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チャームハドロンの 面白さとは何か?. So, what’s interesting in charm hadrons?. 安井 繁宏 (KEK). ミニ滞在型研究検討会「チャームバリオンの構造と生成」 @ 10-13 Sep . 2013. Contents. 1. Introduction to charm ( bottom ) hadrons 2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 4. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium
チャームハドロンの面白さとは何か? So, what’s interesting in charm hadrons? 安井 繁宏 (KEK) ミニ滞在型研究検討会「チャームバリオンの構造と生成」@10-13Sep. 2013
Contents • 1. Introduction to charm (bottom) hadrons 2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 4. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclearmedium • - Heavy mesoneffectivetheorywith 1/M corretions 5. Summary & perspectives
Contents • 1. Introduction to charm (bottom) hadrons 2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 4. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclearmedium • - Heavy mesoneffectivetheorywith 1/M corretions 5. Summary & perspectives Conclusion Probe spin dynamics by charm hadrons! Then, we can approach gluon dynamics !!!
1. Introduction What is interesting in hadron physics? • Non-perturbative physics of QCD • Spontaneous breaking of chrial symmetry • Confinement of color • Anomaly (chiral anomaly, scale anomaly, ...) • ... T 2x1012 K Quark-Gluon Plasma Early Universe Heavy Ion Collisions Confinement Deconfinement Gas Strange Matter Nuclear Matter Cluster Color Superconductivity ρ Neutron Stars
1. Introduction What is interesting in hadron physics? Charm (bottom) baryons with a single heavy quark Quark Model
1. Introduction What is interesting in hadron physics? Charm (bottom) baryons with a single heavy quark Quark Model Heavy Quark Effective Theory (QCD) Heavy quark spin + Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons
1. Introduction What is interesting in hadron physics? Charm (bottom) baryons with a single heavy quark Quark Model Heavy Quark Effective Theory (QCD) Heavy quark spin + Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons “Brown Muck”
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Heavy quark effective theory (HQET)
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion Effective heavy quark field (four-velocity v) Covariant derivative Tensor field of gluon (chromoelectric G0i, chromomagneticGij) Light quarks & gluons HQET Qv
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion Mass of heavy meson H containing a heavy quark Q (in vacuum) rest frame D-D* (B-B*) mass approximate degeneracy Matrix elements LO HQFS conserved HQSS conserved Light quarks & gluons HQS conserved HQFS broken HQSS conserved HQET NLO O(1/mQ) HQFS broken HQSS broken HQS broken Qv HQS = Heavy quark symmetry, HQFS=Heavy quark flavor symmetry, HQSS=Heavy quark spin symmetry
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion Mass of heavy meson H containing a heavy quark Q (in vacuum) rest frame D-D* (B-B*) mass approximate degeneracy Matrix elements LO Bigi, Shifman, Uraltsev, Vainshtein, PRD52, 196 (1995) Light quarks & gluons HQS conserved scale anomaly Neubert, PLB322, 419 (1994) HQET “the virial theorem” chromoelectric gluon NLO O(1/mQ) HQS broken Qv chromomagnetic gluon HQS = Heavy quark symmetry
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons = + Normal heavy hadron Heavy quark Brown muck
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons = + Multiquark heavy hadron Heavy quark Brown muck
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons New! = + Multiquark heavy hadron Heavy quark Brown muck
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons = + “Light Spin-Complex” Hadronic molecular heavy hadron Heavy quark A complex of light quarks and gluons and light hadrons
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons = + New!!! “Light Spin-Complex” Hadronic molecular heavy hadron Heavy quark A complex of light quarks and gluons and light hadrons
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons Heavy hadron in nuclear medium → Light Spin-Complex = “quark” + nucleon + hole! = + New!!! “Light Spin-Complex” Hadronic molecular heavy hadron Heavy quark A complex of light quarks and gluons and light hadrons
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons J=j+1/2 J=j-1/2, j+1/2 1/mQ (j≠0) J=j-1/2 Energy J=1/2 J=1/2 mQ: finite mQ→ ∞
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons J=j+1/2 J=j-1/2, j+1/2 1/mQ (j≠0) J=j-1/2 Energy ? J=1/2 HQS Singlet (j=0) J=1/2 mQ: finite mQ→ ∞
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Heavy quark limit (HQL) mQ→∞ Spin decoupling: Heavy Quark Symmetry (HQS) Heavy quark spin Total angular momentum of light quarks and gluons J=j+1/2 J=1/2 J=j-1/2, j+1/2 1/mQ J=1/2 (j≠0) J=j-1/2 Energy HQS Doublet (j≠0) ? mQ: finite mQ→ ∞
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293 Examples 1. Non-exotic baryons 2. Exotic baryons 3. Heavy meson in nuclear matter
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 野海・安井 “J-PARC高運動量ビームラインで拓く 新しいハドロン・原子核物理” 原子核研究 1. Non-exotic baryons (charm baryons) Quark Model Roberts and Pervin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 23, 2817 (2008)
