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An Effective Combination of Multiple Classifiers for Toxicity Prediction. FSKD 2006, Xi’An, China. Gongde GUO, Daniel NEAGU, Xuming Huang and Yaxin Bi. Bradford, West Yorkshire. Bradford, UK. National Museum of Film and Television. School of Informatics, University of Bradford. Outline.
An Effective Combination of Multiple Classifiers for Toxicity Prediction FSKD 2006, Xi’An, China Gongde GUO, Daniel NEAGU, Xuming Huang and Yaxin Bi
Bradford, West Yorkshire Bradford, UK • National Museum of Film and Television • School of Informatics, University of Bradford
Outline • Short Introduction to Predictive Data Mining and Toxicology • Problems of Single Classifier-based Models for Predictive Toxicology • A Potential Solution: Multiple Classifier Systems • A Case Study of Model Library • Data sets (7) • Descriptors • Dimensionality • Machine Learning Algorithms • Feature Selection Methods • Organisation • Primitive Knowledge of Dempster-Shafer Theory • Mass and Belief Functions • Dempster’s Rule of Combination • Proposed Combination Scheme • Definition of a New Mass Function • Combination Method • Experimental Results • Conclusions
Predictive Data Mining • The processes of data classification/ regression having the goal to obtain predictive models for a specific target, based on predictive relationships among large number of input variables. • Classification defines characteristics of data and identifies a data item as member of one of several predefined categorical classes. • Regression uses the existing numerical data values and maps them to a real valued prediction (target) variable.
Predictive Toxicology • Predictive Toxicology: • a multi-disciplinary science • requires close collaboration among toxicologists, chemists, biologists, statisticians and AI/ML researchers. • The goal of toxicity prediction is to describe the relationship between chemical properties, biological and toxicological processes: • relates features of a chemical structure to a property, effect or biological activity associated with the chemical
Problems of Single Classifier-based Models for Predictive Toxicology • Most of the toxicity data sets contain: • Numerousirrelevant descriptors, e.g. there are 250 descriptors in PHENOLS data set. However, only few of them (less than 20 descriptors) have high correlation to the class. • Skewed distribution of classes and a low ratioof instances to features, e.g. there are 253 descriptors in APC data set. But only 116 instances are available for training and testing. Moreover, the class distribution is uneven: 4:28:24:60 • Missing values and noisy data. • Single classifier-based models, i.e. probabilistic decision theory, discriminant analysis, fuzzy-neural networks, belief networks, non-parametric methods, tree-structured classifiers, and rough sets, are not sufficiently discriminative for all the data sets considered.
A Potential Solution: Multiple Classifiers Systems • A multiple classifier system is a powerful solution to difficult classification problems involving large sets and noisy input because it allows simul’taneous use of ‘arbitrary feature descriptors and classification pro’cedures. • The ultimate goal of designing a multiple classifier system is to achieve the best possible classification performance for the task at hand. Empirical studies have observed that different classifier designs potentially offer complementary information about the patterns to be classified, which could be harnessed to improve the performance of the selected classifier. • Many different approaches have been developed for classifier combination, e.g. Majority voting, Entropy-based combination, Dempster-Shafer theory-based combination, Bayesian classifier combination, Fuzzy inference, Gating networks, Sta’tistical models.
A Case Study of Model LibraryDatasets (1) • DEMETRA* • LC50 96h Rainbow Trout acute toxicity (ppm) • 282 compounds • EC50 48h Water Flea acute toxicity (ppm) (Daphnia) • 264 compounds • LD50 14d Oral Bobwhite Quail (mg/ kg) • 116 compounds • LC50 8d Dietary Bobwhite Quail (ppm) • 123 compounds • LD50 48h ContactHoney Bee (μg/ bee) • 105 compounds *http://www.demetra-tox.net
A Case Study of Model LibraryDatasets (2) • CSL APC* Datasets • 5 endpoints • A single endpoint/descriptor set used for our experiments • Mallard Duck • LD50 toxicity value • 60 organophosphates • 248 descriptors *http://www.csl.gov.uk
A Case Study of Model LibraryDatasets (3) • TETRATOX*/LJMU** Dataset • Tetrahymena Pyriformis • inhibition of growth IGC50 • Phenols data • 250 phenolic compounds • 187 descriptors *http://www.vet.utk.edu/tetratox/ **http://www.ljmu.ac.uk
A Case Study of Model LibraryDescriptors • Multiple descriptor types • Various software packages to calculate 2D and 3D attributes* http://www.demetra-tox.net
Dataset Two Dataset Three Dataset Four Algorithms Algorithms Algorithms Model Parameter file Results file Feature Selection Feature Selection Feature Selection A Case Study of Model LibraryDimensionality Dataset One Algorithms Feature Selection
