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CAL FIRE’s Management Activity Project Planning Event Reporter

C AL MAPPER. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY PROJECTING PLANNING EVENT REPORTER. CAL FIRE Management Council – February 8, 2011 C AL MAPPER. CAL FIRE’s Management Activity Project Planning Event Reporter. Background. Grant funds obtained to:

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CAL FIRE’s Management Activity Project Planning Event Reporter

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  1. CAL MAPPER MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY PROJECTING PLANNING EVENT REPORTER CAL FIRE Management Council – February 8, 2011 CAL MAPPER CAL FIRE’s Management Activity Project Planning Event Reporter

  2. Background • Grant funds obtained to: • Build spatial database to associate funding with activities • Create a common attribute framework for forest improvement and fuels management projects • Streamline process of upward reporting to funding partners and other stakeholders

  3. CALMAPPER Overview A system to capture, maintain, and distribute spatial and attribute data on forest management, fuels reduction, and fire prevention activities A GIS based system that provides easy tools to enforce standards and guide workflow An application that provides current, accurate project activity and fiscal information in an intuitive and accessible web-based interface

  4. Current Status • Cost structure with Resources Agency determined • Preliminary database in release to support Fire Plan • Multiple interactive web applications available to the public • Focus group sessions scheduled • Database trainings scheduled • Program commitments solidified for enterprise delivery

  5. How long will it take? Delivered and tested in stages Geodatabase – version 1 has been tested; version 1.1 is being deployed to Fire Plan; version 1.2 will be final by November 2011 Full workflow tools – 6 months to 1 year Web based mapping and dashboards; infrastructure and partnership builds –8 months to 2 years

  6. Who will build it? Primary internal work via program review and working group Expert contractors CAL FIRE IT & CNRA

  7. What kind of metrics? Spatial where how many acres effectiveness over time where to focus activities Fiscal how much did it cost who paid for it how was the money spentSocial what communities are being served what organizations are involved are we doing our jobs Policy are they effective

  8. Advances and Advantages Data available from anywhere with internet connection CAL FIRE personnel can digitize, attribute, view and query data Enforced permissions for capturing and accessing information Data available for emergency response Public facing web applications Dynamic data from across programs (Forest Practice, Resource Management, Fire Plan, FRAP) in a heavy editing environment Near real-time updates of web applications Executive dashboards for statistical and geographical representation of various metrics

  9. CAL MAPPER MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY PROJECTING PLANNING EVENT REPORTER Project Team: Suzanne Lang Forest Practice GIS Joe Larson San Luis Obispo Unit Carl Palmer Sac ITS Brian Peasley Hazardous Fuels Treatment Program Mark Rosenberg Fire and Resource Assessment Program Rich Walker Fire and Resource Assessment Program Project Sponsors: Phyllis Banducci Staff Chief Fire Plan and CAIRs Dean Cromwell Chief of Planning & Risk Analysis Russ Henly Asst Deputy Director Resource Protection & Improvement Ron Ralph Chief Information Officer Bill Snyder Deputy Director Resource Management suzanne.lang@fire.ca.gov

  10. Implementation Timeline Contract for UI & Tool development Formalize CNRA / Cal Atlas roles Detail workplan and deliverables Finalize attribute structure Fire Plan deployment Data capture in GeoDatabase Process testing Report Development Go live - 2012

  11. Building a Common Framework • Forest Stewardship management plans • Individual projects and accomplishments • Bark beetle tree removals • Prescribed burns • Non-industrial timber management plans (NTMPs) • Timber harvesting plans • Fire Plan accomplishments • Fire history Project level data Available for local and regional planningand statewide assessment UltimateDevelopment Builds uponexisting data,with standardizedattributes and workflows Public facing for viewing, queries, and download.

  12. Form based data entry

  13. Form based data entry

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