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Padang, 5 – 8 Februari 2013

Padang, 5 – 8 Februari 2013. International Tabletop Exercise 2013 Concept. Exercise Back Ground.

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Padang, 5 – 8 Februari 2013

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  1. Padang, 5 – 8 Februari 2013 International Tabletop Exercise 2013 Concept

  2. Exercise Back Ground • Southeast Asia is one of the most prone-to-disaster areas in the world. Since the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004  Nias 2005, Yogya 2006, Myanmar 2008, Philippine 2009, Padang 2009, Merapi eruption, Mentawai tsunami, Thailand floods 2010. • Indonesia located on the confluence of three tectonic plates in the world, namely the Indo-Australian, Eurasian and Pacific, which has the potential to geological disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Knowing that this area is vulnerable to earthquake and tsunami, the Government of Indonesia has prepared a Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Masterplan, to prepare the country as well as to provide protection for the people living in tsunami-prone areas.

  3. Exercise Back Ground... • West Sumatra is one of the areas in Indonesia contains a-high risk earthquake and tsunami threat along the coastal of West Sumatra and the Mentawai Island. Variety of natural hazard is widely exposed in the island which put it at a great risk for prevalence of loss of life, economic slump, social, psychological and environmental damages etc. • Understanding the importance of disaster risk reduction measures in anticipation of the real threats faced by the region of West Sumatra, the Indonesian Government sees the urgency to hold a series of exercises to strengthen the local, national and regional capacity toward Megathrust Tsunami because the humanitarian impact of such disaster knows no state boundaries. 

  4. Objective • At the national level, this exercise aim to enhance the early warning system and emergency command system which also involves the mechanism for receiving international assistance in Indonesia, both civil-military assistance. • At the regional level, this exercise aims to enhance the capacity and interoperability of various procedures at the national, regional and international level, as well as to provide recommendation and strategic inputs in disaster management for ASEAN cooperation and its dialogue partners in the region

  5. Aim • More effective coordination in mobilizing resources from relevant line ministries, agencies and non-government organizations under one natural disaster emergency command system with major impacts • The enhancement of command, control, communication and coordination mechanism, in the civil-military context • The enhancement of natural disaster mechanism that involves multi national actors, from various stakeholder groups (government, community, private sector, etc). • Inputs for Indonesian’s mechanism for receiving international assistance, as well as other relevant regional documents – by referring to results of regional exercises that have been conducted • The resilience of the region against natural disaster

  6. Urgency of the Exercise 6 • West Sumatra is one of the areas that have a high risk to the threat of earthquakes with magnitude 8.9 on the Richter Scale which will trigger a tsunami in the coastal areas of West Sumatra and the Mentawai Islands. Various vulnerabilities are owned by the region, thus the regions are at risk for high incidence of loss of life and damage / loss of the economic, social, psychological, environmental, etc. • National interest in this exercise is to strengthen early warning systems and emergency response command system involving stakeholders at the local level (district / city and province), central (national) and international and regional (ASEAN / Asia Pacific).

  7. Theme of Exercise 7 “Strengthening Collaboration and partnership in disaster response to build a resilient region“

  8. Methodology of The Exercise 8 • Discussion based, facilitated analysis of an emergency Situation • Focuses on roles, plans, coordination, the effect ofdecisions on other organizations, and similar concerns • Provides a good environment for problem solving • Provides an opportunity for key agencies andstakeholders to become acquainted with one another,their interrelated roles, and their responsibilities

  9. Methodology of The Exercise... 9 • Exercise will consists of three main activities : • Academic Session • Tabletop Exercise • After Action Review • The Academic Session will be convened prior to the Exercise with the purpose to provide relevant information to all interested ASEAN and EAS non-ASEAN participating countries on the frameworks and mechanism of disaster management and emergency response of the affected nation, Indonesia, as well as on mechanism for involving assisting international and regional organizations in disaster relief operation. During the Academic Session, series of presentations will be made by Table Top Exercises Organizers, the Government of Indonesia, and also some International and Regional Organizations. References will be available during this session.

