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Perl. data, scalar data types and control structures. General information about Perl. PERL stands for P ractical E xtraction and R eport L anguage OR P athologically E clectic R ubbish L ister Perl's chief creator is Larry Wall (endorses both names)
Perl data, scalar data types and control structures
General information about Perl • PERL stands for Practical Extraction and Report Language OR Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister • Perl's chief creator is Larry Wall (endorses both names) • These slides will cover perl version 5.8+ • ActivePerl 5.X (for windows) • http://www.activestate.com/Products/Language_Distributions/ choose ActivePerl Download link, then the MSI package. • Perl is a script language • You must have the perl interrupter installed in order to run perl scripts.
Perl as a language • It has incorporated structures for many languages such as c/c++, Lisp, FORTAN, and PL/I • And shell languages like bash, tcsh, and zsh • This also means there are several ways to write the same statement. (see the hello world slide for a simple example) • It has also added the functionality of many UNIX programs such as awk (and it’s syntax). Plus many other programs. • Also it is case sensitive. • And uses type less data structures. • Perl major strengths are in string manipulations and modules (to add extra functionality).
Getting help • On UNIX only • man <perlfunc> where perfunc is the perl function you need help with or information on • On Windows and UNIX • perldoc <perlfunc> • perldoc –f <perlfunc> • On the Web • http://www.perldoc.com • Texts: • Learning Perl, Schwartz and Christiansen, O'Reilly, 2000 • Programming Perl, Wall, Christiansen and Orwant, O'Reilly, 2000 • Considered to be the Perl bible by many people.
The hello world script #!/usr/bin/perl print “hello World\n”; # normal print statement • OR printf (“hello World\n”); #c like print statement • OR print (“hello World\n”); # normal print statement • OR printf “hello World\n” ; #c like print statement • Either of the 4 statements will work.
Comments • Perl uses the # as a comment. • Start with the # and the comment ends at the end of the line. • At the beginning of a line • #this is a comment • As in the last slide, it can be after statement(s) • print "Hi\n"; # comment • There is no multi-line comment, like c/c++ • Must comment each line.
Multiple line comments • Perl has added a multiple line comment. Uses the = and cut • Example =comment This a comment =cut • The = comment (or choose your own word) to =cut is a multiple line comment • A note: If you have a syntax error before the comment, perl will likely give you an error in the comment. A stray } in the comment may cause problems as well.
Data • Scalar data • numbers and strings of characters • 4, 3.25, hello, etc. • Numbers • Although we use integer and real numbers, perl computes all numbers internally as double-precision floating-points values • But you won’t notice. • Also don’t look for integer operations as they don’t exist. • floating point numbers, same as c language • 1.25, 7.25e45, -6.5e24, -12e-24, -1.2e-23
Data (2) • Don't start a number with a Zero, unless it is the number zero. • 0377 is 377 octal or 255 decimal • 0xff is hex ff or 255 decimal • Both can use the negative sign as well. • Note: string to number conversions, the leading zero(s) are ignored and assumed to be decimal.
