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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter “Ohio Chapter of the Year!”. CACDST Goals: Impactful social action programming that mobilizes the chapter Contributing $30,000 over the next 5 years to our chapter scholarships and programs
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter“Ohio Chapter of the Year!” • CACDST Goals: • Impactful social action programming that mobilizes the chapter • Contributing $30,000 over the next 5 years to our chapter scholarships and programs • Reclaiming at least 50 sorors over the next 5 years • Enhancing our internal policies and procedures for better chapter effectiveness • Increasing chapter visibility within the community and the sorority. General Body Meeting March 21, 2009 • Regional Goals: • 200 delegates at DDNC • 100% Chapter Compliance • 7000 Members by June 30, 2009 • 200 DIDs (Delta Internal Development workshops) • 8 State Meetings (e.g., Delta Days, Statewide Founders Day, Training Clusters, etc.) • Launch a State Program Initiative for all 8 states • Submit 4 articles from the Midwest for the Delta Journal • 100% attendance by chapters at the Regional Conference • Full slate of candidates for 2009 Regional Conference
Meeting Call to Order Adoption of the Agenda House Keeping Reminder Minutes of Previous General Body Meeting – Read Silently Correspondence Officer’s Reports President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Financial Secretary Treasurer Committee Reports Ways & Means /Golf Outing Delta Academy Delta GEMS Social Action Cotillion Membership Intake Unfinished Business New Business Announcements Ritualistic Closing Ohio Chapter of the Year!”General Body MeetingMarch 21, 2009ORDER OF BUSINESS Note:Italic and shadowed items are reports containing recommendations and will require action
General Body Meeting MinutesFebruary 2009 The February 2009 meeting was called to order at 10:12 am, College Hill Presbyterian Church. A quorum was present with 31 financial members 3 non-financial/ visiting sorors. Sor. Danelle Carter moved to adopt the agenda. The motion was seconded. Motion passes. The January General Body Meeting minutes were read silently. Sor. Danelle Carter Moved to accept the minutes. Seconded. Motion Carries. Correspondence Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her report. Invitation by the Girl Scouts to attend their Women of Distinction Awards Banquet-Sor. Veronica Chapman will be honored. Invitation to see the Spelman choir at Mt. Zion in Woodlawn. 1 request to be discussed under new business. President Sor. Veronica Chapman gave her report. Local, State, Regional and National updates. Violets to sorors and committees on outstanding programs. Looking for volunteers for the MW regional leadership team meeting here in Cincinnati at the Double Tree in Blue Ash. 1st Vice President Sor. Tina Welch gave the report. Updates on Chapter programs and upcoming events. Soliciting soror participation in the different committees. Delta Academy collecting used cell phones for March of Dimes. Program Proposals for 09-10 due by March 17th. 2nd Vice President Sor. Danelle Carter gave her report. Reminder about Statewide Founders Day. Update on other regional Founders Day events. Reminder to Sorors about the 3 rites of Passage for every Delta, encouraging sorors to come out to Omega Omega services. Recognition of Sor. Betty Davis on the work she does for Delta Dears, acknowledgement of visiting sorors and Feb birthdays.
