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Introduction to Environmental Issues

Introduction to Environmental Issues. Some definitions…. biome - a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which have adapted to life in that habitat. ecosystem - where plants and animals are linked to their environment through a series of feedback loops.

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Introduction to Environmental Issues

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  1. Introduction to Environmental Issues

  2. Some definitions… • biome - a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which have adapted to life in that habitat

  3. ecosystem - where plants and animals are linked to their environment through a series of feedback loops

  4. carrying capacity - the largest number of a population that the environment of a particular area can support

  5. stress - when pressure is placed on a particular system. It can lead to losses or disruption of that system

  6. DDT • Rachel Carlson • Book: Silent Spring (1962)

  7. They paved paradise and put up a parking lotWith a pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spotDon't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you've got ‘til it's goneThey paved paradise and put up a parking lotThey took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museumAnd they charged all the people a dollar and a half just to see 'emDon't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you've got till it's goneThey paved paradise and put up a parking lotHey farmer, farmer, put away that DDT nowGive me spots on my apples but leave me the birds and the bees (please!)Don't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you've got ‘til it's goneThey paved paradise and put up a parking lotLate last night the screen door slamAnd a big yellow taxi took away my old man awayDon't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you've got ‘til it's goneThey paved paradise and put up a parking lotDon't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you've got ‘til it's goneThey paved paradise and put up a parking lot

  8. Minamata Disease  Mercury

  9. Three Mile Island Nuclear Power, Pennsylvania

  10. Niagara’s Love Canal • 1953: Hooker Chemical Company  sold land to the city for $1

  11. Song of the Humpback Whale

  12. 1970s - Environment Movement • Environmental Awareness increase • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Environmental Assessments

  13. Do you think that we are any more effective at finding and recognizing environmental hazards today?

  14. Gaia Hypothesis • James Lovelock  Ancient Greek goddess of the earth • The earth is a self-regulating organism (like a giant cell) that can adjust to big and small changes made on earth to maintain its habitability • All physical and living components of the earth are connected and work together to maintain the environment. • Like humans, if its biological systems are pushed too far, it will not be able to maintain balance and lead to destruction

  15. Biodiversity • Biodiversity is the variety within the living world. The term 'biodiversity' is indeed commonly used to describe the number, variety and variability of living organisms. • Genetic, cellular, organismal, species, ecosystem, communities, global diversities • 'Life on Earth'

  16. Discussion • Do you think it is important to preserve biodiversity? Why?

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