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中国石油大学双语教学试点课程( 2004— ) 山东省高等学校首批双语教学精品示范课程( 2008— ). An Outline of Earth Sciences. 地球科学概论. 授课对象 :地质学专业本科学生 课程性质:专业基础课 开课学期:第一学期 主讲教师:吕洪波(教授). 主讲教师简介: 吕洪波 男, 1957 年生,中国石油大学地球科学系教授。 兴趣与特长: 野外与科研,教学与教材( + 文学 + 音乐 + 摄影 + 健身)。 理念: 教学与科研都需要奉献。少谈大师,多做事实,身教重于言传。 学习及工作简历:
中国石油大学双语教学试点课程(2004—) 山东省高等学校首批双语教学精品示范课程( 2008—) An Outline of Earth Sciences 地球科学概论 授课对象:地质学专业本科学生 课程性质:专业基础课 开课学期:第一学期 主讲教师:吕洪波(教授)
主讲教师简介: 吕洪波 男,1957年生,中国石油大学地球科学系教授。 兴趣与特长:野外与科研,教学与教材(+文学+音乐+摄影+健身)。 理念:教学与科研都需要奉献。少谈大师,多做事实,身教重于言传。 学习及工作简历: 1978年考入南京大学地质系铀矿地质与地球化学专业,1985年在南京大学地球科学系构造地质专业获硕士学位并留校任教。1997年获得硕士生导师资格,1998年底在职博士毕业。 1985.7—1999.9年在南京大学地球科学系任教,先后任助教(1985—1987)、讲师(1987—1993)、副教授(1993—1999)。 1994.3—1995.11:苏丹喀土穆大学地质系教授(中国国家教委派遣援非任教)。 1999.9—2002.9:国外流浪与学习。 2002年09月起长期受聘于中国石油大学(华东),任地球科学系教授。
2002年以来主讲课程: 《地球科学概论》:2004—2009级地质学专业(双语) 《专业英语》:2004—2007级地质学专业 《地质学基础》:2007—2009级巴基斯坦留学生班(英语) 《板块构造与沉积作用》:2004—2009级地质学研究生(双语) 《野外基础地质实习》、《鲁东地质综合实习》、《综合地质实习》等,2002年起每年夏天在新泰、秦皇岛、巢湖等地 此外,还先后主讲过《构造地质学》、《海洋地质学》(双语)等课程。
先后在下扬子地区、滇黔桂地区、阿尔金地区、青藏高原、内蒙古西部、赤峰、辽西、冀东北、山东等地进行过沉积盆地构造演化研究以及第四纪冰川地貌研究。在非洲的撒哈拉沙漠和加拿大西海岸进行过多次野外实地考察。参与完成自然科学基金项目5项,横向石油地质课题6项,其他课题5项,已发表论文50多篇,独自编写出版地质学双语教材1部。先后在下扬子地区、滇黔桂地区、阿尔金地区、青藏高原、内蒙古西部、赤峰、辽西、冀东北、山东等地进行过沉积盆地构造演化研究以及第四纪冰川地貌研究。在非洲的撒哈拉沙漠和加拿大西海岸进行过多次野外实地考察。参与完成自然科学基金项目5项,横向石油地质课题6项,其他课题5项,已发表论文50多篇,独自编写出版地质学双语教材1部。 近期研究领域: 1.构造地质学:目前主要从事软沉积物构造变形研究,将构造地质学与沉积学紧密结合起来,先后发现并命名了同沉积挤压构造和同沉积布丁构造,探讨了不同板块背景下的震积岩,并将这些构造分别与挤压和伸展背景下的盆地演化阶段联系起来。 2.沉积学与沉积盆地构造演化研究:利用前积层、垂直缝合线、震积液化脉等构造、地震剖面、碎屑岩物质组成等综合探讨沉积环境与盆地构造演化。先后在辽西、河北、山东等环渤海湾地区进行多次野外地质考察,在山东新泰地区野外识别出下古生界含油碳酸盐岩。主持并参与多项基础石油地质研究课题。 3.中国东部第四纪冰川地貌研究:四年来对内蒙古、河北、山东等地的花岗岩高山区进行了详细的野外考察,发现了大量独特的第四纪冰川剥蚀地貌。明确指出:中国东部曾经存在过第四纪大陆冰川,其南界至少曾经达到北纬36o以南。这一认识打破了近年来地学界“中国东部不存在第四纪冰川”的垄断论点。通过对青岛地区海岸山脉的详细考察,提出了胶州湾的冰川剥蚀成因说。 4. 近年来参与中国地质科学院地质公园推广研究中心多项地质公园考察与研究项目,为中国地质公园建设和地学科普工作提供科学依据。两次野外考察太行山黎城段,在元古宙地层中识别出多种特殊的痕迹化石和重要的沉积构造,为地球早期生命演化与华北地区沉积环境研究提供了重要的素材;在黑龙江伊春地区考察了红星地质公园,为玄武岩石海的成因机制提供了科学的解释;通过对五大连池世界地质公园考察,为其“火山弹”与“喷气锥”景点的命名提供了科学的更正建议。