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 野海・安井 “J-PARC高運動量ビームラインで拓く 新しいハドロン・原子核物理” 原子核研究 1. Non-exotic baryons (charm baryons) HQS Singlet Quark Model Roberts and Pervin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 23, 2817 (2008)
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 野海・安井 “J-PARC高運動量ビームラインで拓く 新しいハドロン・原子核物理” 原子核研究 1. Non-exotic baryons (charm baryons) HQS Singlet PDG2012 Quark Model Roberts and Pervin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 23, 2817 (2008)
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 野海・安井 “J-PARC高運動量ビームラインで拓く 新しいハドロン・原子核物理” 原子核研究 1. Non-exotic baryons (charm baryons) 多数の未知の状態 !! HQS Singlet PDG2012 Quark Model Roberts and Pervin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. 23, 2817 (2008)
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) P(*)N(1/2-) is degenerate with P(*)N(3/2-). SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) P(*)N(1/2-) is degenerate with P(*)N(3/2-). HQS Doublet SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark P(*) 2. Exotic baryons (P(*)N molecule state; JP=1/2-, 3/2-) N π Unitary transformation Unitary transformation P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) P(*)N(1/2-) is degenerate with P(*)N(3/2-). HQS Doublet Light Spin-Complex “qN” (1+) is commonly contained. SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 3. P(*) meson in nuclear matter P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 3. P(*) meson in nuclear matter Degrees of degeneracy = 3 2 1 P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 3. P(*) meson in nuclear matter Degrees of degeneracy = 3 2 1 In-medium mass of P = In medium mass of P* P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 3. P(*) meson in nuclear matter Degrees of degeneracy = 3 2 1 In-medium mass of P = In medium mass of P* P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) HQS Doublet SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 3. P(*) meson in nuclear matter In-medium mass of P = In medium mass of P* P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) HQS Doublet SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark 3. P(*) meson in nuclear matter In-medium mass of P = In medium mass of P* P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1) HQS Doublet Light Spin-Complex “qNN-1” (1/2+) is commonly contained. SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark T 2x1012 K Quark-Gluon Plasma Early Universe Heavy Ion Collisions Confinement Deconfinement Gas Strange Matter Nuclear Matter Cluster Color Superconductivity ρ Neutron Stars SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Colored Object ? in quarkyoic phase, color superconductivity, ... T 2x1012 K Quark-Gluon Plasma Early Universe Heavy Ion Collisions Confinement Deconfinement Gas Strange Matter Nuclear Matter Cluster Color Superconductivity ρ Neutron Stars SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Light Spin-Complex in heavy hadron T 2x1012 K Quark-Gluon Plasma Early Universe Heavy Ion Collisions Confinement Deconfinement Gas Strange Matter Nuclear Matter Cluster Color Superconductivity ρ Neutron Stars SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
2. Mass spectrum of baryons with a heavy quark Light Spin-Complex in heavy hadron T 2x1012 K Quark-Gluon Plasma Early Universe Heavy Ion Collisions Connection by charm (bottom) quark? Confinement Deconfinement Gas Strange Matter Nuclear Matter Cluster Color Superconductivity ρ Neutron Stars SY, Sudoh, Yamaguchi, Ohkoda, Hosaka, Hyodo, arXv:1304.5293
3. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium Let us talk more about 1/M expansion for heavy meson P(*) in nuclear matter! SY and Sudoh, arXiv:1308:0098 [hep-ph] P(*)=(Qq)spin 0 (1)
3. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium In-medium Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET)
3. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion Mass of heavy meson H containing a heavy quark Q (in medium at T and ρ) rest frame Matrix elements LO Light quarks & gluons HQS conserved scale anomaly HQET chromoelectric gluon NLO O(1/mQ) HQS broken Qv chromomagnetic gluon HQS = Heavy quark symmetry
3. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion Mass of heavy meson H containing a heavy quark Q (in medium at T and ρ) rest frame Matrix elements LO Light quarks & gluons HQS conserved scale anomaly HQET chromoelectric gluon NLO O(1/mQ) HQS broken Qv chromomagnetic gluon HQS = Heavy quark symmetry
3. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion j-1/2 λ2 : O(1/mQ) j-1/2 j-1/2 Mass λ2 : O(1/mQ) j-1/2 Λ : O(mQ0) + λ1 : O(1/mQ) Λ : O(mQ0) + λ1 : O(1/mQ) mQ vacuum medium
3. Anti-D (B) meson in nuclear medium Heavy quark effective theory (HQET) 1/mQ expansion j-1/2 λ2 : O(1/mQ) j-1/2 j-1/2 Mass λ2 : O(1/mQ) j-1/2 Λ : O(mQ0) + λ1 : O(1/mQ) Λ : O(mQ0) + λ1 : O(1/mQ) Λ , λ1 and λ2 change in medium. mQ vacuum medium