General Body Meeting Minutes February 2009 ….continued • 3rd Vice President • Sor. Vickie Fairley gave her report. Informational. Golf outing asking for each soror to get 2 hole sponsors, bring in donations for the goodie bags and get golfers for the event. Asking that templates for officer and committee positions are turned in by Feb 28th. • Financial Secretary • Sor. Ligaya West gave her report. Up to 127 financial members. 14 for 09-10 • Treasurer • Sor. Gayle DeBrossard gave her report. Discussion on external audit. • Committees • Scholarship: Sor. Reynell Frazier gave the report. 45 applications received. Presentation of winners to take place at Golf outing and HS for senior awards day. • Membership Intake: Sor. Gail McCullom gave her report. RD approved 19 applicants. Pyramid Induction 3/14 10am. Sorors asked to arrive no later than 9:30am. Save the date for Odyssey 3/28-3/29. • Ebony Fashion Fair:Sor. Charlotte McKenzie gave her final report. Recognition of Top 3 ticket sellers Sor. Rhonda Twitty (1st), Margaret Horton (2nd), Marie White (3rd). Motion to accept the final report by Sor. Marie White. Seconded. Motion Carries. • Social Action: Sor. Deitria Walker gave her report. Delta Days at Nations Capital coming up next weekend. DD at City Hall is in planning stages, will be 4/28-4/29. Encouragement for sorors to attend the Mayors State of the City address on 2/25. • Physical & Mental Health: Sor. Evelyn Ellington gave her report. Focus on Stroke awareness and prevention. • Unfinished BusinessNone
General Body Meeting Minutes February 2009 ….continued • New Business • Request from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. will host their 78th Great Lakes Regional Conference .They are asking for support of their souvenir journal. Motion todonate $50 for a business card ad by Sor. Marie White. Seconded. Motion fails. • Chapters being asked to pay $500 for the MW regional retreat. Motion to shift monies from unused accounts by Sor. Nancy Moody. Seconded. Motion Carries • Announcements • None • Motion to adjourn by Sor. Tina Welch. Seconded. Motion Carries. • Meeting adjourned at 12:20 pm followed by the Ritualistic Closing. • Stacey Fulgham Veronica Chapman • Recording SecretaryPresident
Correspondence ReportMarch 21, 2009 Happy Sisterhood Month, Sorors. Please review the guidelines listed below that will help in our correspondence process. • All committee meetings, updates, announcements, etc. that you would like included in the upcoming CAC Weekly Update should be submitted each week, no later than Sunday, 5:00pm to dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. You must write your own submission in its’ entirety. This will insure inclusion of any early week meetings, as the Update will be emailed during the early part of each week. If you have an exception/emergency, feel free to call 513-258-3799. • Please submit your info in the format as you would like for it to appear in the update. Your info should be inclusive but brief, in STANDARD TYPE AND FONT. Include pertinent info such as date, time, location, contact person, email, phone number, etc. Only minor editing will be done. • Keep in mind that NOT EVERY FLYER/ATTACHMENT CAN BE INCLUDED. Therefore, submit your info as bullet points that can be included in the body of the update or send an attachment that is small in capacity. • Please UPDATE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS, EMAIL, PHONE NUMBERS, ETC. with our Sergeant at Arms as you sign in for the Chapter Meeting. Also, if you have information that is currently not on file for another Soror, please provide it to us. We need correct information so that we can keep you in the communication loop of CAC. • Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Remember, ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD ONLY BE SENT TO THE CHAPTER EMAIL ADDRESS: dst_cincinnati_alumnae@yahoo.com. Thank you Sorors! Correspondence: • Happy Sisterhood email from Soror Octavia Matthews, Director, Midwest Region. • Candidacy support email from Soror Anitra Durand-Allen (Louisville Alumnae) who is seeking the office of Member of the Regional Nominating Committee.
Correspondence Report continued….. Request/Ads/Donations: • Midwest Regional Conference Souvenir Book, July 2009, Charleston, WV. They are asking for support of their souvenir journal. Ad prices range from $50 (business card); $150/quarter page with photo, $125 w/o photo; $250/half page with photo, $225 w/o photo; $350/full page with photo, $325 w/o photo. Full page is 7.75 x 10. No additional cost for color. Deadline to submit is April 13, 2009. • MS Motivational Institute, Inc. is seeking a financial contribution to help in their assistance of MS patients and their families. Submitted in the spirit of Delta, Charlotte McKenzie Corresponding Secretary
Presidents ReportMarch 21, 2009 • Sorors, Happy Sisterhood Month! Please take this opportunity to fellowship, bond and get to know you sorors better. • Local Updates • Violets to Sorors who came out to participate in the Omega Omega Service for Soror Dorothy Dickerson. Special violets to Soror Cammie Montgomery for presiding over the ceremony. • Violets to Soror Gail McCullom and the Minerva Circle for a beautiful Pyramid Induction ceremony. • This is your last opportunity to sign up to volunteer for the Midwest Regional Leadership Team Meeting, April 3-5. See me or Soror Monetta Pennington to sign up. State Updates • Attended Statewide Founders Day in Dayton, 11 Sorors from the chapter attended, approx. 150 sorors attended across the state. Midwest Update • Advisors Certification Training is being held April 18, 2009 in Southfield, Michigan. You must receive approval to attend this training. Contact Soror Tina Welch for more information. National Update • The Call to Conference has been posted on the Midwest Region Website in the Members only section. The User ID is DeltaGirls and the password is 22Founders. Register on the National Website. • Attended Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital. Soror Deatria Walker will share her report. • Yours in Delta,Veronica L. Chapman