A Case Study of Model LibraryMachine Learning Algorithms • Machine Learning algorithms are chosen for their representability and diversity, easy, simple and fast access. • Instance-based Learning algorithm (IBL) • Decision Tree learning algorithm (DT) • Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction (RIPPER) • Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) • Support Vector Machine (SVM)
A Case Study of Model LibraryFeature Selection Methods • Feature Selection Methods involved in this study are: • Correlation-based feature selection (CFS) • Chi-Chi squared ranking filter (Chi) • Consistency Subset evaluator (CS) • Gain Ratio feature evaluation (GR) • Information Gain ranking filter (IG) • KNNMFS feature selection (KNNMFS) • ReliefF ranking filter (ReliefF) • SVM feature evaluator (SVM)
Source CSL DEMETRA TETRATOX/LJMU Endpoint/ Descriptors APC Mallard_Duck Trout Water Flea Oral Quail Dietary Quail Bee PHENOLS Feature Selection CFS Chi CS GR IG ReliefF SVM KNNMFS File Type Feature Subsets Models Parameters Results Files Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model n A Case Study of Model LibraryOrganisation Raw
Primitive Knowledge of D-S Theory:Mass and Belief Functions • Definition 1. Let Θ be a frame of discernment, given a subset H Θ, a mass function is defined as a mapping m: 2Θ[0, 1], and satisfies the following conditions: (1) m(Ø)=0 (2) • Definition 2. let Θ be a frame of discernment and m be a mass function on Θ, the belief function of a subset H Θ is defined as Bel(H)= and satisfies the following conditions: (1) Bel(Ø)=0 (2) Bel(Θ)=1
Primitive Knowledge of D-S Theory:Dempster’s Rule of Combination • Definition 3: Let m1 and m2 be two mass functions on the frame of discernment Θ, and for any subset H Θ, theorthogonal sum of two mass functions on H is defined as: The above equation is used to combine two mass functions into a third mass function, pooling pieces of evidence to support propositions of interest.
Proposed Combination SchemeDefinition of a New MASS Function let be a classifier, C={c1,c2,…,c|C|} be a list of class labels, and d be any test instance, an assignment of class labels to d is denoted by (d) = {s1,s2,…,s|C|}, where si 0, i=1,2,…,|C| represents the relevance of the instance d to the class label ci. The greater the score assigned to a class, the greater the possibility of the instance being under this class. For convenience of discussion, we define a function , (ci)=si+ for all ci C, where 1> >0 represents the prior knowledge of classifier . It is clear that (ci)>0. Alternatively, (d) is written as (d)={ (c1), (c2),…, (c |C|)} Definition 4. Let C be a frame of discernment, where each class label ci C is a proposition that the instance d is of class label ci, and (d) be a piece of evidence that indicates a possibility that the instance comes from each class label ci C, then a mass function is defined as a mapping, m: 2C [0, 1], i.e. mapping a basic probability assignment (bpa) to ci C for 1≤ i ≤ |C| as follows:
Proposed Combination SchemeCombination Method Let be a group of L learning algorithms, be a group of classifiers associated with learning algorithm Lk , where and n is a parameter that is related to the number of feature subsets, then each of the classifiers, assigns an input instance d to . The results output by multi-classifiers are represented as a matrix: where is a vector denoted as . m(.) - is the mass function defined before.
Proposed Combination SchemeCombination Method - continue • The combination task based on this matrix is made both on the columns and rows, i.e. for each column, all the rows will be combined using formula (1), and then the combined results in each column will be combined again using formula (2), therefore producing a new mass distribution over all the class labels that represents the consensus of the assignments of the multiple classifiers to test class labels. The final classification decision will be made by using the decision rule of formula (3)
Conclusions • In this work, we proposed an approach for combining multiple classifiers using Dempster’s rule of combination. Based on our experimental results, it is fairly to draw a conclusion: • The performance of the combination method based on Dempster’s rule of combination is better than that of any other combination method studied. • It is 2.97%, on average, better than the best individual classification method SVM. • Dempster’s rule of combination provides a theoretical underpinning for achieving more accurate prediction through aggregating the majority voting principle and the belief degrees of decisions.
Acknowledgements • This work is part-funded by: • EPSRC GR/T02508/01: Predictive Toxicology Knowledge Representation and Processing Tool based on a Hybrid Intelligent Systems Approach At: http://pythia.inf.brad.ac.uk/ • EU FP5 Quality of Life DEMETRA QLRT-2001-00691: Development of Environmental Modules for Evaluation of Toxicity of pesticide Residues in Agriculture At: http://www.demetra-tox.net