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RITS Forum

RITS Forum. 29 October 2009 Nick Ziogas IT-UDS. Purpose of the forum. Introduce RITS and explain what will change with the new tool To engage Service managers in the configuration of their services within the new tool and solicit their response on specific issues.

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RITS Forum

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  1. RITS Forum 29 October 2009 Nick Ziogas IT-UDS

  2. Purpose of the forum • Introduce RITS and explain what will change with the new tool • To engage Service managers in the configuration of their services within the new tool and solicit their response on specific issues. • Prepare the Service Managers and support personnel for the introduction and use of RITS so that there are no surprises when PRMS will be phased out. • Provide a forum to raise any issues, use cases, potential pitfalls etc that may have been overlooked. • RITS covers the service needs while consistent with the new departmental service initiatives. • Prepare the transition and make sure the RITS introduction is smooth.

  3. Scope & Organization • As part of the IT Department Service Improvement initiatives decided by the POC • The Service Catalogue and its representations. Used in: • IT Home Page • RITS • Knowledge base (Faq) • The Service Desk • Any where the IT services are exposed (Process definition, Configuration management…) • Everything ties up together in the end so related issues will come up.

  4. Scope & Organization • Regular meetings to keep you informed and request your input. No fixed period but every 2-3 weeks. According to progress. • RITS forum egroup: RITS-forum@cern.ch • SharePoint site: https://espace.cern.ch/RITS-Forum. All egroup members can contribute.

  5. Who is doing what in this context? • UDS – US: • New contract definition and implementation • Defining new Service Desk procedures and implement the changes • IT Service improvement initiatives (POC) • Contractor – Transition plan (us & Contractor) • Tools (FIO-FD) • SM contribution • Make sure the changes are communicated to the end users and our reasons understood • FIO – FD: • Tool selection, evaluation, configuration and development where needed • Introduce the new service, phase out PRMS, migration and running the service • Coherence guardian. SDB 2.0 initiative to envelope all • IT Service Managers

  6. Why this now? • PRMS with all its shortcomings served us well. • PRMS configuration done by ‘domain managers’. • Concepts ‘hanged in the air’ (categorization ,SLA, contractor responsibility, SM role, interaction with HD) • Changes: Well defined roles and responsibilities. Service Owners, Service Managers, SD ticket lifecycle responsibility, SLA… • Map the above to the tool • Define the services according to what matters to service and needs to be monitored. • Service Manager ‘s responsibility. You know better

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