First Vice President Report The program committees continue to move our programs forward below are some of the program highlights from the past month: Delta Academy and Delta GEMS, Fall Retreat: Mind, Body & Soul - Healthy Choices, Healthy Attitudes on February 28th Cotillion “Sister to you Retreat”, 18 Debutants and mentors participated on February 21st and 22nd Social Action, Delta Days at the Nations Capital, “Celebrating The Life and Legacy of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones and the Election of Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, February 28th through April 3rd We have some great things planned for the remainder of the sorority year. Below is some key information regarding each program and upcoming activities: Dr.Betty Shabazz Delta Academy - Young ladies grades 5th through 8th, focus on math/science, meets 1st Saturday of each month. Next meeting April 11th, Lights! Camera! Action! Part-2 at Cincinnati State Technical College, 12pm – 3pm. The Academy is also collecting used cell phones as contribution towards the annual March of Dimes Walk for Babies on Sunday, April 26th. Please bring your used cell phones to our next sorority meeting in March and April. Delta Academy II: Delta G.E.M.S.(Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) – Young ladies grades 9th through 12th, focus on self esteem and leadership, meets 1st Tuesday of each month at Xavier University Gallagher Student Center (Room 214), 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Next meeting April 7th, Yes, No, Maybe? Choices and Healthy Relationships. Next event April 25th & 26th, Overnight College Retreat, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. The retreat focus: campus tour, financial aid and admissions Q&A, minority student panel, community service, and sisterly bonding. Scholarship Committee - Screening and reviewing applications for the 2008/2009 scholarship awards. Interviews to be scheduled for next month.
First Vice President Report Debutante Cotillion - Young ladies that are High school Juniors and Seniors, focus on developing and enhancing the debutante’s personal, educational, cultural, spiritual, and social lives. Rehearsals are held at Xavier University Armory on Sundays, starting at 3PM. Cotillion presentation, Saturday, April 11th, 6PM, Duke Energy Center. Tickets now available at a cost of $50. Social Action committee - Collaboration with community partners to enhance the political and social awareness of the Cincinnati community residents. Currently planning Delta Days at City Hall, on April 28th and 29th. More details will be given in the Social Action report. Physical and Mental HealthCommittee – will be focused on Stroke and Stroke prevention in addition to Breast Cancer Awareness, and Heart Disease. We are looking forward to a Stroke Awareness presentation during our April sorority meeting. Financial Fortitude Committee – will focus on home ownership and preventative maintenance. Sorors its that time of the year to submit your program proposals. The was sent out electronically as a separate attachment last month. The program proposals are due today, March 17th , please take a moment to submit your ideas for the 2008/2009 Sorority year. The chapter calendar is posted on our website, www.cacdst.org. We are excited about our programs and we invite you to participate. Yours in Delta Tina A. Welch First Vice President
Second Vice Presidents Report • The Ohio Statewide Founder’s Day celebration was great! There were 11 Sorors to attend from our chapter. The weekend celebration provided an opportunity to reflect on our commitment to Delta during the rededication ceremony, time to fellowship and meet new Sorors and rekindle old relationships, opportunity to shop and workshops that helped us to learn more about the operational functions of our Sorority. • Thanks to those Sorors who attended and represented our chapter! There are still a couple of Founder’s Day celebrations remaining in the Midwest. Please see below. • Other Midwest Founder’s Day celebrations: • March 21, 2009- Battle Creek Alumnae Chapter in Battlecreek, MI; Keynote speaker: Soror Paulette Walker, 1st National Vice President. • March 21, 2009- Eastern Panhandle Alumnae Chapter in Martinsburg, WV; Keynote speaker: Soror Gwendolyn Boyd, 22nd National President. • March 21, 2009- Collegiate Chapters in Wisconsin; Keynote Speaker, Soror Cynthia Butler-McIntyre, 24th National President • March 28, 2009- Bowling Green Alumnae Chapter in Bowling Green, KY; Keynote speaker Soror Pamela E. Smith, Immediate Past National Secretary • Violets to Soror Michelle Toney for being honored in Who’s Who in Black Cincinnati. Soror Toney was promoted a couple of years ago to Dean of Academic Affairs at Brown-Mackie College. She was recognized for accomplishments in education. Also, Soror Crystal Kendrick was inducted as well. Crystal started her own business The Voice of Your Customer which has developed into a successful marketing consulting firm. Way to go Soror’s!!!! • I spoke, you listened and then YOU ACTED!!!! Thank you Sorors for hearing my plea about attendance at Omega Omega services. Unfortunately, shortly after our meeting last month we were informed of another death. However……the turnout for this Omega Omega service, held during the day, was phenomenal! Please continue to make every effort to show our Sorors how much they were loved!
