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AISJ Pretoria Campus. Homework Presentation December 4 th , 2013. List Definition. e.g. List all the words you associate with Homework ( in your group combine to make a definition) 2) Now join these words together to make a definition for Homework to share with the rest of the group.
AISJ Pretoria Campus Homework Presentation December 4th, 2013
List Definition e.g. • List all the words you associate with Homework ( in your group combine to make a definition) 2) Now join these words together to make a definition for Homework to share with the rest of the group
Homework • We developed our survey to acquire feedback on our homework approach and organization. • Here are the results. Rachel
AISJ’s Homework Expectations Do you know what they are? Where can you find them?
Homework! Oh, Homework!Jack Prelutsky ( Rachel) Homework! Oh, Homework!I hate you! You stink!I wish I could wash you away in the sink,if only a bombwould explode you to bits.Homework! Oh, homework!You're giving me fits. I'd rather take bathswith a man-eating shark,or wrestle a lionalone in the dark,eat spinach and liver,pet ten porcupines,than tackle the homework,my teacher assigns. Homework! Oh, homework!you're last on my list,I simple can't seewhy you even exist,if you just disappearedit would tickle me pink.Homework! Oh, homework!I hate you! You stink!
This should be next to do you know question http://www.aisj-jhb.com/PretoriaCampus/PS_Handbook.html
Opportunities Created by Homework • Student homework creates opportunities for important interactions among schools, families, students, and other adults who help care for children. Well-designed homework helps students learn; it also offers parents opportunities to see what students are learning, talk with children about their learning, and interact with teachers about ways to support student learning.
How to support our Children with their Homework • What do you do? • A. statement, B. paraphrases, C probing question • Is it effective?
How to support our Children with their Homework • What do you do? • A. statement, B. paraphrases, C probing question • Is it effective?
How to support our Children with their Homework • What did we say? • Children need balance in their lives, allow for this by encouraging other interests to be developed after school • Children need balance so ensure TV viewing and electronic game playing is done in moderation • Children need to enjoy and benefit from family time so eat dinner together every evening ( opportunity to talk about school day, problems what’s going well etc..) • Children need 10-12 hours of sleep each night to be ready to learn, so get them into bed early • Children view parents as role models so do your ‘homework’ too, read in your child’s presence, read to and with your child
How to support our Children with their Homework • Show enthusiastic interest in homework tasks • Never make negative comments about homework in the child’s presence..talk directly with the teacher • Create a special space for children to do their homework; a desk with a lamp and a comfortable chair • Make sure your child is relaxed before they begin the task(s), provide a snack as necessary • Ensure that they have all the resources they need before they get started • Provide a clock and guide them with time keeping • Do not get into ‘battles’ with your child about homework. Communicate difficulties to the teacher so home and school can work together to solve them.
The Possible Negative Effects of Homework • Probably the most obvious negative effect is the stress homework can produce in both student and parent. Homework can be a major battleground between parent and child, and in such cases, it's hard to argue that it's worth it. There are other potential problems with homework: • homework demands can limit the time available to spend on other beneficial activities, such as sport and community involvement • too much homework can lead to students losing interest in the subject, or even in learning (more for teachers to understand, parents have no control over how much homework they get) • parents can confuse students by using teaching methods different from those of their teachers
You can read the TIMSS report at:http://timss.bc.edu/timss1999b/sciencebench_report/t99bscience_chap_4_2.html • http://timss.bc.edu/timss1999b/mathbench_report/t99bmath_chap_6_6.html • You can read an article on the motivational benefits of homework at: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0NQM/is_3_43/ai_n6361599 • And there are more articles about homework, with more details of Cooper's review at: http://education.umn.edu/CAREI/Reports/Rpractice/Summer94/homework.htm • http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1998/03/980304073520.htm • http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-921/homework.htm • http://www.districtadministration.com/page.cfm?p=656 • And a British review of homework research is available at:http://www.nfer.ac.uk/nfer/publications/HWK01/HWK01_home.cfm?publicationID=501&title=Homework:%20a%20review%20of%20recent%20research
Noun Play _________ is like (a) ________ because…. First blank is for the topic, concept etc. Second blank is for the random noun. e.g. Back To Starters