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WELCOME TO THE SEA TURTLES TEAM!. MRS. FICKLE’S LANGUAGE ARTS. Some really important questions that you might have are to come!!. Are you supposed to be in this?. Are you a sea turtle with English Language Arts with Mrs. Fickle on your schedule?

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  2. Some really important questions that you might have are to come!!

  3. Are you supposed to be in this? • Are you a sea turtle with English Language Arts with Mrs. Fickle on your schedule? • If so, then YES, you are in the right place, and I am SO GLAD you are here!

  4. Where do I sit? For right now I want you to sit at your name card. I have a seating chart for the first couple of weeks. Depending on how things go we might move around in a week or so.

  5. Who is my teacher? • Mrs. Fickle! • I was born in Florida, raised in Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Carolina. • My husband is a marine pilot. He flies the harrier. We have been married for a little over 1 year! • I have 2 dogs. A pit bull and a doberman pincher. • I graduated with my master’s from a school in South Carolina!!!! • I just moved to NC in April. I love it here!

  6. What will I be learning this year? • Literary genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama) • Grammar and punctuation use • Expression • Writing different types of pieces

  7. How will I be graded? • You will be graded on a point system. Each assignment will be worth a different amount of points. • Homework- 10 points • Reading dialogue journals-50 points • Writing assignments-30 points • Tests and quizzes-100 points • Projects-200 points Please note that some assignments may warrant different point total amounts. Point totals are changed at the teacher’s discretion!

  8. Classroom Expecations! The following guidelines are the expectations I have for you in my classroom during language arts. It is your choice if you are going to follow these expectations or not.


  10. Be in your assigned seat and working on the bell work when the tardy bell rings. Guideline #1

  11. GUIDELINE #2 Bring all materials to class and take them with you when you leave.

  12. Follow directions the first time they are given Guideline #3

  13. G U I D E L I N e Treat everyone in this class with respect and dignity. # 4

  14. G U I D E L I N e Follow all procedures and polices in the school handbook. # 5

  15. Special guideline I C A N ‘T No “I can’t.” I Completely Admit I’m Not Trying.

  16. Choosing to follow guidelines will result in: • Verbal acknowledgement • A stress free learning environment. • A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere.

  17. Choosing NOT to follow the guidelines will result in: • 1st=Warning and documentation • 2nd= infraction notice, bounce to a new seat, and/ or parent contact • 3rd=bounce from the room and disciplinary referral.

  18. SEVERE CLAUSE Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (including the property of teacher and other students), or is strongly disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be IMMEDIATELY bounced to another room or the office.

  19. Infraction Notice • Read it. • Sign it. • Keep it until the end of class and SEE ME!

  20. OOPS...YOU BROKE THE GUIDELINES • Name: __________________________ Class: ____________________ Core: _____ • PLEASE CORRECT YOUR BEHAVIOR AND/OR RETURN TO YOUR TASK. SEE ME AFTER CLASS. • What are you doing? ____________________________________________________________________ • What should you be doing? ____________________________________________________________________ • Student signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________ • Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  21. DAILY PROCEDURES! We have to have these procedures in order to make the classroom a smooth place to learn.

  22. When I need your attention • When I have something to say or I need you to focus back on me. • I will: • Say “if you can hear my voice clap once. If you can hear my voice clap twice.” This means that you stop what you are doing, eyes on me, stop talking, be still, and listen to what I have to say.

  23. Give Me 5 Please • Eyes on speaker • Mouths shut • Be still • Hands Free (put things down) • Listen with your ears

  24. When you get here! • Walk into the the workshop quietly • Set in your assigned seat • Take out your materials • Begin working on bell ringer activity.

  25. If you’re tardy: • Walk into the workshop quietly (not running) • Excused tardy: Place note pouch on the Sea Turtle Info board. • Unexcused tardy: Sign the lunch detention list on the Sea Turtle Info board. Sit in your assigned seat and take out your materials.

  26. If you’re not here! We will miss you! • Go to the Sea Turtle Info board. • Assignments and note are in the While you were out folder. • Sign the sheet in the folder that says you received your make up work. • If you are absent: however many days you were out that is how long you have to make up your work

  27. Bell ringer will be in the same place every day. It will either be on the white board or projected on the screen. You will have everything you need at your desk for these activities. (usually just paper and pencil) You will have around 5 minutes to do this activity at the beginning of class. The bell does not start the workshop YOU start the workshop! What is a Bell ringers and what do I do? A Bell ringer is something you do as soon as you enter the workshop. It is an activity to get us started and focused for the day.

  28. Need something? Use hand signals “I have a comment or a question to make about what we are talking about.” I need to leave my “seat.” (only in emergency during class discussions) “I need help and I have already used my 3 resources.” (3 before me)

  29. If you do not bring your homework or the proper materials to class, you will be pink slipped. • Complete and sign your pink slip and turn it in to the homework tub. • Sign the lunch detention list on the Sea Turtle Info board. Savior clause: You will get 4 late passes to use this semester. Use them wisely.

  30. Homework • Two on going homework assignments. • READ EVERY NIGHT FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES. • Reading dialogue journals due on Fridays (more to come later on that!) • Other assignments will be given on a needed basis! • Turn in your homework in the homework basket BEFORE class. (this is when you get your pink slip to!)

  31. EARLY FINISHERS! • Work on 1 hour writing for the week • Read a “choice’ novel. • Review vocabulary words. • Organize your notebooks! • Start on your homework for this class only!

  32. Workshop Discussions • PLEASE participate. • I want to hear what you have to say. • Make questions and comments relevant to the current discussion • If your question is off topic write it on a sticky note and park it at the top of the table until later.

  33. RESTROOM • Use the restroom at your own discretion. • You must ask permission, not in the middle of discussions unless it is an EMERGENCY. • Sign the list on the Sea Turtle Info board. If this is abused we will reevaluate this procedure and make necessary changes.

  34. Good-bye: leaving the workshop • The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. • Do not start packing up before the bell. I will actually instruct you and let you pack up. • Area and table must be clean before leaving. • Wait until the teacher dismisses you with: “HAVE A GREAT DAY!”

  35. SPECIAL PROCEDURES • Media Center • Special Guests • Video Conferencing • Progress Reports • Working cooperatively • Fire Drill • Intercom Announcements • Assemblies • Substitute Teacher • These will be introduced as we need to go over them!

  36. Guidelines • Be in your assigned seat and working on the bell work when the tardy bell rings! • Bring all materials to class and take them with you when you leave! • Follow directions the first time given! • Treat everyone with dignity and respect! • Follow all procedures and policies in the MCMS handbook!

  37. NOT followingGuidelines 1st: warning and documentation 2nd: infraction notice, bounce to a new seat, and/or parent contact 3rd: bounce to a new room, disciplinary referral

  38. Interviews 3 questions: • If you could be any animal what would you be? Why? • If you could be a character in any book who would you be? Why? • Tell me one thing that no one else knows about you!

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