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Etymology List #7. Abhor. VERB ( ab HOR) (abhorrence – noun ; abhorrent – adj.) to hate very much; to detest utterly 14400-1450, Late Middle English.
Abhor • VERB (ab HOR) • (abhorrence – noun; abhorrent – adj.) • to hate very much; to detest utterly • 14400-1450, Late Middle English
Most students abhor taking the ACT and SAT. They’re high pressure tests with so much riding on the scores, that it stresses students out. Students also take so many tests that they just get sick of testing.
Abstruse • ADJ. (ab STROOS) • hard to understand • 1590-1600, Latin
Many people find higher level mathematics abstruse. However, the same can be said for any higher level discipline such as advanced English or Chemistry.
Antecedent • NOUN (an tuh SEED unt) • Something coming before or prior; a preceding circumstance or event preceding another • 1350-1400, Middle English
For most students at OLHS, high school is the antecedent before going to college.
Cache • NOUN (kash) • a hiding place, or the objects hidden in a hiding place • 1585-95, French
Utilizing the web cache allows you to temporarily store web documents and decreases lag time while surfing the internet. Cache also refers to any hiding place or what is being hidden, like a squirrel’s cache of acorns.
Callow • ADJ. (KAL oh) • (callowness, noun) • immature and inexperienced • Pre-1000, Old English
The article below discusses how some people have trouble with how young Mark Zuckerberg is; some people view him as callow rather than as an innovator.
Cloister • NOUN (KLOY stur) • A tranquil, secluded place; a place of religious seclusion, such as a convent or monastery • 1250-1300, Middle English
Popular vacation destinations in the fall include state parks and cabins; the allure is that people can find their own cloister to get away from the bustle of city life. The image above shows a religious cloister.
Coup • NOUN (koo) - the “p” is silent! • The violent overthrow of a government by a small group; a victorious accomplishment • 1640-50, French
In countries where governments are weak or unsettled, there will be the threat of a coup. The article below discusses a failed coup in the Ivory Coast.
Creditor • NOUN (KRED uh tor) • a person or company to whom money is owed; a peson or firm who gives credit in a business transaction • 1400-1450, Late Middle English
If you rack up a lot of credit card or student loan debt while in college, you will end up owing a creditor.
Deft • ADJ. (deft) • (deftness – noun) • Dexterous, skillful • 1175-1225, Middle English
Eric Clapton is considered by many to be one of the greatest guitar players to have lived. He plays with notably deft fingers, reaching cords and creating riffs that some guitarists can only dream of.
Embody • VERB (em BAH dee) • (embodiment - noun) • to give bodily form to; to personify; to make part of a system • 1540-1550, origin unknown
This chair may be the most innovative office chair to date. It’s aptly named the “Embody” for its ability to bend, breathe, and conform to the human body. It sells for $1,400. Adrian Peterson is the embodiment of the physically fit athlete; he eludes tackles for the Vikings.
Entice • VERB (en TICE) • (enticement – noun, enticing – adj.) • To lure, to attract, to tempt in a pleasing fashion • 1300, Old French
The article below discusses how retail stores will try to entice shoppers this holiday season (and every holiday season, really) through sales and reward programs.
Forsake • VERB (for SAKE) • (forsook – irregular past tense) • To abandon, to give up, to renounce • Pre-900, Old Middle English
Many people felt that Lebron James forsook the Cleveland Cavaliers to join the Miami Heat. In hindsight, it was a good decision since he has won two titles with them, but fans didn’t like the idea that he would so easily forsake Cleveland and their loyalty to him.
Hoard • VERB (hord) • V. To accumulate for future use • Noun – a stockpile guarded for future use • Pre-900, Old Middle English
The show Hoarders chronicles the destroyed lives of people who hoard objects to their own detriment, often making their own homes unliveable.
Languish • VERB (LANG gwish) • To become weak or feeble; sag with loss of strength or inactivity • 1250-1300, Middle English
The article below discusses the concerns of farmers because of the effects of bills languishing due to Congress’s inability to pass them.
Lethargy • NOUN (LETH urgee) (lethargic – adj.) • The state of being drowsy and dull; unenergetic or indifferent and lazy; apathetic or sluggish inactivity. • 1325-75, Late Latin
Not getting enough sleep for too many nights in a row causes lethargy. I hate feeling lethargic when I have a lot to do.
Masticate • VERB (MAS tuhkayt) • (mastication – noun) • to chew; to reduce to a pulp by crushing • 1640-50, Late Latin
Children must be taught to masticate their food well so they don’t choke.
Misanthropy • NOUN (mis AN thruh pee) • (misanthrope – noun; misanthropic – adj.) • Hatred, dislike, or distrust of humankind / a person who hates ordistrusts mankind • 1650-60, Greek
Misanthropy is not a common word; however, because it is the opposite of philanthropy, which is common, it’s important that you know the prefix mis means “to hate” and the root anthro means “man.” The following is line from, Le Misanthrope (1666), a French satire: “My hate is general, I detest all men; Some because they are wicked and do evil, Others because they tolerate the wicked, Refusing them the active vigorous scorn Which vice should stimulate in virtuous minds”
Noisome • ADJ. (NOY SUM) • offensive to the sense of smell, as with an odor; highly injurious to the health; obnoxious or objectionable • 1350-1400, Middle English
If you travel to Third World countries it’s important to avoid swimming in rivers adjacent to large cities. Many of them are noisome and filled with pollution. Rivers are especially noisomeafter natural disasters because they fill with debris and other kinds of waste.
Oust • VERB (owst) • To eject; to force out of a place or position; to banish • 1375-1425, Late Middle English
People around the world have committed to seeing Joseph Konyousted from Uganda. Much of the awareness of his atrocities can be attributed to the Kony video that went viral onYoutube. In general, the context in which it is used is for people in power.
Philanthropy • NOUN (fuh LAN thruh pee)(Philanthropist – noun [indicates a person who loves mankind]; philanthropic – adj.) • Love of mankind, especially through • charitable gifts and deeds • 1600-10, Late Latin
When it comes to philanthropy, many people consider Bill Gates more philanthropic than the late Steve Jobs. For example, Gates stepped down as CEO of Microsoft so he could focus on the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation, which works to end global poverty.
Pillage • VERB (PIL luhj) • To rob of goods by violent seizure, as during war. • 1350-1400, Middle English
The hungry teenagers pillaged the refrigerator for fresh food and cold drinks.
Plight • NOUN (plyte) • a condition or situation, especially a distressing or unfortunate one • 1350-1400, Middle English
The above article discusses the plight of disabled people and the United Nations’ position on U.S. Senate Republicans who blocked ratification of a treaty to help them.
Quirk • NOUN (kwurk) • (quirkiness - noun) • a peculiarity of behavior; an unaccountable act or event • 1540-50, origin unknown
If you look closely, some professional athletes have interesting quirks. For example, Lebron James chews his fingernails, and Michael Jordan used to stick his tongue out while playing.
Spurious • ADJ. (SPUR ee us) • Not genuine; false or fake • 1590-1600, Latin
My children used to love the Curious George books. I’m not sure I would have shown them this version, though.
Vertigo • NOUN (vurtuh GO) • the sensation of dizziness • 1520-30, Latin