2003年以来发表的第一作者学术论文 吕洪波,2009,鲁西古生代碳酸盐岩中的垂直缝合线及其在华 北板块构造演化中的意义。地质论评,55(4):473—483。 吕洪波,章雨旭,2008,壶穴、锅穴、冰臼、岩臼等术语的辨析与使用建议。地质通报,27(6):917—922。 吕洪波,朱晓青,杨超,黄蝶芳,张成凤,张林,2008,山东新泰野外露头发现下古生界含油碳酸盐岩。地质论评,54(2):252,277。 吕洪波,任晓辉,许民,欧阳江城,2008,壶穴差异风化或风蚀作用成因质疑。地质论评,54(2):192—198。 Lu Hongbo, Yan Shiyong, and Zhang Yue, 2007, Quaternary glacio-erosional landforms in Laoshan Mountain and their constraints on the origin of Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, east of China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 25 (2): 139—148. 吕洪波,2007,五大连池世界地质公园中“火山弹”与“喷气锥”景点定名商榷。地质论评,53(3):383—388。 LU Hongbo, ZHANG Yuxu, ZHANG Qiling, XIAO Jiafei, 2006, Earthquake-related tectonic deformation of soft sediments and their constraints on the basins’ tectonic evolution. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition), 80 (5): 724—732. (Sci.收录) 吕洪波,任晓辉,杨超,2006,赤峰等地第四纪大陆冰川的地貌证据。地质论评,52(3):379-385。 吕洪波,章雨旭,张绮玲,肖国望,2006,内蒙古白云鄂博东南黑脑包腮林忽洞群发现地震滑塌岩块。地质论评52(2):163-169。
(第一作者论文续) 吕洪波,杨超,2005,山东新泰青云山发现第四纪大陆冰川遗迹。地质论评,51(5):608。 吕洪波,章雨旭,肖加飞,2004,贵州贞丰中三叠统关岭组中Chirotherium—原始爬行类足迹研究。地质学报,78(4):468—474。 吕洪波,章雨旭,夏邦栋,方中,周伟明,彭阳,吴智平,李伟,2003. 南盘江盆地中三叠统复理石中的同沉积挤压构造----一类新的沉积构造的归类、命名和构造意义探讨。地质论评。49(5): 449-456. 近年来发表的教学研究论文: 吕洪波,2006,在高校低年级实施双语教学的体会。中国石油大学学报(社会科学版),Z1: 127—130。 吕洪波,2007,编写《地球科学概论》双语教材的体会。教育理论与实践,27(2007年全国双语教学研讨会论文集专刊):190—192。 吕洪波,2009,指导大学生创新性实验计划的感受。中国石油大学学报(社会科学版),Z1:139—141。 出版教材: 吕洪波,2006,An Outline of Earth Sciences(高等学校双语教材)。中国石油大学出版社,东营,367页。(已第二次印刷)
近年来参与写作的部分非第一作者论文: 郑元,吕洪波,章雨旭,王敏,孙闯,2009. 山西黎城中元古代砂岩层面多种痕迹特征及成因初析。地质论评,55(1):1—9.(共同研究与执笔) 章雨旭,吕洪波,张绮玲,乔秀夫,2005. 微晶丘成因新认识。地球科学进展,20(6):693—700.(共同研究与执笔) 吴智平,李伟,郑德顺,吕洪波,2004.沾化凹陷中、新生代断裂发育及其形成机制分析。高校地质学报,10(3):405—417.(参与构造演化模型讨论,但未执笔) Zhong Jianhua, Wen Zhifeng, Wang Guanmin, Wang Xibin, Lu Hongbo, Shen Xiaohua, 2004. Air-discharge pits on the Yellow River delta plain. Sedimentary Geology, 170 (2004): 1—20.(主要负责英文稿件修改) 任晓辉,吕洪波,2004. 赤峰红山国家森林公园第四纪冰川遗迹初步论证。赤峰教育学院学报,2004年第5期(总第69期):66。(共同进行野外考察,并参与修改论文) (2008年未发表其他非第一作者论文,已发现三篇非第一作者论文被他人剽窃或盗用署名,特此声明)
近期获奖: 主持课程《地球科学概论》(双语)获评为山东省高等学校首批双语教学精品示范课程( 2008)。 独立编写的教材《地球科学概论》(英语)获得山东省高等学校优秀教材二等奖( 2008)。 中国石油大学“大学生课外科技活动优秀指导教师”(2008)。 青岛市经济技术开发区大学生科技节“优秀指导教师奖”(2008)。 首批全国野外科技工作先进个人(中国国家科技部评选,2009 )。 联系方式: 青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号(邮编:266555)。 中国石油大学 地球资源与信息学院 地球科学系 电话:0532-86985001;0546-8398414 (M) Email: hongbolu@upc.edu.cn; hongbolu@hdpu.edu.cn
