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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ( وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْماً ) صدق الله العلي العظيم سورة طـه: من الآية114. Evaluation of conventional serological tests of Brucellosis and comparted with molecular test in Diwaniyah province. N.J. K. AL- Zawadi ¹* and K. K. Abdu alsadaa ²*
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ( وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْماً) صدق الله العلي العظيم سورة طـه: من الآية114
Evaluation of conventional serological tests of Brucellosis and comparted with molecular test in Diwaniyah province N.J. K. AL-Zawadi ¹* and K. K. Abdu alsadaa ²* 1.MSC. Zoonotic Diseases /Puplic Health Department E-mail : nase1981er@yahoo.com Tel : 07802842654 2. Puplic Health Department/Animal origin diseases unit . E-mail: kawlaa77@yahoo.com
Introduction Brucellosis is a bacterial zoonosis of worldwide importance, and of major public health and economic significance . The causing agents are Gram-negative, facultative intracellular coccobacilli or short rods from the family Brucellaceae that localize in the reproductive organs of host animals, causing abortions, fetal death, genital infections. Human infections occur from contact with infected animal tissues or ingestion of infected animal products
The diagnosis of brucellosis can be based on cultural isolation, serological tests and in recent year by biotechnological techniques. The serological methods are usually employed for diagnostics of Brucella in blood specimens. The serological response, however, can be unspecific due to cross-reaction or sub sensitive reactions in samples from areas with a low or subclinical prevalence of brucellosis .These techniques could be potentially useful for the diagnosis of brucellosis since they could detect the bacteria and even in samples highly contaminated with other microorganisms
Consequently, detection and identification of Brucella spp. in clinical specimens by cultures may still be a difficult task with significant delays, For these reasons serology has been the mainstay of diagnosis of Brucellosis . According to the above information the aim of the study was to evaluate the use of convention serological technique for rapid and specific diagnosis of Brucellosis obtain from serum samples of human and comparted with molecular tests for efficiency determinat
Material and methods • The RBPT antigen • B. abortus plain antigen for STAT were used • The DNA extraction of Gram negative Bacteria kit from Primer Design /U.K • The system used was B4(forward primer ) and B5(revers primer) within a gene coding for 31-kDa membrane protein specific to the genus Brucella
Results Table 1 : occurrence of brucellosis by slid agglutination test according to sex in human.
Table 2 : Association of age and the infection of Brucellosis in human by Slid agglutination test
Table 4: No. of acute and chronic samples according to 2-ME test in human with RBPT and SAT.
Table 5 : Occurrence of brucellosis by Single-step PCR test according to sex in humn.
Figure 1:Ethedium bromide-stained agarose gel of DNA amplified of Brucella spp. with B4 and B5 primers by Single plex PCR .
table 6 : Consensus result of negative sample by using Rose Bengal ,then tested by SAT ,2-ME and PCR in human
Table 7 : Dichotomous table shows the percents sensitivity , specificity and concordance of RBPT by comparing with SAT in human beings
Conclusion and Recommendation 1. Serological test gave rapid screening test for detection of brucellosis . The possibility of using the serological test as a Rapid examination of infected Human by using (RBPT , STAT and 2-ME ) as screening method for diagnosis of brucellosis and differentiation between acute and chronic brucellosis . 2. Serum sample should be used instead whole blood for the molecular diagnosis of brucellosis also it's used as a rapid laboratory specimen . 3. There are high sensitivity , specificity and concordance when comparison PCR technique with conventional serological test