPY WHAT IS IN BLUE: 1. I will follow directions the first time they are given. • I will NEVER tell you to do something unsafe or harmful to your education. • When I give mydirections they are for the good of this class, my education, and me as an individual.
Class Expectations 2. I will be seated and working on my Do-Now when the bell rings. • If you are out of your seat, OR NOT WORKING you will be marked tardy. • I will take this very seriously. • CFU: What will happen if I am not seated and working when the bell rings?
Class Expectations 3. I will use appropriate language; no put-downs, teasing, or inappropriate words. • This is a NO BULLY zone • Cursing, for any reason, EVEN AN ACCIDENT, is an instant warning. • Words are one way we show who we are—make sure others see you the way want to be seen.
Class Expectations 4. I will show respect by listening to others with eyes, ears, and brain. • When I am speaking, listen attentively, track me with your eyes, and seek to understand what I am saying. • Do your classmates the same respect. • If YOU want to talk, raise your hand and we will show you the same respect. • REMEMBER: you must GIVE respect to GET it.
Class Expectations 5. I will come prepared to class with a positive attitude, brainpower, and the correct materials. • Attitude: bring positivity and energy to class • Brainpower: be ready to learn, be focused • Materials: paper, pencil, notebook, planner, technology, & your charger! • If you want to be taken seriously, take life seriously and be ready for class!
Materials BE READY FOR CLASS, when bell rings Talking during the warm up to get a pencil or device will still get you a warning. Be smart, prepare ahead of time. If you have absolutely NO pencils at all, you may trade a shoe for a mini-pencil. Yes, a shoe. Return it at the end of class for your shoe.
Let’s digest this… Raise your hand to ask any questions you may have. • I am unclear on what Expectation #____ means… • I need more explanation about…
Positive behavior Write 2 examples of positive behavior in your notes: Positive behaviors • Showing teamwork by helping classmates • Positive Attitude • Body language, verbal language, participation • Showing curiosity and asking scholarly questions • Staying on task during entire assignment • Being an example to others
Positive Rewards If you do GOOD in this class, good things will happen to you!
Earn TICKETS • YOU can earn a ticket for: • Participating and answering questions • Starting your warm up BEFORE the bell rings • Some days it may be the first 5 students, etc. • Tickets win YOU a Raffle on Friday!
What’s in the raffle box? • Positive note home
You can earn Team Points too! Whole team: • Team on task-silent and working • Enters the classroom correctly • Finish work early etc. • Show team work or other posi. Behaviors • Giving an excellent answer or asking an excellent question • Helping others …..etc….
Individual Reward: Scholar Passes! If your team is caught doing something AWESOME, show a lot of improvement, or are doing a great job of following directions and being a scholar, you could get…
Student of the Month! Scholarly work habits, positive attitude & respectful behavior !
Nothing in this class comes free You must earn EVERYTHING in this class. • YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF HOW YOU ACT. • Not your friends, your parents, your emotions, etc. • EARN WHAT YOU WANT—GOOD REWARDS OR…
Negative Consequences • VERBAL WARNING • SEAT CHANGE • CALL HOME • LUNCH DETENTION • SEND OUT If I choose to behave badly in this class, bad things will happen to me.
Negative Behaviors Things I will NOT do in this class… • Get out of seat without permission. • Not follow directions. • Make inappropriate or rude comments to ANYONE in class. (includes cursing) • Disrupt class: TALK while others are talking • Be Tardy • Forget Materials
Answer on your page What negative behavior will be most difficult for me? Why? What steps can I take to avoid this behavior?
Warm Up – 08/26/14 • What are the 6 rules of this classroom? • YOU ARE SILENT during • the entire warm up. • Save your questions, • comments, or other • needs until later in class.
Objective (2 min) • I will be able tomany classroom procedures and will set up my interactive notebook for this class. • I will show I understand by taking guided notes, practicing the procedure, and following CHAMPS. Why? We will have a fun and safe classroom as long as EVERYONE is doing their part. This review is to help you remember what behavior is appropriate while you are in this class.
