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Fuzzy Neuro Systems for Machine Learning for Large Data Sets. Rahul Kala, Department of Information Technology Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior http://students.iiitm.ac.in/~ipg_200545/ rahulkalaiiitm@yahoo.co.in, rkala@students.iiitm.ac.in.
Fuzzy Neuro Systems for Machine Learning for Large Data Sets Rahul Kala, Department of Information Technology Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Gwalior http://students.iiitm.ac.in/~ipg_200545/ rahulkalaiiitm@yahoo.co.in, rkala@students.iiitm.ac.in Paper: Kala, Rahul; Shukla, Anupam; Tiwari, Ritu, “Fuzzy Neuro Systems for Machine Learning for Large Data Sets”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, ieeexplore, pp 541-545, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IADCC.2009.4809069, 6-7 March 2009, Patiala, India
Data Size • In General, More the training data, better the performance • Large training sets • High dimensionality • High classification classes
Neural Network n Neural Network 2 Neural Network 3 Neural Network 1 The Hierarchical Nature Neural Network ………
The Approach in Input Space 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 1
Conclusion • Training Time • Training Efficiency
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