INTRODUCTION Saakshar Bharat, a centrally sponsored scheme was launched on the International Literacy Day, 8th September, 2009 to create a literate society through a variety of teaching learning programmes for non-literate and neo-literate of 15 years and above.
goals of saaksharbharat • To raise literacy rate to 80%. • To reduce gender gap to 10%. • To minimise regional and social disparities with focus on women, SC, ST, Minorities, other disadvantaged groups.
Objectives • Impart functional literacy and numeracy to non-literate and non-numerate adults. • Enable the neo-literate adults to continue their learning beyond basic literacy and acquire equivalency to formal educational system. • Impart non and neo-literates relevant skill development programmes to improve their earning and living conditions. • Promote a learning society by providing opportunities to neo-literate adults for continuing education.
Targets The principle target of this mission is to impart functional literacy to 70 million adults in the age group of 15 years and beyond. Auxiliary target is to cover 1.5 million adults under basic education programme and equal number under vocational programme. Within these target, the mission will primarily focused on women, SC, ST, Other disadvantaged groups and adolescents in rural area in low literacy states will be other focused groups. There will be a specific target and for each target, an explicit approach and stategy.
Important components • Functional literacy: Functional literacy is to make people self-sufficient in reading, writing and numericals. This is a 300-hour academic programme. THIS programme willbe for three months or more. • Basic Education Programme: Illiterate people can continue their studies even after basic edication and they will be able to get basic education equal to 10 years of formal education. • Skill Development Programme: adults will be taught vocational skill so that they can improve their standards and status. • Continuing Education Programme: The purpose of this programme is to create an environment of continuous study in the villages so that people can be encouraged to read
Criteria for Saakshar Bharat A district is considered eligible for Saakshar Bharat programme if in this districts female literacy rate is 50% 0r below. All the left wing extremism-affected districts, irrespective 0f their literacy rate were also eligible for coverag under this programme. There were 365 districts where female literacy rate is 50% or below. Home ministry had declared 35 districts as left wing extremism affected area.However 30 left wing extremism affected districts also had female literacy of 50% or below. 370 having the female literacy of 50% or below as per 2001 census that qualified for coverage under this programme.
Effect of Saakshar Bharat Mission in Andhra Pradesh An analysis of gender disaggregated data on literacy in this state shows that the male literacy rate increased from 70.32% in 2001 to 74.88% in 2011 showing a 4.56% increase. Similarly, female literacy increased from 50.43% in 2001 to 59.15% in 2011 showing a marked increase of 8.72%. The gender gap also decreased significantly from 19.89% in 2001 to 15.73 in 2011, marking a decrease of 4.16%.
Effect of Saakshar Bharat in Andhra Pradesh The enrollment rate has seen a progressive increase from 2010-2011 through 2012-2013 and achievement rate is also high and keep increasing in tandem with the increase in enrollment.
Saakshar Bharat Mission in Himachal Pradesh Saakshar Bharat Mission 2012 started in Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh in the month of august 2010. Himachal Pradesh is among the leading states in the country in terms of literacy with 83.78% literacy rate (male 90.83% and female 76.60%) as per 2011 census and therefore, all the districts except Chamba have a higher literacy percentage.
Present status of Saakshar Bharat in Himachal Pradesh In Himachal Pradesh the Chamba district is the one which is covered under this mission Chamba this scheme started from august 2010. After conducting survey it was found that 135824 persons are illiterate. The 2011 census shows that total literacy rate of Chamba has increased by 11.10%. There is an increase in literacy rate from 2001 to 2011. the literacy rate in Himachal Pradesh was 77.13% in 2001 and 83.78% in 2011. So there is an increase of 7.30% in literacy rate of Himachal Pradesh from 2001 to 2011. The gender gap in Himachal Pradesh has decreased by 3.71%. Chamba shows an increase in literacy rate of 10.28% from 2001 to 2011. Gender gap in Chamba has also reduced by 5.51%. As far as female literacy rate in Chamba is concerned there is an increase of 13.29%.