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American Psychological Association (APA). General Guidelines:. APA is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences Typed, double-spaced, 1” margins on all sides 12 pt. Times New Roman font Include a page header (AKA the “running head” ) at the top of every page
General Guidelines: • APA is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences • Typed, double-spaced, 1” margins on all sides • 12 pt. Times New Roman font • Include a page header (AKA the “running head”) at the top of every page • Essay should include four main sections: the Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References
Running head: CASE STUDY 1 Case Study: Parent Communication Ms. Robbeloth Arizona State University Title Page Include the title of the paper The author’s name The institutional affiliation (Desert Vista High School) All pages, including the title page, should include the “running head” (CASE STUDY)
CASE STUDY 2 Abstract Fhewfifehjfkehrjkhejkrhejjhdsfjfhhfdfjfhdjfhdsjkfhsdjfkhdsjfkdhsfjkdsfhdjfhdsjkfdshfjkdshfjdskfhdjfhfjhdfjkdfhdsjkfdhfjkhfdjkfhdjkfdhsfdjkfhdfjkdfhdsjkfhdjksfhfhertyeuiytrkgjhdfjgkhfdsgukdfhgjfkdhgureiytdjrbfghreutyeufjkhdsjkeryuigfgfndmfnds,fnmdnmnmn\ Keywords: jdkfjsk, fhdjsfh Abstract On the first line of the abstract page, center the word “Abstract”. Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do NOT indent). Needs to be single paragraph double-spaces and between 150 to 250 words.
Citations: • If you are using the words or ideas of someone else in your own written work, then you have to acknowledge this by writing the author’s name, the year the information was published, and the page number if you are quoting. • When using APA, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. Meaning, the author’s last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Smith, 1997), and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper • If you are referring to an idea from another work but NOT directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication and not the page number in your in-text reference. All the sources that are cited in the text must appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.
Scholarly Journal: • Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article.Titleof Journal, volume number, page range. Doi:0000000/000000000000 or http://dx.doi.org/10.0000/0000 • Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi: 10.1108/03090560710821161 • Wooldridge, M.B., & Shapka, J. (2012). Playing with technology: Mother- toddler Interaction scores lower during play with electronic toys.Journalof Applied Developmental Psychology, 33(5), 211-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appdev.2012.05.005 • DOI: Digital object identifier. Used to identify and provide a link to its location on the Internet. The publisher assigns a DOI when the article is published and is made available electronically
Newspaper or Magazine: • Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/ • Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New York Times. Retrieved from http:// well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/ psychiatry-handbook-linked-to-drug-industry/
Non-text Source: Television Broadcast • Last Name, F. (Producer). (Date Broadcast). Program [Program Type broadcast]. Network City: Network • Anderson, R., & Morgan, C. (Producers). (2008, June 20). 60 Minutes [Television broadcast] Washington, DC: CBS News. • For all podcasts, provide as much information as possible; not all of the information needed will be available. Possible addition identifiers may include Producer, Director, etc.
Public Advocacy: Court Decision Reference format: • Name v. Name, Volume Source Page (Court Date). Sample reference entry: • Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). Sample in-text citation: • In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation in schools unconstitutional.
Non-contemporary Source: U.S. Constitution • In-text: The founding fathers addressed the process by which new states may join the union (U.S. Const. art. I, Sec. 3). • Reference list: U.S. Const. art. I, Sec. 3. • In-text: Women gained the right to vote in 1920 (U.S. Const. amend. XIX). • Reference list: U.S. Const. amend. XIX.
Additional Resources: • http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ • Number one most helpful resource • http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/886.htm • Citing court cases • http://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa • Similar to Purdue Owl • http://citationmachine.net/index2.php •
Choose the citation that is in proper APA citation format for scholarly journal: • a. Roselle, A. Journal of Development Education. Community college library practices in developmental education, 32(2), 24-32. (2008). • b. Roselle, A. Community college library practices in developmental education. A Journal of Developmental Education, (2008). 32 (2), 24-32. • c. Roselle, A. (2008). Community college library practices in developmental education. Journal of Developmental Education, 32(2), 24-32. • d. Roselle, A. (2008) 32(2), 24-32. Journal of Developmental Education. Community college library practices in developmental education.
Choose the citation that is in proper APA citation for a newspaper article online: • a. Parker-Pope, T. Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New York Times. (2008, May 6) Retrieved from http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/psychiatry-handbook-linked-to-drug-industry/ • b. Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/psychiatry-handbook-linked-to-drug-industry/ • c. Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). The New York Times. Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. Retrieved from http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/psychiatry-handbook-linked-to-drug-industry/ • d. Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Retrieved from http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/06/psychiatry-handbook-linked-to-drug-industry/The New York Times. Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry.
Choose the correct APA citation for a television broadcast: • Choose the correct APA citation for a television broadcast: • a. (Producer) David, L. (1989). Seinfeld [Television series]. New York: NBC. • b. David, L. (Producer). Seinfeld [Television series]. New York: NBC (1989). • c. (Producer) David, L. (1989) Seinfeld [Television series]. New York: NBC. • d. David, L. (Producer). (1989). Seinfeld [Television series]. New York: NBC.
Create an APA citation for this publication: • Article Title: Truly, Madly, Depp-ly • Author: Frank DeCaro • Journal Title: Advocate • Volume number: 906 • Date: January 20, 2004 • Pages: 76-77 • hyperlink: <http://0-search.ebscohost.com.maurice.bgsu.edu/ doi.10.000/0000