Course name: An Outline of Earth Sciences 地球科学概论 (Introduction to Earth Sciences) Textbook (教材):吕洪波,2006,《An Outline of Earth Sciences》(地球科学概论),中国石油大学出版社, 367pp. References or bibliography 参考书目: 1. 夏邦栋主编:《普通地质学》,1995年,地质出版社 2. www.http://google.com,输入地学关键词汇查询 3. 其他网络资源(见教材每章末尾网址链接) Teacher (教师):吕洪波教授 (Professor Hongbo Lu) Requirement in class 课堂要求:记录课堂笔记 Make notes Requirement after school课余要求: 预习和复习 preview and review Time table and places 时间与地点:见课程表(curriculum schedule) Tests and scores 考核与成绩: 平时参加、实验室成绩(矿物岩石标本鉴定) (30%) 笔试成绩(英文试卷,重点词汇附汉语标注,开卷考试)(70%)
Key words of Chapter 1 Earth Sciences, geology, geography, biology, meteorology, environmental sciences, astronomy; lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere… Geology: marine geology, geochemistry, geophysics, geology of ore deposits, petrology, petroleum geology… The method of geology: natural laboratory, time scale and space scale, principle of actualism… Geologic process: endogenic process, exogenic process, sites and major energies (internal heat, radioactive heat, Sun’s heat), auxiliary energies (gravity, rotation force, gravitation etc.).
The Scientific Method • The scientific method, on which all scientists rely, is a general research strategy based on experimentation and on the principle that every physical event has a physical explanation, even if may be beyond our present ability to discover. • Hypothesis—a tentative(尝试的)explanation based on data collected through observations and experiments—they present it to the community of scientists for criticism and repeated testing against new data. A hypothesis that is confirmed by other scientists gains credibility(可信度), particularly if it predicts the outcome of new experiments. • Theory: A hypothesis that has survived repeated challenges and accumulated a substantial body of experimental support is elevated to the status of a theory. Although its explanatory and predictive powers have been demonstrated, a theory can never be considered finally proved. The essence(本质)of science is that no explanation, no matter how believable or appealing, is immune(免疫的)to question. If convincing new evidence indicates that a theory is wrong, scientists may modify or discard it. The longer a theory holds up to all scientific challenges, however, the more confidently(信赖地)it is held.