  10. Methodology of The Exercise... 10 • Throughout the Exercise, facilitators will raise questions and participants can provide the answers and voice their opinions. Facilitators may direct some questions to specific participants but other participants can also add or comments. Facilitators should be able to facilitate further discussion so that better understanding on each matter/issue will be obtained by all participants. On this note, in order to facilitate the discussions, the appointed facilitators will be ready with a list of “framing questions”.

  11. Methodology of The Exercise... 11 • TTX will consists of four moves : • Move 1 – The first 6 hours after the occurrence of the 8.9 RSearthquake • Move 2 – The first 24 hours of emergency state • Move 3 – The first 72 hours of emergency state • Move 4 – 3 weeks after the occurence of the EQ and the emergency situationis phasing out • Exercise will utilize one plenary format for all moves. At the beginning of each Move, a scenario update will be provided by Scenario Manager.

  12. Methodology of The Exercise... 12 • After Action Review Session will be convened by the AAR team upon the completion of the Exercise. The AAR team will provide a facilitated After Action Review that address the following minimum items: • TTX results in achieving Objectives • Major Issues identified by participants during the TTX • Recommendations

  13. Exercise Organisation Senior Controllers Scenario Manager Facilitators Recorder Time-Keeper AAR Team Participants Observers 13

  14. TTX Tentative Agenda

  15. Participants • Local • District and provincial level • Government, non-government organizations and communities, private sector • National • Line Ministries • Non-government institutions, CSO, private sector, etc

  16. EAS Non-ASEAN Participating Countries International Participants ASEAN Member States • Indonesia • Filipina • Malaysia • Thailand • Kamboja • Vietnam • Myanmar • Singapura • Laos • Brunei • China • Australia • Amerika • Jepang • Rusia • Korea • SelandiaBaru • India INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION • AHA Center, International Organizations, IFRC, UN agencies, etc.

  17. Excon & Observers • Exercise Controllers • Planners of Exercises (TTX, CPX, FTX) • Observers • Representatives from local and national government • Non-government organizations • Representatives from ASEAN member states and EAS Non-ASEAN participating countries

  18. Venue PANGERAN BEACH Hotel Jalan Ir. H Juanda N0. 79, Padang, West Sumatera Phone : +62 751 7051333 Fax : +62 751 7054613

  19. Venue PANGERAN BEACH Hotel Jalan Ir. H Juanda N0. 79, Padang, West Sumatera Phone : +62 751 7051333 Fax : +62 751 7054613

  20. Administrative Matters 20 • The Government of Indonesia as the host of the event, in consultation with interested ASEAN and EAS non-ASEAN participating countries through the Initial and Final Planning Conferences, jointly developed the program of activities, relevant materials and other substantive arrangements for the four-day TTX event. • The Government of Indonesia will provide the administrative, documentation and logistic support for the event, including officials who will facilitate on-site logistic, documentation and administrative support.

  21. Administrative Matters... 21 • Exercise Senior Controllers, Scenario Manager, Facilitators and AAR team members are expected to arrive in Padang, West Sumatra, on the 20th of April 2013 • The Government of Indonesia have booked rooms at the Pangeran Beach Hotel, and Mercure Hotel in Padang for TTX participants ONLY, to ensure the easy access for all participants in attending the activities throughout the Exercise. On this note, it is necessary for all TTX participants to submit confirmed name(s) of participants to Secretariat no later than 25 March 2013

  22. Administrative Matters... 22 • All TTX participants are responsible to make their own hotel reservation at the Pangeran Beach or Mercure Hotel Padang, as well as their travel arrangement. In order for you to be picked up by the hotel at the airport please inform your flight information to the hotel directly. • Travel costs and accommodation of TTX participants and observers will be the responsibility of each interested ASEAN and EAS Non-ASEAN participating countries .

  23. TERIMA KASIH PUSAT PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN Graha 55, Jl. Tanah Abang II No. 57 Jakarta Pusat Telp./Fax. 021-350 3681 www. bnpb.go.id

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