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Group Ecologic Plus CBRN – bridge between European Union and Asia-Pacific in transnational, collaborative R&D scientific and educational programs. PART I
Group Ecologic Plus CBRN – bridge between European Union and Asia-Pacific in transnational, collaborative R&D scientific and educational programs www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
PART I • Group Ecologic Plus CBRN is located in Bucharest, Romania and has an extensive experience in leading a large variety of projects related to the environment protection and consultancy in accessing European structural funds. • It has experts involved in the following activities: • Environment protection; • Consultancy services for engineering projects, research and development of environmentally-friendly technologies and equipment; • Assistance in securing European Structural Founds and identifying financial resources to subsidize eco-friendly projects; • Some of our colleagues are involved in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Sciences. • In Group Ecologic Plus CBRN acts COMFRAC R&D PROJECT EXPERT. • It is a Romanian legal person, a research and development unit of private law, organized as a limited liability commercial company www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
The major assignment of our company is to carry • on research, development and technological transfer • activities, especially in the following areas of expertise: • Aerospace engineering; • Mechanical engineering; • Industrial engineering; • Information technology; • Ballistic and propulsion systems; • Environment protection; • Activities specific to CBRN field (chemical- biological- radiological- nuclear); • Ecological neutralization of old and dangerous munitions. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
The main projects developed by our specialists are: • Mini-supercapacitors technology, based on hybrid CNT/CNF - electroactive polymer networks • in ERA-NET financing schema, MNT II ERA-NET program. • Acronym: CARPOLCAP • Consortium structure: • Chalmers University of Technology – Gothenburg, Sweden; • Smoltek - Göteborg, Sweden; • COMFRAC – Bucharest , Romania; • ICPE-CA – National R&D Institute For Electrical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania; • UCY- University of Cyprus, Aglantzia, Cyprus. • Applications of nanostructural materials with chiral-comb architecture for electromagnetic screening in the GHz-THz field • Acronym: NANOEMAT • Integrated system for information (audio, video, data) transmission, bidirectional, wireless, through laser beam • Acronym: INFOLASER www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Equipment for the recording and processing of EEG signals applicable to the research and analysis of the brain-computer interfaces • Acronym: SCALPOMAT • „Photo-catalytic decontamination of neurotoxic and vesicant compounds” – Financed by NATO through Science for Peace Program; www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
During the last few years Group Ecologic Plus CBRN developed closed relationship with partners from: • Greece • University of Petra, • Organotechnical S.A – Kavala; • Drama Chamber; • Geoanalysis S.A - Thessaloniki • Malta • Paragone Europe • Spain • LEITAT – Technological Center • CIDAUT – Valladolid • Slovakia • Technical University Kosice • Bulgaria • Division of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem, Bulgarian Academy of Science • Turkey • Institute of Marine Science of Middle East Technical University – Erdemli • France • TECSOL-Perpignan www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Romania • Technical Military Academy; • University of Bucharest; • Polytechnic University of Bucharest; • Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” - Iasi www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
PART II • Programs developed between European Union and Eastern Europe and Central Asia • The main aim of the ENPI Interregional Program (IRP) is to provide effective and efficient support • for the implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) as well as the Strategic Partnership with Russia. • 1. European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) • Main priorities and goals • Assistance provided under this Indicative Program will focus on five priority areas: • Priority Area 1: Promoting reform through European advice and expertise • Sub-priority 1: TAIEX • Sub-priority 2: SIGMA • Priority Area 2: Promoting higher education and student mobility • Sub-priority 1: Promoting institutional cooperation in higher education • Sub-priority 2: Promoting student mobility www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Priority Area 3: Promoting cooperation between local actors in the EU and in the partner countries • Priority Area 4: Promoting implementation of the ENP and of the Strategic partnership with Russia • Priority Area 5: Promoting Investment projects in ENP Partner countries www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
