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Peace,Baby!. Flower Power!. Make Love,. Not War!. Welcome to the 1960s A 1960s timeline presented by the 8th grade graduating class of 2005 at Pocantico Hills School I Love the 60s Your trusted guide to the decade of short skirts and flower power. The BBC. Timeline/Overview.
Peace,Baby! Flower Power! Make Love, Not War!
Welcome to the 1960sA 1960s timeline presented by the 8th grade graduating class of 2005 at Pocantico Hills School I Love the 60sYour trusted guide to the decade of short skirts and flower power. The BBC Timeline/Overview
What was it like? It was intense, man! “The times, they are a changin’”
What was it like? Mr. Chaiken Mrs. Gotterson Mrs. Hayakawa The views and opinions stated here are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the rest of the ASIJ faculty, staff or administration.
What was it like? A Generation Divided: Chapter Five The Counterculture: Left Meets RightRebecca Klatch
What was it like?The Kennedy Years Camelot John F. KennedyHistory Central
What was it like?LBJ Lyndon B. Johnson History Central
The Vietnam War War and Protest: The US in Vietnam 1969-1970The BBCBattlefield Vietnam: Khe SanhPBS Stories Since the WarPBS
The Vietnam War The Sixties Project & Viet Nam Generation, Inc. The University of Virginia The Wars for Viet Nam: 1945 to 1975Vassar
The Vietnam War Mrs. Hayakawa on the Draft and the War The views and opinions stated here are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the rest of the ASIJ faculty, staff or administration.
The My Lai Massacre Vietnam Online – The My Lai MassacrePBS The My Lai CasesUniversity of Missouri-Kansas
The Draft THE VIETNAM LOTTERIES sss.gov CARTER'S PARDON PBS Would You Have Been Drafted? CNN
Student Movements “You say you want a revolution. Well, you know, we all want to change the world.”John Lennon “You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”Bob Dylan Clip art courtesy of Butterflies Are Free.com and J’s Magic Galleries
Student Movements Student Protest in the 1960s Yale UniversityA Time to Question: Students in the 1960s Ken Perlow: A Student Radical Remembers the 1960s
Kent State The Kent State Massacre The Picture from Kent State by Dirck Halstead - The Digital Journalist
Student Movements Mrs.Chitanion Protests Mrs.Kroonenbergon Kent State Mrs. Hayakawa on Protests The views and opinions stated here are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the rest of the ASIJ faculty, staff or administration.
The Chicago Convention Going Back to ChicagoPBS NPR : Cronkite Recalls Mayhem of '68 Convention
The SDS Students for a Democratic Societysds.revolt.org Strike!! Revolt against Columbia University 1968 Radical! The Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962
The SDS & More The WeathermenThe Weather Underground – PBS The Symbionese Liberation Army & Patricia HearstThe Rick A. Ross Institute(Site run by Rick Ross, a controversial expert on cults and other extreme groups and movements) The Current SDS Website
The Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights MovementThe Psychedelic Sixties – The University of Virginia Martin Luther King Jr. BiographyNobel Prize.orgMartin Luther King’s Speech at UCLAThe University of California
Black Power 1960's and The Black Panther PartyOn Video - Bobby Seale.com Black Power The University of Michigan Video Clip of The Huey Newton Interview at the Alameda County JailUniversity of California at Berkeley
Black Power • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Position Paper: The Basis of Black PowerThe Sixties Project- Vietnam Generation Inc. & The University of Virginia
Black Power Stokely Carmichael, Rights Leader Who Coined 'Black Power,' Dies at 57 Michael T. Kaufman - The New York Times Black Nationalism and Black PowerDigital History – The Universityof Houston
The Watts Riots of 1965 The Watts RiotsPBS Johnson's Statement On Watts Riots- 1965History Central.com
The Cuban Missile Crisis The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: A Political Perspective After 40 YearsGeorge Washington University 14 Days in October: The Cuban Missile CrisisThinkQuest.org
The Assassinations – JFK The Kennedy Assassination By John McAdams Marquette University JFK AssassinationWitness Page The Academic JFK Assassination SiteKenneth A. Rahn University of Rhode Island
The Assassinations – JFK Deus Ex Mafia: The Solution to America’s Greatest Murder Mystery? The Warren Report John Kennedy is Laid to Rest - BBC Photo Gallery
Jack Ruby Kills Lee Harvey Oswald 1964: Jack Ruby sentenced to death BBC Lee Harvey Oswald Jack RubyHandbook of Texas Online
The AssassinationsMartin Luther King Jr. The Martin Luther King AssassinationThe Museum of Broadcast Communications The Martin Luther King, Jr., Papers ProjectStanford University
The AssassinationsMartin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Images "I Have A Dream"Video
The AssassinationsRobert Kennedy The RFK AssassinationDavid K. Lewis Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Investigation Records California State Archives
The Drug Culture Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Timothy LearyandTimothy Leary The Role of Drugs in the Popular Culture of the 1960s marijuana-picture.com
Seeking the Spiritual Hare Krishna! Age of Aquarius The Healing Power of Crystals The Beatles in India
Rejecting the Establishment The Making of the CountercultureKenneth RexrothThe Counterculture The Counterculture
Communal Living Communal Living in the Late 60s and Early 70sRachel Meunier Human Issues Project
Dangerous ElementsHell’s Angels The Hell’s AngelsOfficial Website Hell’s Angels– Missoulian.com Newsstand Menace
Dangerous ElementsCharles Manson and The Family Murder! The Crime Library The Trial of Charles Manson University of Missouri-Kansas
Art & Literature “In the 1960s, as people were trying to re-evaluate the world around themselves, many chose to seek better understanding through literature. During this time, there was a resurgence in writing in many new styles.” The Influence of Literature on Popular Culture in the 1960s
Ken KeseyAnthony BurgessHarlan Ellison and New Wave Kurt VonnegutNorman MailerJoseph HellerRobert HeinleinSylvia Plath Art & Literature 1960s Bestsellers
Art & LiteratureEveryone read…. The Prophet byKahlil Gibran SiddharthabyHerman Hesse The DesideratabyMax Ehrmann On the Road byJack Kerouac
Art & Literature Everyone read…. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance byRobert Persig
Art & Literature – Poetry Sixties Project: Poetry ArchiveUniversity of Virginia Poetry and VietnamJohn Clark Pratt- University of Illinois
Art & Literature-Movies The New HollywoodThe films of the 1960s and 1970s Film History of the 1960sFilmsite.org
Art & Literature The Pennsylvania State UniversityThe History of Art Education Time Line 1960-1969 Mary Ann Stankiewicz, Ph.D. - Professor of Art EducationKingwood College LibraryAmerican Cultural History - 1960 – 1969
Art & Literature Kresge Art Museum – Michigan State UniversityBlast From the Past: Art of the 1960’s The Black Arts MovementEnglish Department of the University of Michigan
Art & Literature – Pop Art Encarta Online Encyclopedia – Pop ArtMasaryk University-Index of Pop-ArtistsTomas Staudek -- Computer Science Lecturer Graphic Design & Multimedia Group The Andy Warhol Museum
Art & Literature – Pop Art Roy LichtensteinThe Roy Lichtenstein Foundation Jasper Johns PBS Robert RauschenbergPBS
Art & Literature – Op Art Optical Art: Artists and their Works Modern Art Movements
Art & Literature-Psychedelic Art PsychedelicArt: “Term used to describe art, usually painting, made under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs. It was particularly identified with the early 1960s, when the use of such drugs was at its height.” David M. Sokol: " Psychedelic Art " Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press, [04/01/2006], http://www.groveart.com/