Class Jobs • Door/Light Operator: • Phone Operator: • Objective Writer: (p1) • Popsicle Stick Puller: • Ticket Master: • Alphabetizer: • Messenger: • Substitute Helper: • Clean Sweeper:
Bathroom Passes 1. Hold up pass SILENTLY 2. I will nod yes/no 3. Use restroom or wait 4. Bring pass back, hand to me. 5. Pass is ripped up. • REMEMBER: • 1st/last 10 min of class = can’t go • If you lose passes you lose privileges • You will get 2 more passes next quarter • If you fail to hand the slip to me you will owe 5 min after school
Fill in the blanks How to Enter the Classroom • Step 1: Line up outside Mrs. Lozano's classroom and patiently wait to be invited inside. She will invite me inside when I am silent and calm. • Step 2: Once I enter the room I will remain silent as I go directly to my seat. • I will keep my hands and voice to myself during this time. • Step 3: I will begin the warm up before the bell rings.
Continued… • I realize if I am not seated AND WORKING before the bell rings I will be marked tardy. • If I cannot enter the classroom calmly and silently I will be asked to exit the classroom and try again. I will get a warning if I need to try again because it will disrupt the class. • I know this classroom is a place of learning and I will respect this place of learning because it will allow me to be successful in my future as a high school student and eventually a college student.
Practice! • We are going to practice this procedure! • If you do it right the first time, we will be done. • If you do not do it right the first time we will continue practicing until it is done correctly.
Interactive Notebook • http://prezi.com/lfduuej83ji6/interactive-student-notebook-intro-set-up-englishlanguage-arts/
Student Materials • Mead 5 Star Notebook • Erasable pens or pencils (every day) • Colored pencils • Glue sticks (2 per month) • Scissors • Highlighters
Maintaining the Interactive Notebook • No ripped out pages or torn corners • No doodling that doesn’t relate to notes • Notebook should only be used in Language Arts. (No other classes!!) • Date and number each page
Step 1: Label the first 10 pages with numbers and L & R. • 3 R • 1 L • 2 L • 1 R
Next Steps • Label Page 1 “Scoring Rubric” • Label Page 2 “Thinking Maps” • Label page 3 “Depth of Knowledge Levels” • Label page 4-5 “High Levels of Questions” • Label Pages 6-7 “Text Structure Reference Sheet • Label Page 8 ”Left Assignment choices” • Label Page 9 “Close Reading” • Label Page 10 “Table of Contents”
Last Steps: • Go back to page 1 and begin pasting the pages in your Interactive Notebook. • Paste the Scoring Rubric on Page 1 • Paste the Thinking Map Choices on Page 2 • Paste the Depth of Knowledge Levels on Page 3 • Past the High Levels of Questions on Pages 4-5 • Paste the Text Structure Reference Sheet on Pages 6-7 • Paste the Left Page Assignment Choices on Page 8 • Paste the Left Page Close Reading on Page 9 • Paste your rules/procedures notes on Page 10
When we leave the classroom • When I leave this classroom I will make sure to check for my belongings and any trash that I may have left behind. I will pick up anything I see, even if it is not mine. • I will only pack up to leave once Ms. Galindo has given me permission to do so. • Packing up early is rude and will cause me to miss important information or notes and will result in a detention.
WARM UP – (5 min) In 1 paragraph summarize how to enter and exit the classroom. (do this in your interactive notbook!) • YOU ARE SILENT during • the entire warm up. • Save your questions, • comments, or other • needs until later in class.
Objective (2 min) • I will be able tounderstand the use of technology in the classroom and will begin setting up this technology. • I will show I understand by watching a video clip, signing into these programs, and completing a group assignment. Why? This will help us work efficiently and effectively in class without having a ton of paper documents flying around!
Google Docs Collaboration: working together on a task • WHAT ARE GOOGLE DOCS? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRqUE6IHTEA • Let’s sign into Google Docs! • https://docs.google.com/ • HOW TO SET UP GOOGLE DOCS: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-wyTPOmfB0
Let’s Practice! • After logging in, create a google doc titled • YourLastName.Period.Assignment1 • In the text of your doc please write a 2 sentence summary of how to create a google doc • Create a Collection called “ELA8-GALINDO” • Drag your document into this folder • Share this document with me: • KGalindo@rusdlearns.net • You may ask a partner for help if you need to during this time.
Haiku • GO TO: https://www.rusdlearns.net/kgalindo/ela8/cms_page/view I will go over… • Quarter 1 • Assignments and Homework • How to see your Grades • Class rules and procedures
Haiku Scavenger Hunt! • With your partner (WHILE FOLLOWING CHAMPS YELLOW) complete the Haiku Scavenger Hunt • Team points will be given to those teams who are following champs, collaborating with their partners, and on-task the entire time. • During Pair Work I should…