Second Vice President’s Report Continued Happy Sisterhood Month!!!! Soror’s please join the chapter in celebration of sisterhood month! Our Soror Integration chair has planned a variety of activities to give Sorors an opportunity to fellowship. Please see the schedule of events below and plan to attend! See you there! Wednesday, March 11, 2009 (6pm to 8pm) – “Let’s Get Creative!” Join us at Paint and Play (7556 Voice of America Dr.) where you can create your own ceramic masterpieces! Prices for material range from $9-25 plus a studio fee of ½ the price of your selected art piece. Please see www.paintnplay.biz for more information. Friday, March 13, 2009 (5pm-7pm) – “5 After 5” Join us at Whole Foods (2693 Edmondson Rd) for a wine taste! For only $5.00 per person you can sample five amazing wines and hors d'oeuvres. Please see www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/cincinnati for more information. Sunday, March 15, 2009 (3pm – 5pm) -“What’s It Really All About?” Join us at the Cincinnati Museum Center (1301 Western Avenue) as we tour the “Race: Are We So Different” exhibit; designed to explores how race differs from human biological make up, when and why the idea of race was invented, and how race and racism affects everyday life. Admission: Adult $8.00/ seniors $7.00 / children $6.00 (plus parking). Please see www.cincymuseum.org for more information. Saturday, March 21, 2009 (immediately following chapter meeting)–“Let’s Break Bread Together” Joinus for lunch after chapter meeting at Kabuto Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar (9455 Colerain Ave). Lunch entrees range from $7.95 – 14.95. Sunday, March 22, 2009 (10:45am) – “Everybody Say Amen” Put on your best Crimson and Cream and join us as we Praise the Lord at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Woodlawn (10180 Woodlawn Blvd.) Please see www.mtzionwoodlawn.com for more information. Tuesday, March 24, 2009 (6:15pm-7:15pm) – “Work It Out!” Join us the Contemporary Dance Theater (1805 Larch Ave) for the Hip Hop Freestyle Dance Aerobics and Toning class. It uses a base of Hip Hop and other fun, exciting classes including Salsa, African, House, and Funk to give you an aerobic and toning workout that targets specific muscle groups. Admission is $10.00 per person (pre-registration is recommended so please contact me by 3/23/09 if you plan to attend) Admission: $10.00 per person. Please see www.cdt-dance.org for more information. Sunday, March 29, 2009 (10:45am) – “Everybody Say Amen” Put on your best Crimson and Cream and join us as we Praise the Lord at the Lincoln Heights Missionary Baptist Church (9991 Wayne Ave) Please see www.lhmbc.org for more information.
