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Laurentiu Stan JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Successful strategies, public health impact, lessons learned and remaining challenges. The Together for Health ( TfH ) Project Background. Together for Health (TfH). Six-year project (Oct. 2005 – Nov. 2011) – $12.3 million
Laurentiu Stan JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. Successful strategies, public health impact, lessons learned and remaining challenges
Together for Health (TfH) • Six-year project (Oct. 2005 – Nov. 2011) – $12.3 million • Implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute Inc. in collaboration with: • The Academy for Educational Development • Harvard School of Public Health • Goal: Abortions , unintended pregnancies • Sexually transmitted infections • …by improved provision & access to quality FP/RH services, in public and private sectors
FP/RH Service Provision in Ukraine at baseline • Numerous health professionals (> 12,200 ObGyn’s) and health facilities • FP/RH service provision: mainly by Ob-Gyn’s through a vertical network of FP centers and WCC • GOU concerned of needs for health reforms: • Emerging primary health care • Decentralization towards regional level and below • Over-reliance on traditional methods & abortions • Providers & population perpetuated misconceptions about contraception, especially hormonals • Low access to modern contraceptives (no donations, reduced GOU procurements) & geographic inequalities
Suboptimal access to information on FP/RH in the health sector for its clients Source: UDHS, 2007
TfH Objectives & Intended Results • Increase health providers’ knowledge & skills (clinical and counseling) training • Improve clients’ knowledge and attitudes regarding FP/RH services & supplies IEC/BCC interventions • Improve availability, accessibility & affordability of contraceptives commodities • Strengthen capacity of public & private sectors to support policies & systems for improved RH policy
TfH Coverage by 2011(15 out of 27 regions - 65% of Ukrainian population)
TfH Implementation Strategies (1) - Working under the Umbrella of…. ….State Program Reproductive Health of the Nation (SPRHN) To support its FP/RH objectives and activities, at the national and oblast levels.
Change Behavior of Population/ Clients Contraceptive Availability in Pharmacies and Public Sector Capacity Building of Health Providers TfH Implementation Strategies (2) - Comprehensive approach, branding of the FP program/interventions “Have you asked the doctor about FP methods?” “Ask the doctor about FP methods”
Building capacity for quality service provision in Primary Health Care • over 9,000 health professionals trained since 2006 • ~ 2/3 were PHC providers (FDs and non-Ob-Gyns’) Source: TfH, 2011
Improved availability of FP services and supplies at the community level Increased availability of free contraceptives at health facilities Source: TfH, 2011
Percent reduction of abortion rates in project-assisted regions, 2005-2010 Source: Ukraine MOH, 2005-2010
Average annual reduction of abortion rates in project assisted regions
Contraception, steadily replacing abortion Source: Support for Market Development, 2005 – 2011 Ukraine MOH, 2005 – 2010
Contraception, steadily replacing abortion with positive demographic changes(Ab. decrease; contraceptive increase; birth rates increase) Khmelnytsky - 16% Ab. Rate decline + 7% Birth Rate increase Dnipropetrovsk - 25% Ab. Rate decline + 8% Birth Rate increase Source: Ukraine MOH, 2005-2010
Decline of incidence of child abandonment (ICA) higher in the TfH-assisted regions Source: Ukraine MOH, 2005-2010
Importance of FP/RH in the Gov’t health agenda dictates allocations at national & regional levels Proportion of expenditures vs. alloted (FP Objective)Central budget; TfH vs. non-TfH Regions (Local budgets)Cumulative data 2008-2010 Source: MOH/TfH, 2011 Source: TfH, 2011
Partnership and coordination with various stakeholders • National level institutions - to foster nationwide dissemination and programs’ sustainability • Local level counterparts (governmental & NGOs) - to coordinate efforts and maximize results (e.g. best reach the most vulnerable groups) • Private sector partners - to ensure coordinated messages, dissemination to non-project areas, and for leveraging additional resources • Higher educational institutions - to ensure institutionalization of FP/RH education for doctors and nurses. THREE EXAMPLES SELECTED FURTHER
USAID’s TfH Partnership with national level institutions and authorities Professor Nina Goyda, Pro-Rector • Sustainable policy development: programs, protocols, guidelines (SPRHN approval and implementation) • Nationwide dissemination—reaching additional beneficiaries from ALL regions • Facilitation of communication between providers – regional authorities – national level health authorities • Institutionalization of project-developed approaches: service provision systems, curricula, M&E tools, etc. • Ensure coordination of messages when reaching various types of professionals: university professors, doctors, health managers and administrators
USAID TfH’s Partnership & coordination with Regional level NGOs to reach certain targeted groups/communities Maria Didenko, board member of NGO "Youth center for development", BCC trainer • At local level, NGOs and non-health structures are key partners to reach target population groups • However, NGOs experience with FP/RH and health providers is still in its infancy • NGOs can serve a networking forum with other NGOs active in social areas and on HIV/AIDS prevention • Social services for youth and the Department of education are key partners with experience in reaching certain vulnerable groups/target communities
USAID’s TFH Partnership & coordination with private sector Bayer Health Care Dr. Vladislav GolovinovProduct Manager, Business Unit Women's Healthcare • Development and dissemination of evidence-based information and resources for health professionals • Awareness raising and educational campaigns for youth • Continuous medical education events (CMEs) • Worldwide partnership to assist governments and health ministries to provide access to subsidized contraceptives to vulnerable groups
Create the momentum and build upon it • Substantial experience accumulated during the TfH implementation- basis for further improvements • To achieve change there is a need for a range of actions with continuous investment /TA ~ ”reinvent ourselves” • Providers’ capacity building • Behavior change of population • Policy / SPRHN • Advocacy for adopting new approaches to sustain current public health achievements
Ukraine, still high abortion-related Maternal Mortality • Ukraine DHS,2007 : “…almost half of the women undergoing one abortion reported having had 2-3 during their lifetime” Enhanced focus on behavior change and on standards of abortion procedures Source: Ukraine MOH, 2005 - 2010
Need to deeper focus on rural population • Ukraine DHS, 2007: “…women who live in the capital and large cities have lower first abortion rates than those in smaller cities or towns” (Levchuck, 2009) • Ukraine MOH data from 2009: “… percentage of live births to mothers aged 19 years old and younger is almost double in rural areas (12.8%) than in urban areas (6.7%)” (Tefft, 2011)
Population ability to pay for contraceptives is much lower than in 2005(Source: Support for Market Development and Statistic Committee) Minimum wage could buy: 66 cycles of lowest priced OCs in 2005 44 cycles of lowest priced OCs in 2010
Advocacy for improved funding for FP/RH within governmental programs • Need for a renewed call to action for “revival” of the SPRHN and Regional FP/RH programs • Inclusion of FP/RH interventions within the governmental and donors‘ initiatives: • Presidential Initiative “New Life” • Government efforts to reform the health system • UN/WHO lead “Beyond the numbers” initiative
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