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Xavier Barcons – IFC, Spain Lynn Cominsky – Sonoma State U. Patrick Henry – U. Hawaii Abraham Loeb – Harvard U. Takamitsu Miyaji - CMU BALL Steven Jordan William Purcell. CMU Richard Griffiths - PI GSFC Robert Petre – Deputy PI Keith Jahoda Richard Mushotzky Nicholas White
Xavier Barcons – IFC, Spain Lynn Cominsky – Sonoma State U. Patrick Henry – U. Hawaii Abraham Loeb – Harvard U. Takamitsu Miyaji - CMU BALL Steven Jordan William Purcell CMU Richard Griffiths - PI GSFC Robert Petre – Deputy PI Keith Jahoda Richard Mushotzky Nicholas White MPE Guenther Hasinger – Co PI Peter Predehl Hans Boehringer Peter Friedrich Lothar Struder Norbert Meidinger Eckhard Kendziorra Elmar Pfeffermann Joseph Mohr – U. Illinois Zoltan Haiman – Columbia U.
Advantages of X-ray Clusters Can be well modeled X-rays are optically thin thermal radiation from material nearly in collisional equilibrium Not as simple as the microwave background Simpler than supernovae, galaxies or AGN Fewer projection effects with X-ray selection X-rays are more peaked than galaxy distribution Fewer foreground/background objects Confining hot gas requires a real object of high mass Close relation of X-ray observable to cluster mass X-ray bright so seen to cosmological distances Crucial 0 < z < 1 interval where universal expansion changed from deceleration to acceleration
Comparison of dark matter and x-ray cluster and group distributionevery bound system visible in the numerical simulation is detected in the x-ray band - bright regions are massive clusters, dimmer regions groups, X-ray emission in simulation Dark matter simulation
Sensitivity to Dark Energy equation of state Volume element Comoving distance Huterer & Turner
Volume Element as a function of w Dark Energy More volume at moderate redshift
Borgani and Guzzo2001 X-ray properties of clusters trace mass Cluster Evolution and Cosmology optical luminosity • The observables are the x-ray luminosity, temperature correlation function and their evolution with z • x-ray properties directly connect to mass (Allen 2002) X-ray luminosity Mass Mass X-ray luminosity kT Mass temperature relation Horner et al 2001 kT
Instrument HeritageABRIXAS and XMM • DUO has a high degree of heritage • 7 X-ray mirrors, focal length 1.6m • Total field of view 3.3 sq. degs. • Effective resolution 45 arcs. • 7 PN-CCDs, 0.3 – 10 keV
Telescope AEFF [cm-2] (1 telescope) E [keV] The optical system 10o
Number of Events ADU New pn-CCD detector performance 0.28 keV New pn-CCD
Ball RS300 Spacecraft Stowed in 63 Taurus Fairing On Orbit
Observing Strategy (eff. > 60%) • DUO Deep SurveyDUO Deep Survey: 150-DUO Wide Survey: 6000 deg2 hWithin SDSS Northern Galactic Cap h8000 clusters with M > 2x1014 MO (kT>3.5 keV) complete to z=0.7 hRedshifts already available DUO Deep Survey: 176deg2 h1800 clusters, about 200 at z>1.0 hSouthern Sky (ping-pong operation) hSynergy with large SZ-Surveys hOptical follow-up from VLT Operations: Scan both regions in 2 years
Contiguous Goal DUO Wide DUO Deep Rosati, Borgani & Norman ARAA 40, 539, 2002
HEAO-1 DUO 10000 DUO 1000 XMM medium 100 ASCA LSS XMM/Chandra deep BeppoSAX HELLAS2XMM
Redshiftdistributions 2-10 keV X-ray flux versus R-band magnitude for optically identified X-ray sources from Chandra and ASCA X-ray surveys.
Measurements of Dark Energy with DUO WE WM w WM
Dark Matter Hot Gas