Second Vice President’s Report Continued • Reclamation……Who’s responsibility is it? • Have you invited an inactive Soror to attend a chapter meeting? Please make a commitment to bring at least one inactive Soror to a chapter meeting during the sorority year. Yours in Delta, Danelle Danelle A. Carter 2nd Vice President
Third Vice President’s Report – March 2009 Greetings Sorors as we celebrate Women’s History Month! • Ways & Means Committee ~ Soror Lisa Rowell 4th Annual Golf Outing – Saturday, May 16th at Walden Pond. Committee meeting conducted this month. Reminder: Two hole sponsors and goodie bags items are requested from each soror. See weekly update for an electronic copy of the golf brochure/related info. • Parliamentarian ~ Soror Esther Cash Mills Working to finalize draft document for chapter procedures booklet. It is not too late to submit your template. • Chaplain ~ Soror Wanda Owens It gives me a deep, comforting sense that “things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal.” Helen Keller • Publicity ~Katelyn Jackson Developing chapter marketing plan and media outreach reference notebook. Contact Katelyn at kjackson@cokecce.com or 513-616-0204 for assistance with upcoming events. • Journalist ~ Sorors Lynadius Joseph & Camile Woods Submit articles by March 31st for next edition of the newsletter to informcac@gmail.com or regular mail to P.O. Box 19955, Cincinnati, OH 45219.
Third Vice President’s Report cont’d • Historian ~ Soror Ebonie Byndon Organizing chapter pictures, articles and items of historical interest. Contact Ebonie at 513-283-3066 or ebyndon2003@yahoo.com for more info. • Web Mistress ~Soror LaCosta Moore Exploring purchase of software to maintain our chapter website! Click www.cacdst.org for the latest chapter happenings. Look for updates soon and contact Soror Moore at lacosta.moore@gmail.com • Dial-a-Delta ~ Sorors Melba Morgan & Pearline Singletary Reminder: Remember to update your contact info! • Custodian ~ Soror Sandra Wiggins) Kudos for support to Pyramid Induction Ceremony and related membership intake activities. • Housing Management ~ Soror Glenda Leonard-Wilkinson Collecting attendance data for housing feasibility study. Welcome Soror Delores Elliott to the committee. YID Soror Vickie D. Fairley Third Vice President
Financial Roster A Adams-Davis, Sherri Allen, Maurine Archable, Victoria Austin, Terricka B Baker, Erica Barnes, Donnia Barnes, Vanessa Benjamin, Tikica Berry, Sallie Black, Monica Bowen, Tina Boyce-Mathis, Angela Brooks-Higgins, Candice Brown, Elsie Brown, Marena Burton, Kyndal Byndon, Ebonie C Cargile, Lori Carter, Danelle Cash-Mills, Esther Chapman, Sheryl Chapman, Veronica Cole, L’Tanya Coleman, Mary Collins, Ashani Collins, Tamia Cook, Angela Coursey, Yvonne D Dale, Marviette Davis, Betty DeBrossard, Gayle DeRamus, Shawnda Dixon, Sheree E Ellington, Evelyn Elliott, Deloris Everett, Minnie F Fairley, Vickie Fears, Kristal Ferguson-Booker, Sheila Foree, Marthella Frazier, Josephine Frazier, Reynell Fulgham, Stacey Fultz, Betty Fuqua, Jaekeia G Gayle-Rucker, Gracie Glaspie, Geraldine Glover, Frances Goodloe, Celestine Graham, Scharleen Green, Tamara H Handy, Ronnise Hardy, Krystal Heard, Danyelle Henry, Martha Hollinger, April Horton, Margaret Howard, Carla Hudson, Lucia Hull, Kimberly J Johnson, Ruth Jones, Nikita Joseph, Lynadius K Kearney, Rose Kendrick, Crystal L Leonard-Wilkinson, Glenda Lewis-Thornton, Jennifer Love, Melinda M Mackey-Moore, LaCosta Madry, Trina Marshall, Mikaela Matthews, Keianna McCray, Adrienne McCray, Jacquelyn McCullom, Gail McDonald-Gordon, Robyn McKenzie, Charlotte Meadows, Cheryl Merrida, Chemere Montgomery, Olivia Moody, Nancy Moore, April Morgan, Melba Morton, Stephanie Murphy, Eunice N Newberry, Lillie O Owens, Vera Owens, Wanda P Paddio, Lillie Pankey, Danielle Pennington, Monetta Potter, LeQuita R Reed, Allene Reed-Jett, Carmen Rogers, Michelle Rogers, Shawana Rowell, Lisa S Sams, Vanessa Shirley, Virginia Faye Singletary, Pearline Stallworth-Lett, Cheryl Stewart-Tyson, Karla Story-Stewart, Michelle Strudwick, Casandra T Taylor, Nikki Thomas, Nikki Tillery, Irma Toliver, Ernestine Toney, Michelle Turner, Jacqueline Twitty, Rhonda V Veals-Pierre, Bennette W Walker, Beulah Walker, Deatria Walters, Lottie Ward, Gloria Watson-El, Jasmin Weber-Lashore, Akiliah Welch, Tina Wesley, Florence West, Ligaya Wheeler, Tisha White, Dorothy White, Marie Wiggins, Sandra Winston, Tiffani Woods, Camille Y Young, Sylvia TOTAL 127