strings • The entire 256 character set can be used • NULL is not special in perl. • Single-quoted • You can use any characters inside the single quotes • except a single quote. • To use a single quote inside single quotes, you must backslash the quote. example: '\' ' is a single quote. • To use a backslash followed by a single quote, you need to backslash it. example: '\\\' ' gives you a \' • ‘hello’ is the five characters h, e, l, l, o • ‘hello\n’ is hello\n • ‘hello there’ produces hello there
Strings(2) • Double-quotes, (acts like C strings) • “hello world\n” produces hello world and a newline • “new \007” produces new and bell sound • “Hello\tthere” produces Hello (tab) there • Some of the \ characters • \n newline, \r return, \t tab, \b backspace, \a bell • \\ backslash, \” double quote, \cC <cntrl>-c • \007 Any octal ASCII value (007 is the bell) • \x7f Any hex ASCII value, (7f is delete) • \l lower case next letter, \L lower all letters until \E • \u upper case next letter, \U upper all letters until \E • To test any of these, use the print command • so print “new \007” or print ‘hello\n’
Scalar Variables • All scalar variables start with a $ • So $i or $name • equal sign works as normal • $i = 1 or $name= “Jim Ward” • Perl does not require you to declare variables, especially since variables are type less • $i =1; #So $i has a number • $i = “Jim Ward”; # is a perfectly legal next statement. • To declare a variable, you use the my operator • my $i; • We'll look a variable scope later on, when get to subroutines. Right now, all variables are global
Operators • numeric operators • same as c/c++ (without integer operators) • 2 +3 (result 5), 2.1 -1.4 (result .7) • 2 * 3 (result 6), 10 / 5 (result 2) • 10.2 / 0.3 (result 34), 10 / 3 (result 3.33333…) • 10 % 3 (10 mod 3 = 1) • exponentiation (FORTAN like) • 2**3 (result 8) If the result is to big, you’ll get an error • logical operators for numeric data • < <= == >= > != || (or) && (and) • produces a true/false value 5 > 2 = true
Operators (2) • There is one integer operator • You can cast any floating point number to integer number using int • Examples: $i = int 10.3; print "$i \n"; #output: 10 $i = int 10 / 3; # the result is 3
Quick word about True and False • Perl uses the true/false standard of c/c++, with a perl twist. • False • Zero, as well as the string "0" • the string "0" is converted to Zero • The empty string "" • Any undefined value (undef is reserved word for it) • The last two happen more often than you might think. • True • All negative and positive numbers • All non-empty strings (except "0") • Any defined variable that is not Zero, "", or "0". • IE: Anything not false
Operators for Strings • Logical operators • uses FORTRAN notation • eq (==), ne (!=), lt (<), gt (>), le (<=), ge (>=), || and && • Why different operators? • because of conversions using string operators 7 is greater then 30, since it uses the first number to decide, ie “7” > “3”, so “7” > “30” • More operators • concatenation “hello”.”world” produces “helloworld” • string repetition uses an x • “jim” x 3 produces “jimjimjim” • “jim” x (4-2) produces “jimjim” • 3 x 4 produces “3333” or (2+1) x 4 produces “3333”
Converting between numbers and strings • perl does it for you, but not always the way you think it should • print 4 * “2f”; produces 8 • perl quietly and simply removes all non-numbers when doing arithmetic operations. • Converting to strings is very easy • $var = “x”. (4 * 2) produces “x8” • Even $var = “x”. 4*2 produces “x8” • NOTE: $x = 4.23 is a floating value of 4.23 • while $x = “4”. 23 and $x= “4”.”23”produces “423” • $x = 4. “23” results in an error (4.[a float] “23”, and no operator). • But $x= 4 . “23” works (note the space between 4 and the dot) • Perl will does most of the work for you. To generate warnings see the Pragmas slide, then the first result, will warn you (but still do the operation).
binary operators • $a += $b; # $a = $a + $b; • $a -= $b; • $a *= $b; • $a /= $b; # $a = a / b; • ++$a; $a++; ++($a + $b); • --$a; $a--; • $a .= “ this”; #$a = $a . “ this”;
chop and chomp • chop removes the last character in the string • $x = “hello world”; • chop($x) #$x now has “hello worl” • $char = chop($x); • $char has “l” and $x is “hello wor” • You don’t have a variable in front of chop, it will throw away the result • $x =""; chop($x); # $x still contains ""; • $x = “hello there\n”; • chop($x) #$x is “hello there” • chop($x) #$x is now “hello ther”
chop and chomp (2) • chomp only removes the newline character • $x = “hello there\n”; • chomp($x) #$x is “hello there” • chomp($x) # $x is still “hello there”
Variables and strings • Examples of using variables inside strings • $fname = “jim”; $lname = “ward”; • $name = $fname . ’ ’ .$lname; • OR $name = “$fname $lname”; • produce “jim ward”; • $name = '$fname $lname'; • produces '$fname $lname' • use \u to upper next character • $name = “\u$fname \u$lname”; • produces “Jim Ward”
standard in and standard out • <STDIN> (must be capped) • read in a until end line marker from the standard in. • $a = <STDIN>; place input into $a • chomp($a); #remove EOL marker • print $a; • <STDOUT> (again capped) • rarely used, since print by default goes to standard out • print <STDOUT>, $a; same as print $a;
Creating a Perl script • Create a text file with the perl script. • UNIX • Need to tell the script where perl is located • #!/usr/bin/perl • For linux machines. • For Windows • The file extension needs to be .pl • That is the extension that windows associates with perl, when ActivePerl is installed. • Many people put the #! ... perl in the files, even on windows and use the .pl extension on UNIX • Mostly for consistently between the two platforms.