To encourage the atmosphere of challenge, scientists share their ideas and data by presenting them at professional meetings, publishing them in professional journals, and discussing them in informal conversation with colleagues. Scientists learn from one another’s work as well as from the discoveries of the past. Because such free intellectual exchange is subject toabuses, a code of ethics(道德规范)has evolved among scientists. Scientists must acknowledge the contributions of all others on whose work they have drawn(吸取). They must not fabricate(虚构)or falsify(窜改)data, and they must accept responsibility for training the next generation of researchers and teachers. The most basic to science—honesty(诚实), generosity(宽宏), a respect for evidence, openness(坦率)to all ideas and opinions! The above words cited from: Press and Siever, 2001, Understanding Earth, third edition. p4.
Chapter 1 Preface—Introduction to Earth Sciences 1.1Earth Sciences and Some Related Concepts Earth Sciences(地球科学)are the sciences related to the Earth, including many branches, such as Geology(地质学)and its branches—mainly study the solid Earth—lithosphere Geography(地理学)—mainly studies the surface of the Earth Biology(生物学)—mainly studies the biosphere of the Earth Meteorology(气象学)—mainly studies the atmosphere of the Earth Environmental sciences(环境科学)—natural conditions for all the living things Astronomy(天文学)—Universe—Solar System—planets and so on. Marine geology(海洋地质学) is a branch of geology, mainly researching oceans and their processes. Petroleum geology(石油地质学), Structural geology(构造地质学)… …
1.1.1What is Geology? Geology is the study of the planet Earth. It is concerned with the origin of the planet, the material and morphology of the Earth, and its history as well as the processes acted/acting on it. (地球的起源、物质、形态、历史、作用) 地质学是一门综合的自然科学!不简单!!! The word “geology” was first used by a Swiss scholar—H. B. De Saussure (1740-1799) in 1779. The prefix “geo-” means “Earth or land”, while the suffix “-logy” means “subject—a course or area of study”. ============================================ Note: prefix前缀 suffix后缀
1.1.2The objective (aim, purpose, goal) of geology(地质学的目的----To get something good and to prevent something bad索宝与防害.) The knowledge obtained through the study of the planet is aimed at the service of mankind. a. To discover useful materials within the Earth (maybe outside the Earth in the future) such as, metals (e.g., Fe, Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, Ag, etc.) and nonmetals (rocks), energy resources (coal, oil and gas, gas hydrates, nuclear fuels, solar energies: wind and water power etc.) and other materials. b. To provide a foreknowledge of dangers associated with the mobile forces of a dynamic Earth (to avoid dangers related to the Earth), such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, slide and mudflow, subsidence of land surface etc. (地震、火山喷发、洪水、滑坡和泥石流、地面沉陷等). c.To protect environments and improve our living conditions (such as to prevent and diminish the pollution of air and water). 人类仅仅是地球系统的一小部分,但人为的危害却越来越大。防止人为的灾害(谁为人的无知、狂妄、盲目和贪婪负责?)是重要的内容之一。 =============== Note: Fe (iron, ferrum), Al (aluminum), Cu (copper), Pb (lead, plumbum), Zn (zinc), Au (gold), Ag (silver).
Example: water pollution! 2007年05月太湖蓝藻暴发 Green algae overspread over the Lake Taihu in May, 2007
Green algae overspread over the Lake Taihu in May, 2007 2007年05月太湖蓝藻暴发
2007年05月太湖蓝藻暴发 Green algae overspread over the Lake Taihu in May, 2007
2007年05月太湖蓝藻暴发 Green algae overspread over the Lake Taihu in May, 2007
2007年05月太湖蓝藻暴发 Green algae overspread over the Lake Taihu in May, 2007
2007年05月太湖蓝藻暴发 Green algae overspread over the Lake Taihu in May, 2007
致命的美丽图案 Deadly beautiful pattern How to solve the problem? http://forum.xinhuanet.com 太湖水绿鸭先知!