Ways and Means/Golf Outing ReportMarch 21, 2009 The date is May 16, 2009 at Walden Ponds Golf Course with a 1:00 shot gun start. We do need volunteers. Sorors are asked to obtain two Hole sponsors at $100 and to obtain goody bag items for golfers. We will need a total of 80 pieces. These items can be in the form of ink pens, mints or whatever you have. Please keep donations until closer to the event. We have a total of 3 teams that are registered to play and we need more. We also have one Par Level Sponsor. We also have a drink Sponsor which is Pepsico. Violets to Soror Cheryl Lett for securing. Contact Soror Lisa Rowell at (513) 260-3323 or e-mail at lrowell@current.net. Respectfully Submitted: Soror Lisa Rowell, Ways and Means Chair
Delta Academy ReportMarch 2009 The 2008-2009 Delta Academy program year has been very busy with numerous successes and more to come. Enrollment: 41 girls, ages 10-14, grades 5-8 Average attendance: 23 participants; 4.6 Sorors The “Bridge Building” Learning Module launched on Dec. 13. Guest Speaker Soror L’Tanya Cole, director of Global Process Development and Engineering for P&G’s Feminine Care products division, engaged participants in a thought-provoking presentation on how to find their path to success, as well as sharing her experiences as a civil engineer and the first Black female to graduate with a master’s in engineering from Princeton University. Participants were also introduced to the principles of sound bridge design through videos, diagrams, a software demo, and a peer education activity. Also, on Dec. 13, Delta Academy began its Water Challenge community service project to support the efforts of the Water Project, Inc. and Water for Children Africa to build the infrastructure, like water pumps and dams, needed to establish and sustain a clean water supply in impoverished areas of Africa. Participants have been encouraged to make a personal sacrifice for two weeks, such as drinking only water or requesting donations rather than Christmas presents, and divert the funds saved as a donation to this noble cause. In total, with soror contributions, we raised $334.73, which more than 30 people gain long-term access to clean water. In January, as assigned teams, participants continued to build their bridges and learned about Cincinnati Bridge trivia, such as the designers, history and nick names for area bridges. In addition, participants were treated to a blind-folded obstacle course ice breaker and heard from guest speaker Nicole Griffith, who as a civil engineer inspects Cincinnati’s bridges.
Delta Academy Report ….continued • In February, as a special surprise for the participants, approx. 10 sorors gathered to sing the Delta Sweetheart Song. The girls were impressed by the sisterhood displayed by the sorors. Violets to all the sorors who attended. • On Feb. 14, The Bridge Building learning module also culminated with the Bridge Building Contest and Trivia Challenge. The winning bridge building team comprised of Cydney Grayer, Jessica Gassett, and Dylanne Twitty with a bridge that weighed 15 grams and carried 752 grams, more than 50 times its own weight! The winners of the Bridge Trivia challenge were Aleeyah Nurredin and Terrin McCullough! • As many are aware, the Delta Academy African-American History Bowl team – Jessica Gassett, Isis Thornton, Reina Gaither, Cydney Grayer, and Nakia Woodard – took home the gold at the 4th Annual Alpha Esquire Black History Month Quiz Bowl on Feb. 7 at the University of Cincinnati. Many violets to Co-Chair Tamia Collins for leading and preparing the team! • On Feb. 28, our committees partnered for the Delta Academy/Delta GEMS Mind, Body and Soul Winter Retreat! This full day of activity included: • a sweat-dripping, hip-popping hip-hop aerobics session led by Instructor Shanee Pacley; • an Eat This, Not That nutrition discussion involving analyzing our lunch that day; • an exploration of self image through analyzing images in the media and an affirmation of one’s own positive self image while peering into a mirror; • And a craft activity to decorate their own personal mirror to take home.
