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Condemn. Verb – to express strong disapproval of - to give a judgment against; to sentence - to declare unfit for use, often by official order. Noun - condemnation. Culpable. Adj. – deserving of blame or punishment for being worn, evil, or harmful. Noun - culpability.

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  1. Condemn Verb – to express strong disapproval of - to give a judgment against; to sentence - to declare unfit for use, often by official order Noun - condemnation

  2. Culpable Adj. – deserving of blame or punishment for being worn, evil, or harmful Noun - culpability *Etymology : culpare “to blame”

  3. Exonerate Verb – to free from blame - to free from a responsibility, an obligation, or a task Noun - exoneration *Etymology : ex- “out of”

  4. Extort Verb – to obtain by force or threat Noun - extortion

  5. Incorrigible Adj. – incapable of being corrected or reformed - difficult or impossible to control Noun - incorrigibility

  6. Malfeasance Noun – wrongdoing or misconduct, especially by a public official

  7. Misdemeanor Noun – a minor offense; a misdeed

  8. Purloin Verb – to steal, often in a violation of trust; to commit theft

  9. Ruffian Noun – a gangster or thug - a tough or rowdy person; a troublemaker

  10. Unscrupulous Adj. – lacking moral restraint; scornful of what is right or honorable Noun - scruple

  11. August Adj. – majestic; inspiring awe or admiration

  12. Condescend Verb – To lower oneself to the level of one considered inferior - to treat others as though they are inferior; to patronize Noun - condescension

  13. Deference Noun – respectful yielding to the opinion or wishes of another; courteous respect Verb - defer

  14. Grovel Verb – to behave so humbly that it is demeaning - to lie or creep face downward, as in humility *Etymology : grufe “face downward”

  15. Lackey Noun – one who does lowly jobs for another; one who follows all orders without questioning them

  16. Predominate Verb – to be greatest in number or importance - to have or gain the greatest power or influence; prevail Adj. - predominant *Etymology : pre- “before”

  17. Slavish Adj. – acting completely under the will of another; like a slave; servile - showing no originality; blindly imitating Noun - slavishness

  18. Subjugation Noun – the act of conquering or bringing under control; enslavement Verb - subjugate *Etymology: sub- “under”

  19. Supercilious Adj. – proudly scornful; disdainful Noun - superciliousness

  20. Sycophant Noun – a person attempting to win favor by flattering important people Adj. - sycophantic

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