方案之一:让太湖成为过水湖泊 Make a river go through the lake >100km channel to dig Geologic engineering
方案之二:利用蓝藻生产保健食品,发动中国人食用方案之二:利用蓝藻生产保健食品,发动中国人食用 Exploit the algae as the food for healthcare—healthy? Biological and chemical engineering
方案之三:清理沿湖污染企业Clean up the contamination sources 江苏:企业恶意向太湖排污将面临百万元重罚 2007-08-10 18:46:23 来源:新华网 编辑:徐海滨 新华网南京8月10日电(记者 郭奔胜)江苏省日前修订新规定,企业恶意向太湖排污将面临百万元重罚。 http://forum.xinhuanet.com/detail.jsp?id=42659435 What kind of engineering? Best solution = most difficult work!
The Earth—our only home—smaller, weaker, and more vulnerable! Mankind—stronger! =? (selfish, greedy, stupid…) Clever enough to bein harmony with the nature? 人 类 地球:我们唯一的家园 人类:足够强大! 足够聪明否? 如何更聪明? We need knowledge in Earth Sciences!
1.1.3The method of geology (methodology)(地质学的研究方法) The Earth was formed about 4.6 billion (4,600 million) years ago. It has been changed greatly (from the beginning) and is still changing. According to the result from the change, geologists want to know the events happened in the Earth’s history. This is very difficult. Like detectives and historians, geologists use the result to analyze its origin, or collect the relic or even traces to reveal the past events. Thus, geology is a special science, because: a.The world in which we live is the best laboratory. Either the scale of space and time needed for the experiments are too large, or the experiments would cause the environment to change in some unfortunate way. We must treat nature as the best laboratory and museum.(大自然是地质学最好的实验室和博物馆:我们所知道的自然奥秘仅是微小的部分,因此地质学是我们一生的学科,实践越多,知识就越多。Geologists = fieldwork + laboratory + reasoning) b.Geologic theories strongly depend on the basic scientific disciplines of physics and chemistry, biology and others, depending on technology advances (progress). 对科技的依赖与促进(如:测年)
c. Theprinciple of actualism.现实主义原则、 将今论古原理 “The present is the key to the past.”现在是认识过去的钥匙 The doctrine is that: geologic processes and natural laws now operating to modify the Earth’s crust have acted in the same regular manner and with essentially the same intensity throughout geologic time, and that past geologic events can be explained by phenomena and forces observable today. The doctrine does not imply that any change has a uniform rate, and does not include minor local catastrophes. The doctrine is called Uniformitarianism(均变论), originated by C. Lyell (1797—1875) in his book <The principles of Geology> in 1830. (大自然不是简单的重复,而是演化的,人类可以从过去的历史中学到某些有用的东西,在将今论古的同时,也要以古鉴今。如:动物演化问题) Geology is a young science (only 200 years). It was born under the demand of industry and military usage for raw materials in the 18th century. So we have a lot to do in the future.
Example: a footprint of primitive reptile—chirotherium!(手兽足迹) (photo by Hongbo Lu, 2003) 吕洪波,章雨旭,肖加飞,2004,贵州贞丰中三叠统关岭组中Chirotherium—原始爬行类足迹研究。地质学报,78(4):468—474。 The present is the key to the past This footprint tells us that a primitive reptile once walked on the cracked ground at seaside in Guizhou in the Middle Triassic (中三叠世).
A imagined primitive body of “Chirotherium” Downloaded from the Internet
+ The past is the sample to the present • 将今论古 + 以古鉴今 • Evolution of dinosaurs: small to large • Large to distinction • Yao + Ye => taller basketball player! • Mankind: short longer distinction!
1.1.4Geologic process and its energy(地质作用及其能) Geologic process is any natural process that causes the change in composition, morphology and other aspects of the Earth. 地质作用包罗万象,大到火山喷发(内力),小到细菌繁殖、蚂蚁掘洞,当然还有人类活动(外力)。 Geologic process can be divided into a. Endogenic geologic processes (internal processes) (内力地质作用): Mainly happen inside the solid Earth. Major Energy that drives the processes comes from the Earth’s internal heat. For example, volcanic eruption, earthquake, metamorphism are all endogenic processes. b. Exogenic geologic processes (external processes) (外力地质作用): Happen outside the solid Earth, mainly at the Earth’s surface. The main energy comes from the Sun’s heat. The examples are: weathering, erosion, transportation, sedimentation etc. There are some auxiliary energies(辅助能): gravity, rotation force, gravitation from the Sun and the Moon etc.(重力、自转力、日月引力等)
Key points for Chapter 1 本章要点 • Earth Sciences and some branches. (geology, geography, biology, and meteorology etc.) • Definition of geology. (Geo-, -logy) • Objectives of geology. (Get something good, prevent something bad. Material, foreknowledge of danger, protect environment…) • Methods of geology. (Nature—best laboratory, depending on basic scientific discipline, principle of actualism) • Geologic process and its energy (any process, endogenic: inside the solid Earth, internal heat; exogenic: outside the solid Earth, Sun’s heat: Auxiliary energies: gravity, rotation force, and gravitation etc.)
