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Submission to Defense: Tips from someone who has been there …

Submission to Defense: Tips from someone who has been there …. Ella Thoen, PhD Defense: April 5th, 2019 (47 days ago ) Department of Biosciences , MN, UiO ( Now working as the Advisor to PhD Candidates at IBV). Submission.

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Submission to Defense: Tips from someone who has been there …

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  1. Submission to Defense:Tips from someonewho has beenthere… Ella Thoen, PhD Defense: April 5th, 2019 (47 daysago) Department ofBiosciences, MN, UiO (Nowworking as the Advisor to PhDCandidates at IBV)

  2. Submission • Talk to yourdepartmentalPhDadvisor a fewweeksbeforeyou plan to submit • Decideon a reasonabletimelinethatfitswithhowthey do things in yourdepartment • Theymightalso have department-specificproceduresthatcould make yourlifeeasier • Afteryousubmit, be ready for an anti-climax, and findways to counteract it

  3. Timeline • Giveyourselfplenty of time – thiswillhelp to minimize stress! • Submitting 3.5 monthsbeforeyourdefense date is the minimum, not necessarilywhat is best for you • Your timelineshould be what is best for you! • Takeintoaccountvacations, othertasks, lifeevents

  4. Timeline Submission Defense!

  5. Timeline Submission Vacation

  6. Timeline Revisions back MS1 Submission Help master student in the lab Vacation Help another master student in the lab Revisions due MS1 My birthday

  7. Timeline Revisions back MS1 Submission Help master student in the lab Vacation Help another master student in the lab Revisions due MS1 SubmittingMS2 Boyfriends birthday Revisions due MS1 My birthday

  8. Timeline Started new job in the administration

  9. Timeline Started new job in the administration Vintersopptreffet 2019 New deadline MS1 Seminar Revisions MS2 Deadline for summary Evaluation back from the committee

  10. Timeline Submission Defense!

  11. Timeline

  12. Timeline DEADLINE NRF Got the flue…

  13. Presentation ofyourownwork • Start early – at least 2 monthsbeforeyourdefense • Youwant to be 100% done by the time yougetyour trial lecture topic • Poach from yourownpreviouspresentationsofyourwork to getstarted

  14. Dinner & Party! • Start planning as soon as yousubmit • Use party planning as a wayofbeingconstructive • Delegate! • Ask friends/family to helpwithfood, decorations, setting up, cleaning up, etc. Photo: Ane K. Solland

  15. Useyour partner/family/friends This is a greatopportunity to involvethoseyouareclosestwith in the projectthatyou have beenworkingon for years • Throwideas back and forthwhenyou’restuck • Get a second opinion onyourfigures/colors/thesis layout • Practiceyourpresentations for the nth time • Gethelpwiththingsyoudon’t have time to do yourself • A shoulder to cryonwhenneeded, and someone to share the happinesswithwhenthingsworkoutperfectly! Photo: Ella Thoen

  16. Trial Lecture • Remember, youcan do this! • Gethelp from peopleyou trust • Target audience is highlevel BA/lowlevel MA students • Start slow – make an outline, thenfill it in • Aim to have a full draft in oneweek • If youdon’tmanage to be done in time to do a trial run... Don’tpanic! Just make sure you have 45 minutesofcontentthat is scientificallyaccurate, and youwill be fine

  17. Stress Management • Giveyourself time to relax in betweentasks • Go to a concert or movie • Takeevenings and weekends off • Go for a hike • Go shopping • Play a video game • Rememberthat it will be over soon! Photo: Ella Thoen

  18. The defense • Sleep as much as possible the weekbefore • Wear comfyclothesthat make youfeelconfident • Eat as muchlunch as youcanbetweenyour trial lecture & yourdefense • This day is a marathon – remembersnacks/sugary drinks Photo: Ane K. Solland

  19. Remember: • YOU are the expertonyourthesis • Everyone is rooting for you!! • It will be betterthanyouareanticipating, and youwillremember it as a goodday • this is also an opportunity to growyournetwork Photo: Ane K. Solland

  20. When the party is over... • Be prepared for for possibilityof an evenbiggeranticlimaxthanwhenyousubmitted • A post-PhD-slump is normal • Youare at the end of a 3-4+ year (all-consuming) task • It’s OK to mourn the end ofyour time as a PhDcandidate Photo: Ella Thoen

  21. Strategies to climboutof the slump: • Post-defensevacation • Recognizethatit’sharder to avoid a slump ifyoudon’thave a job lined up • Talk to othernewlyfinishedPhDs • Go back to yourhobbies Photo: Ella Thoen

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