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0 4 . 0 9 . 2007, Bratislava

To live more healthy and valuable life of elderly or I am 65+ and I enjoy living the healthy life. 0 4 . 0 9 . 2007, Bratislava. Elderly = 65+. European Union: 62 mil. Slovakia: 620 thous. Life expectancy at birth (men and women in SR) 1996-2005. 70,11.

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0 4 . 0 9 . 2007, Bratislava

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  1. To live more healthy and valuable life of elderly or I am 65+ and I enjoy living the healthy life 04. 09. 2007, Bratislava PHA SR

  2. Elderly = 65+ European Union: 62 mil. Slovakia: 620 thous. PHA SR

  3. Life expectancy at birth (men and women in SR) 1996-2005 70,11 Dlife expectancy at birth 77,9 years PHA SR Resource: Information about demographic trend in 2005, SA SR

  4. Cardio-vascular mortality in populationmore than 65 years old 5500 5000 CZECH 4500 mortlity / 100 000 4000 3500 SLOVAKIA 3000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 years PHA SR

  5. Cancer mortality in population more than 65 years old 1400 CZECH 1300 1200 mortality / 100 000 1100 SLOVAKIA 1000 900 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 years PHA SR

  6. National projectTo live more healthy and valuable life of elderly or I am 65+ and I enjoy living the healthy life PHA SR

  7. AIM - to improve quality of life and knowledge and behavior related to health in elderly people (more than 65 years old) PHA SR

  8. Partucular objectives: • 1. - to increase the interest of target group in their own health - to develop system of education in elderly people (to educate lectors from their own community) • 2. - to keep up position achieved – to inform, to publish, to educate, to supervise quality of information, to consult and advise the lectors • 3. – to provide feedback – to monitor and evaluate the project, as well as to draw conclusions, to discuss, to improve all phases of the project • 4. – to turn society attention to elderly people problems, to prevent the senior isolation, to increase interest of politician, goverment, parliament in the life of seniors, to implement the idea of healthy lifestyle and to improve the health awareness and behaviour in elderly people PHA SR

  9. PROPOSER: The Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic COLLABORATING ORGANISATION: Union of seniors of the Slovak Republic THE MEDIA PARTNERS: newspaper, journals, magazines, radio, television, press agency PHA SR

  10. PHA SR Regional public health authorithy Lector Lector Lector volunteer US SR volunteer US SR volunteer US SR own community own community own community club of pensioners club of pensioners club of pensioners boarding house boarding house boarding house PHA SR

  11. PHA SR

  12. Proposed actions • to arrange activities in the field of health prevention and health education in elderly people • to support the social environment of the target group • to develop and edit concepts, leaflets, brochures • to implement educational activities for targert group – pilot seminars in Bratislava • to develop and edit methodical manuals/guidelines • to spread educational activities throughout the country (teaching by way of seminars for the Regional public health authorities of the Slovak Republic) • to implement educational activities for target group – seminars, discussions on regional level in the Slovakia • to control information quality in community of elderly people - “Observation” • to monitor the health status and health awareness and behaviour of target group after 2 years of project realization. PHA SR

  13. Expected results • Increase elderly people with good health, keeping independence, self-respect, participation in social life PHA SR

  14. To live more healthy and valuable life of elderly or I am 65+ and I enjoy living the healthy life statement PHA SR

  15. 1.st period Focused on social environment culminate Conference of US SR (Union of Senior of the SR) 1.10. 2004 Organization: US SR and PHA SR PHA SR

  16. st period • Senior week 27.9.-1.10.2004 • press conference-start projekt • mobile consulting centre´s – in hypermarket´s • health education activities in ??? • consulting centre (PHA SR) for projekt • attendance at conference US SR • activities in the media about elderly problems PHA SR

  17. 2.nd period Selection of participations and Prepare and print educational materials 1.st and 2.nd edition of textbook for senior education in healthy life style Distribution of these textbooks to 36 RPH A Authors of this textbook are PHART employeers PHA SR

  18. Manual (textbook) PHA SR

  19. 3.rd period oriented for educational activities for senior´s a) realisation of pilot educational seminars in Bratislava (january - june 2005) = 14 seminar leavers (way of living, health problems of seniors, Psychological aspects of aeging, Social welfare, consoulting centres) b) methodical training for employers RPHA (september 2005) PHA SR

  20. 4. th period oriented for realisation of educational activities for seniors seminares at regional level (RPHA – from oktober 2005) PHA SR

  21. 5.th and 6.th period • „observation“ – quality control of provided • informations • monitoring of senior´s health status and health • knowledges and behaviour 2006-2007 PHA SR

  22. N0 Absolute number of project leaver finished certificate - 400 ! (status as of 31. 08. 2006) PHA SR

  23. PHA SR

  24. PHA SR

  25. PHA SR

  26. Thank you for your attention! PHA SR

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