Exercise 1 • Write a perl script that reads in a temperature in Fahrenheit and prints out the equivalent Celsius • Celsius = (Fahrenheit – 32) * 5 /9 • You will need <STDIN>, chomp, some arithmetic operations and a couple of print statements
Statements in perl • The next set of slides will give you the syntax of the statements as well as many of variant syntax of the statements. • Some of the variants can be somewhat confusing. • First perl assumes a block of statements for all structures unless otherwise noted. • Blocks of statements, uses the { } syntax • semicolons are required inside the block, but not after the block itself. • note: perl assumes a semicolon after }
if (T/F) block if (T/F) block else block if (T/F) block elsif (T/F) block can include more elsifs and 1 else unless (T/F) block unless (T/F) block else block unless (T/F) block elsif (T/F) block can include more elsifs and 1 else If and unless statements
unless reverses the true and false side of the statement • If (T/F) true else false • unless (T/F) false else true • using a single statement, instead of a block statement if (T/F); #No ; between statement and if statement unless (T/F); #No ; between statement and unless • There is no elsif or else part of these statement • A block in front will produce an error, because } assumes a ; after, so it's a syntax error
trinary operator (like an if-then-else) • COND ? THEN : ELSE • Can’t be statements, but can be nested • $a = (T/F) ? $b : $c; if true $a=$b else $a=$c • nested (leap year example) $leapyear = $year % 4 ? 0 : $year % 100 ? 1 : $year % 400 ? 0 : 1; • remember true is Non-zero, false = 0 • Makes for very unable code.
Perl allows trinary operations on the left side as well ($a_or_b ? $a : $b) = $c; • So $c is assigned to either $a or $b, depending on $a_or_b • Leads to really unreadable code.
Loops • Many ways to implement loops, since it uses syntax from many languages • Quick syntax • NOTE: the LABEL is optional. • LABEL while (T/F) block • LABEL do block while T/F; • LABEL until (T/F) block • LABEL do block until T/F; • LABEL for (EXPR; T/F; EXPR) block • LABEL foreach variable (LIST) block • NOTE: variable is also optional • LABEL for variable (LIST) block • NOTE: variable is also optional
while( T/F) { statement; statement; … etc } Example: i= 1; while (i< 5) { i++; } OR i =1; do { i++; } while i<5; for (expr;T/F;expr) { statements; } Example for(i=1; i<5; i++) { i++; } NOTE: the expr and T/F are optional Why? loop control, later. for(;;) { ++i; } legal loop, but infinite loop. while and for loops
Like the while loop, except it exits when the condition is true. Example: i=1; until (i>=5) { i++; } OR i=1; do { i++; } until i>=5; until loop
Exercise 2 • Grade script • Write a perl script that reads numbers between 0 and 100. It will stop reading when you enter a sentinel value of -1. • It will print out the number and grade • 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, 0-59 F • You need to write a loop and at least one if statement
for and foreach with lists • with lists, for and foreach have the same syntax • common practice is to use foreach, to minimize the confusion with the other for loop syntax foreach $num (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) { statement; } foreach $name ("jim", "steve", "allyson", "matt") { print "$name \n"; }
for and foreach with lists(2) • Range values the .. tells perl to use a range of number • Only ascending order 1 to 10, but not 10 to 1. foreach $num (1 .. 10) { statement; } • OR even foreach $num( 1,2,4 .. 8,10) { statement; } • The true power of the foreach statement found when using arrays. • So we'll get back to the foreach statement later.