Homework • Read the material in Chapter one and understand the new terms. • Translate the questions into Chinese and try to answer them in both English and Chinese.
1.2 The hardship and the pleasures of geologists • (地质学家的苦与乐) • My students, the prospective geologists, often ask me what hardship I have endured and what pleasure I have experienced. Different geologists have different answers, but as for me, I would rather say: the hardship is that I have to leave home to work in the field and the pleasure is that I can work in the field. Is this self-contradictory? No. A real geologist is always related to fieldwork. No fieldwork, no geologist. Only working in the field can a geologist really understand the secrets of nature! • As geologists, we have to bear the extreme hardship and, at the same time, we can enjoy the special pleasure from mother nature. Here I would love to show you two examples related to geologists. • There is a very sad poem published in 1984 in the newspaper to describe the geologists’ life of that time. • If you have a daughter, • Don’t marry her to a geologist; • She will be lonely at home all the year round. • When the husband comes back occasionally from the field, • All belongings to her are the tattered clothes and dirty socks in the bed. • (translated by Hongbo Lu)
The following is the original Chinese version published in the newspaper “Geology News of China” in 1984: 有女不嫁地质郎,一年四季守空房; 有朝一日回家转,破衣烂袜堆满床! (1984年发表于《中国地质报》)
Don’t worry! Don’t have to be so sad! As geologists, we have a lot of pleasures from nature!!! When you visit a place in a remote area where only a few people on Earth can reach, you are lucky to be the one among the few. When you are surrounded with the extraordinarily beautiful sceneries of nature, what would you think about? You will forget all the hardship you have endured in your life and be proud of yourself as a geologist. 强身健体,陶冶情操,激发灵感,感悟人生。 Geologists Scientists + artists + thinkers (scientist + vocalist + photographer + writer + philosopher + …)
地质学家—大自然母亲的宠儿(不仅仅为了工作)地质学家—大自然母亲的宠儿(不仅仅为了工作) Nature mother— the greatest scientist! the greatest artist! the greatest… … 背负行囊,跋山涉水?远离城镇?枯燥无味? 四肢发达、大脑简单?缺少爱情??? 地质学家同样懂得、拥有并珍惜爱,同样有浪漫的情感。 地质学家同时可以是艺术家(摄影师、画家、雕塑家、歌唱家) 文学家(诗人、作家) 因为我们有最好的老师和灵感源泉—大自然母亲! Here I am glad to show you a poem I wrote in Tibetan Plateau in 1997:
Talk to Suobucha Hot Spring In the remote paradise on the Tibetan Plateau, A clean stream is running quietly down the deep valley around the snow peaks. Who is singing under the sunshine? The yellow ducks flying over the white clouds! Who is cooking at the bottom and making the vapor rising over the banks? The grass with light-green blades enjoying the warmth of the immortal fountains… Who is lucky to come and see the beautiful scenery? Only Altair (Alpha—Shepherd Star) might graze here during early autumns. Who can use the resort? Only the Girl Weaver could wash her blouse stained with her endless tears at mid-night moments. Who built the fountains on the highest cold land of the Earth? The Gods! The Gods! The Gods! For whom did they make the abode? The Goddess from the Moon taking shower at the cloudy nights! I would dare to ask: “Are you lonely?” “Yes. You must be!” “Are you tired of waiting for the goddess during the dark nights?” “Yes. You must be!” Then why don’t you go with me to the southeast of the country, where you will not be lonely again and you can enjoy the cheering from serving the people…”
索布查温泉 (七律) 高原深处绝壁间, 清溪寂寞绕寒川。 黄鸭云头鸣丽日, 绿草谷底弄炊烟。 牛郎秋初牧河畔, 织女夜半洗泪衫。 瑶池只为嫦娥浴, 何不随我去江南?