Delta Academy Report ….continued On March 14, we switched focus to the Lights! Camera! Action! Learning Module in Cincinnati State’s Main Building room 324. This was made possible through a partnership with the Black Data Processing Association for the location and once again, Media Bridges for the equipment. We’ve implemented some improvements that have gotten us off to a great start. Violets to our committee Members: Carmen, Akilah, Sherri, Melanie, Ashley, Rhonda and our honorary member Ligaya West for agreeing to lead a dance team! Please mark your calendars for the following remaining events: April 11- Lights! Camera! Action!, 12-3 pm, Cincinnati State, Main building 3rd flood student study area and RM 324 April 25 - Optional Community Service: Great American Clean-up, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Corryville Recreation Center April 26 - Community Service: March for Babies, 9 a.m. start-3 miles, Sawyer Point Park, 705 E Pete Rose Way (We are collecting donations, cell phones and pagers for this cause.) May 9 - Lights! Camera! Action!, 12-3 pm, Cincinnati State, Main building 3rd flood student study area and RM 324 June 13 - Lights! Camera! Action! and Closing Ceremony,12-3 pm, College Hill Presbyterian Church sanctuary (calling all sorors for a chant/processional) For more information contact Soror Candice Higgins at (513) 829-1085 home, (740) 707-0682 cell, or dstdelta_academy@yahoo.com with questions or for more information. Humbly Submitted, Soror Candice C. Higgins Program Chair Soror Tamia Collins-McGuire Program Co-chair
Delta G.E.M.S. March Informational Report Feb 28, 2009-Delta GEMS and Delta Academy Winter Retreat @ College Hill Presbyterian Church. Mind, Body and Soul. March 3, 2009 –Show Me The Money-Life After High School: Career Planning and College Preparation GEMS Attendance: 13 GEMS Soror Attendance: 4 committee members and two guest Sorors: Tina Armstead and Brandy Stewart Topics: College Preparation, Resumes, Cover Letters, Useful Tips on Career Planning and we also had an interactive Careel Panel. Violets to Sorors: Ashani Omari and Tikica Benjamin for preparing an interactive, informative program that even included a mini college fair! April 7, 2009-Healthy Choices: Sex Education and Peer Pressure Xavier University-Gallagher Student Center 6:30-8:30pm. We will also host a Spring Cleaning Clothing Drive. The GEMS will collect and donate gently used clothing items and the items will be donated to the Freestore Foodbank. April 11, 2009- Three GEMS are in this years Cotillion. If there are any Sorors who are interested in donating tickets so the GEMS can support their GEMS sisters-please let me know. The GEMS will volunteer their time the day of the event in exchange for any tickets that are donated. April 25-26, 2009-Spring College Retreat Miami University Oxford, Ohio Thank you Sorors, Camille Woods
Social Action Committee Report Sorors…Delta Days in the Nation’s Capital was a SUCCESS! There were over 1100 sorors that attended the event from across the country. CAC was represented by 5 chapter members: Deatria Walker, Tina Welch, Veronica Chapman, Stephanie Morton, and Yvonne Coursey. From the moment we arrived on Saturday, we got straight down to the Delta business of addressing “Advocacy in Action: Strengthening Our Legacy”. We were addressed by our distinguished Sorors, Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the Honorable Alexis Herman, the Honorable Marcia L. Fudge, Past National Presidents Dr. Dorothy I. Height, Gwendolyn Boyd and of course our Current National President Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre. We heard from a few notable African American leaders such as Benjamin Jealous, Pres/CEO, NAACP, Dr. E. Faye Williams, Chair, National Congress of Black Women and Marc Morial, President/CEO, National Urban League. There was even a wonderful tribute to our late Soror, the Honorable Stephanie Tubbs Jones, coupled with a celebration for Soror Marcia L. Fudge for being elected to Congress in her seat. Some common messages of the weekend were, we as Delta women, need to become more engaged in what’s going on in our communities, we need to support our new President but also continue to challenge him. Soror President Butler-McIntyre said, “We Have to Stay Awake & Do the Work”. Soror Herman asks that we keep reclaiming the Delta Spirit & Light it Up! We exceeded our goal of having 200 Sorors attend from the Midwest Region. The 2008-2010 Social Action Agenda was rolled out. It includes topics such as Voting , the Census, Economic Survival, Quality Education, Eco-Friendly Environment, Keeping our Connection to Africa, and United Nations NGO Status.