for and foreach with lists(3) • ranges with strings foreach $letter ("a" .. "z") { #whatever you might want to do } foreach $letter ("aa" .. "zz") { statements; } • $letter is aa, ab, ac, ad, … zx, zy, zz • "0" .. "z", produces 0 to 9 • "a" .. "9", produces a through z
Loop control • Perl provides the following statements for loop control • last LABEL • exit the loop immediately • next LABEL • skip rest of loop, and start the "next" cycle of the loop. • redo LABEL • restarts at the top of loop without evaluating condition • LABEL is optional, without LABEL command refers to inner most loop.
for(i=0; i<10; i++) { if (i== 9) { ++i; redo; loop will execute with 10 and stop at 11 based on the for statement expr. the i++ will not happen, because of the redo. } next if i== 4; start as if we are at the end of the loop last if i== 10; exit loop } for(i=0;;i++) { if (i== 9) { ++i; redo; loop will execute with 10 } next if i== 4; start as if we are at the end of the loop last if i== 10; exit loop } same as on the left loop control examples
labels and loop control • With labels you can control nested loops • Example: OUTER: foreach $num (1..10) { INNER: for ($i=1; $i <10; $i++) { next OUTER if ($i==4) && ($num ==2); next INNER if $i==2; print "$i times $num = ", $i*$num,"\n"; } } • So when i is 2, no output and when i is 4 and num is 2 it will skip the rest of the INNER loop.
Bare blocks and looping. • a LABEL can be included around a bare block and using loop control, we can create a loop • Example: LOOP: { if ($x > 5) { $x--; next LOOP; } $z = $x + $y; }
case/switch statement • Perl does not have a native case/switch statement, but it can be created using bare blocks and loop control. • example: SWITCH: { if ($x == 1) { statements; last SWITCH;} if ($x >3) { statements; last SWITCH; } if ($x > 10) {statements; last SWITCH;} statements; # the default or else part } • Really a series of if statements.
loops with the goto statement • The horror: a goto statement • uses a LABEL • example: $i=0; TOP: goto END if $i >10; i++; goto TOP; END: print "using a goto statement\n";
Pragmas • You tell perl to be a little more helpful • Such as warnings, forcing declarations of variables or even use integer functions. • forcing variables declarations, normally found at the top of the program use strict; • show warnings use warning; • use integer functions instead of real use integer; • To turn it off: no strict; no warning; no integer; • These are only the common ones, there are dozens more.
Switch statement • There is a perl module for a switch statement. • use Switch; //needed before the first use of the switch statement switch ($variable) { case expr/regex { block } case [Number .. Number] {block} statements; #default if no case is taken. }
Switch statement (2) • Example: use Switch; switch($val) { case /[a-z]/i {print “a letter\n”;} case [2..9,11] {print “2 through 9\n”;} case 1 {print “number 1\n”;} case 10 {print “number 10\n”;} print “must be something else\n”; }
Switch statement (3) • Switch and next command. The next command allows perl to try the cases as well. The reverse of c/c++ were you need a break statement to stop this behavior. Also last works as well. Switch ($val) { case 1 {print “number one\n”; next;} case [1..9] {print “it's a digit\n”; last if $val < 5; next;} case /\d{2,}/ {print “it at least a 2 digit\n”;} print “not a number!\n”; }
Switch statement (4) • Using c/c++ behavior for the switch use Switch 'fallthough'; • Now fallthrough is default and last will stop it. Switch ($val) { case 1 {print “number one\n”;} case [1..9] {print “it's a digit\n”; last if $val < 5;} case /\d{2,}/ {print “it at least a 2 digit\n”; last;} print “not a number!\n”; }
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