正是作为地质学家才有幸到藏北高原无人区进行实地考察,才能在寒风中同时沐浴着明媚的阳光和清澈的温泉,也正是这种特殊的经历激发了作者的创作欲望,才有了这首不寻常的诗。以下是创作背景:正是作为地质学家才有幸到藏北高原无人区进行实地考察,才能在寒风中同时沐浴着明媚的阳光和清澈的温泉,也正是这种特殊的经历激发了作者的创作欲望,才有了这首不寻常的诗。以下是创作背景: 位于藏北羌塘无人区的索布查温泉,藏身于海拔4700米的山谷中。一九九七年五月的一天上午,我和南京大学藏北科学考察队的其他队员一起走进这鲜为人知的温泉河谷。当时气温仍在摄氏零下十度左右,然而温泉附近则是另一种景象了:远远望去,索布查沟上方笼罩着浓浓的雾气,好似下面有个很大的村落,走近时才发现是沸腾着的喷泉。喷泉覆盖的谷地由于长年不断的温水浸润,长满了绿绿的青苔。河谷中成对的野鸭正在静静地戏水,突然受到我们这些不速之客的干扰而飞向高空,眨眼之间已经在白云之巅翩翩起舞,那清脆悦耳的叫声在空旷的山谷中久久地回荡。这是多么优美的画卷啊----不是仙境,胜似仙境。激动地拍摄了一阵照片之后,大家纷纷脱衣下水,享受一番大自然的恩赐。淋浴过后,忽见岸上有两个抱小孩的藏家妇女早已偷偷地将下面的春光尽收眼底了。
惊叹之余,众人攀岩上岸,才发现有两间简易土屋坐落在河岸之上,算是这空旷的谷地中唯一的村落了。土屋的男主人去远方放牧了,要到夏末附近长出绿草才赶着羊群回来与家人短聚,女主人则在家照顾小孩,算是这里仅有的永久居民。守护温泉是她们每天的义务工作,欣赏温泉自然也成了她们一生的精神寄托。然而,她们除了偶尔到温泉洗衣外,却从不在温泉洗澡,在她们心目中,好像这温泉是特意为月宫中的嫦娥夜里沐浴而建造的,从未见凡人在此更衣。我们成了唯一胆敢光天化日之下在此享乐的凡夫俗子,也因此打扰了她们心中的神圣与安宁。惊叹之余,众人攀岩上岸,才发现有两间简易土屋坐落在河岸之上,算是这空旷的谷地中唯一的村落了。土屋的男主人去远方放牧了,要到夏末附近长出绿草才赶着羊群回来与家人短聚,女主人则在家照顾小孩,算是这里仅有的永久居民。守护温泉是她们每天的义务工作,欣赏温泉自然也成了她们一生的精神寄托。然而,她们除了偶尔到温泉洗衣外,却从不在温泉洗澡,在她们心目中,好像这温泉是特意为月宫中的嫦娥夜里沐浴而建造的,从未见凡人在此更衣。我们成了唯一胆敢光天化日之下在此享乐的凡夫俗子,也因此打扰了她们心中的神圣与安宁。 我呼大地,此泉缘何造在这人迹罕至的深山谷底?山谷中重复着我自己的声音:缘何-缘何-缘何? 我叹苍穹,谁才有权享用这永恒的宝贵资源?蓝天中白云不断变换着面孔,用沉默回答我的无知。 突然有感,遂作此诗。 引自: 吕洪波,2006,An Outline of Earth Sciences(高等学校双语教材)。中国石油大学出版社,东营,367页。
A geologist—an experienced photographer Sunrise, Dalinuoer, Inner Mongolia
张开理想的翅膀,为了明天的腾飞 朝迎红日出黄海,暮送彩霞落珠山:中国石油大学青岛校区