Social Action Committee Report…cont. We are encouraged as a chapter to focus our Social Action programs and efforts that address some specific issues within those key topics. National Headquarters announced a collaborative initiative to help restore Soror Mary Church Terrell’s home so we all be hearing more about how they expect the chapter’s to support this initiative. You’ll see the Social Action working diligently thru 2010 and beyond to do all that is possible to support our National Social Action Agenda. That’s why we will have our 2nd Annual Delta Days at City Hall (DDCH)on April 28-29, 2009 to remind our local government that we are here and will continue to use our voices to improve the lives of those being underserved in our communities. We intend to strengthen the relationships that currently exist between Delta and our local government and also build new ones with those who have been asked to represent us, the citizens of Cincinnati. We have set a goal of 50 Sorors to attend DDCH. Our Theme for this year will be “Advocacy in Action; Renewing Our Purpose”. We must get back to doing what we have been called to do. We hope that you will participate in DDCH, if not both days…at least one of the 2 days. We ask that you also invite an inactive Soror to participate with you. Feel free to forward her contact information to us so that we can formally invite her as well. We anticipate the cost will be $15 to cover continental breakfast, lunch and supplies. All of the numbers are being finalized and we’ll communicate all of the specifics late this month via the weekly email update. You are encouraged to pre-register now as we anticipate having to close registration.
Social Action Committee Report…cont. Contact me if you are interested in planning for DDCH but can’t attend. The next meeting will be by conference call on April 7, 2009 at 7:00pm. Contact me at deatria@dwalkerinsurance.com or dstcacsac@yahoo.com or call me 513-503-1476 to be included on all Social Action Committee planning correspondence. Respectfully Submitted Soror Deatria T. Walker
Membership Intake March 2009 • Violets to the Minerva Circle for an outstanding job on the Pyramid Induction Ceremony! • 19 Women were inducted as Pyramids on 3/14/09. • Pyramid Patricia DeJarnett declined continuing with the membership intake process on 3/15/09 due to personal issues but thanks the chapter for the opportunity, thus we have a total of 18 Pyramids. • The Pyramids are currently in the PPP phase of the membership intake process. • Odyssey is scheduled for March 28 & March 29th at Six Acres located at 5350 Hamilton Avenue. Sorors are asked to arrive by 12:30 p.m. Odyssey is open to all Trained Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter Sorors only. • Please see Soror Gail McCullom for a calendar which includes dates for J Days. J Days are open to all Trained Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter Sorors only. • As a sisterly reminder, please keep all dates confidential! Respectfully Submitted, Soror Gail McCullom
Membership Intake ….Continued Odyssey Weekend Report Odyssey weekend will be a fun filled, energy packed weekend for pyramids and Sorors. It is scheduled for Saturday, March 28th – Sunday, March 29th at the Six Acres Bed and Breakfast and Seven Acres Bed and Breakfast located at 5350 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 (513) 541-0873. We will have activities starting at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday until Sunday at 12:00 noon. Due to the limited sleeping space, we are asking Sorors to come for the activities, but not spend the night. If you want to spend the night, you may have to sleep on a couch, sleeping bag or on a roll out bed. We have a total of 13 rooms available for sleeping which means we will have approx. 4 pyramids to a room and three sorors to a room. With that said, it still will be one of the best experiences that we’ve had with membership intake in a long time. It is private, unique and I believe the pyramids and Sorors will get a lot out of the weekend. The cost for the weekend is as follows: Sorors staying overnight - $40.00 each – This cost includes snacks, dinner (cook-out) & breakfast. Sorors staying the day - $25.00 each - This cost includes snacks, dinner (cook-out). We are excited about this private opportunity. We will have activities inside and out side so please bring jackets just in case it is cold. I will need the names of the Sorors who are attending so we can plan accordingly. Make checks payable to Delta Sigma Theta or pay cash to the treasurer. Submitted by: H. Michelle Toney