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Introduction To Biomedicine 生物醫學概論. Chung W.Wu, M.S.,R.Ph. Extension:-----5213. 1. The Story of Biomedicine Applications of Biomedicine (1) Monosodium Glutamate Reaction (2) Caffeine. (3) Chromophore:Indigo. Chemical Structure of Curcumin
Introduction To Biomedicine生物醫學概論 Chung W.Wu, M.S.,R.Ph. Extension:-----5213
1. The Story of Biomedicine Applications of Biomedicine (1) Monosodium Glutamate Reaction (2) Caffeine
(3) Chromophore:Indigo Chemical Structure of Curcumin Chemical Structure of Desmethoxy Curcumin Chemical Structure of Bis-desmethoxy Curcumin
(4) How to Create New Molecule (5) Nucleic Acid (6) Quinine
2. DNA(Gene) Recombinant3. Trace Element4. Biotechnology5. Immunological Reaction6. Life & Biochemistry
1. PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene Chemical Inert Artificial Blood VesselInner Diameter: 4—10mm人工韌帶
2.Collagen:Natural Polymer From animal 1000 Amino Acids---Polypetide Content 33.5% Glycine 12% Proline 10% Hydroxyproline Triple Helix Tropocollagen Collagen Fiber
Collagen Extract from animal tissue 事先treatment of cross-linking避免免疫排斥 才能植入人體 良好生物相容性
(1). 細胞培養基材 (2). 人工器官基材 (3). 組織填充材料
3. 矽膠 矽膠充填物:豐胸下巴隆鼻 矽膠隆乳婦女1980------1990 發現分解碎片可能改變婦女 Immune System,引起風濕性關節炎。 導致Dow Corning倒閉。
But: 血漿可能含有可以殺死乳癌細胞的物質,患乳癌機率降低。
4.Glucosamine Poly(beta-1,4-N-acetyl-D-Glucosamine) Polymer of NAG 昆蟲與甲殼類動物之外骨骼 蝦蟹外殼
無毒性 • 生物相容性 • 生物體內可分解 • 價格便宜
Usage: 生醫材料 人工細胞外間質 傷口敷料 化妝品
7.Taxol Paclitaxel A plant product of high current interest in cancer chemotherapy. Isolation from the bark of Pacific yew tree Taxus brevifolia byWani et al. in 1971.
Found to have antitumor activity Taxol inhibits mitosis by acting as a spindle poison
8.Deadly Toxin Block Neurotransmitter Release Botulinum Toxins Flaccid Paralysis Blcking the release of Ach At the neuromuscular junction
Injection into Facial Muscle To Remove Wrinkles
10.Bromelain(Ananase) Extract from Pineapple 廢棄鳳梨莖含有大量蛋白質分解酵素
Dole Company最早生產 Proteolytic Enzyme Usage: 治療外傷組織發炎燒燙傷 發炎後形成之腫脹可能是組織間隙充滿Fibrin而Bromelain可破壞Fibrin分子。
11.Urokinase Glycosylated Serine Protease Usage: 尿液中強力血塊溶解作用 腦血栓及血栓靜脈炎
12.Lactase(beta-Galactosidase) Milk------------Lactose Reduced Milk Oriental,Black,& Part White Adults Small amount of Lactase They can’t drink Milk Milk: Lactose Intolerance Watery Diarrhea Flatulence
Production of Lactase Saccharomyces fragilis Kluyveromyces lactis Candida pseudotropicalis Aspergilus niger Aspergilus oryzae
1975 Italy Snam Progetti Yeast----Lactase Cellulose acetate fiber Dauly Production of Lactose- Reduced Milk: 8000 liter
13. Glucose Isomerase 100% Glucose Syrup---42% Fructose 1.5 times Sweeter than Glucose Same Calories
1970 USA Clinton Corn Processing Company High Fructose Syrup(HFS) pH 7.5~8.0, 60C, 500,000 Tons/year
14.Penicillin Amidase(Acylase) pH 7.8 Hydrolyse Benzylpenicillin to form 6-APA
1972 USA Squib Company Escherichia coli Penicillin Amidase