2. BSCSIF - International Fund for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea • The countries involved are: • Azerbaijan • Georgia • Kazakhstan • Kyrgyzstan • Moldova • Romania • Turkey • Ukraine • Russian Federation • Bulgaria • Serbia • Montenegro • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Belarus www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Objectives: • justice and human rights • economics • public policies • science • democratization and institution building • education • culture • environment, fighting against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and poverty [5] • The Fund represents a civil society initiative for launching common actions and strengthening friendship and effective, solid cooperation between the countries of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea region in the field of democratization and institution building, justice and human rights, economics, public policies, science, education, culture, environment, fighting against terrorism, organized crime, drug trafficking and poverty. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
3. Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs): Russia, Eastern Europe, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia [6] • The European Union has ten partnership and cooperation agreement (PCAs) with Russia, counties of Eastern Europe, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia. • The countries involved are: • Russia • Armenia • Azerbaijan • Georgia • Kazakhstan • Kyrgyzstan • Moldova • Uzbekistan • Ukraine • Tajikistan www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
The aims of these partnerships are to: • provide a suitable framework for political dialogue • to support the efforts made by the countries to strengthen • heir democracies and develop their economies • accompany their transition to a market economy • encourage trade and investment www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
4. Cross-border cooperation (CBC) 2007-2013 [7] • Cross-border cooperation (CBC) with European Union’s neighboring countries aims a coherent and integrated approach to regional development, dealing with common challenge, guaranteeing effectiveness and security at the external borders and encouraging local cooperation. • The CBC covers two categories of programs, i.e. programs concerning: • Land borders and sea routes for regions located along important land borders or sea routes. These programs can involve two or more countries. Nine programs have been drawn up for land borders and concern the following: • Kolartic/Russia, • Karelia/Russia, • South-East Finland/Russia, • Estonia/Latvia/Russia, • Lithuania/Poland/Russia, • Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Three programs have been drawn up for sea routes: • the Spain/Morocco • Italy/Tunisia programs and • the CBC Atlantic program; • Sea basins for regions located at the external frontiers of the EU, along one of the three sea basins (Baltic, Black and Mediterranean Seas). www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
5.Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP)[8] What is the purpose of NDEP? The purpose of NDEP is to mobilize grant funding for environmental and nuclear safety investments in the Northern Dimension. Area for concrete projects prepared by IFIs. The region covered by these program is shown in picture 1. Picture 1 Northern Dimension Area www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
The grants are allocated from the NDEP Support Fund which pools significant contributions from partner governments. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Contribution per countries for NDEP program is shown in Table 1 Table 1 Pledges and contribution to the NDEP Support Fund The European Union, as the largest contributor to NDEP, chaired the Assembly which gathered high level representatives from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Observers to the meeting included Belarus as well as the EIB, EBRD, NEFCO and NIB – as the NDEP Implementing Agencies. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
SPECIFIC INITIATIVES • Political and security dialogue • Dialog on economic questions • Trade and investments • Fight against organized crime • Twinning programs • Exchange programs for students and young scientists • Establishment of a viable health and welfare system • Cross-border and regional cooperation • For environmental projects, NDEP grants are meant to complement the loan funding from IFIs and help to leverage extra local and international resources. The grants offer an incentive for environmental projects that may not otherwise be financially viable or unable to achieve satisfactory environmental targets without additional help. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
For nuclear safety projects, NDEP grants are designed to fully cover the investment costs. Nuclear projects are developed in close cooperation with the Russian authorities and Russian and international experts. For this purpose the NDEP Support Fund has a special nuclear 'window'. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
6. United Nation Environment Program - Regional Seas Program [9] • Black Sea Program • Main objectives: • To prevent pollution by hazardous substances or matter; • To prevent, reduce and control the pollution from land-based sources; • To prevent, reduce and control the pollution of the marine environment from vessels in accordance with the generally accepted rules and standards; • To prevent, reduce and control the pollution of the marine environment resulting from emergency situation; • To prevent, reduce and control the pollution by dumping; • To prevent, reduce and control the pollution caused by or connected with activities on the continental shelf, including exploitation of natural resources; • To protect the biodiversity and the marine living resources. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Participating counties • Bulgaria • Georgia • Romania • Russian Federation • Turkey • Ukraine • Area covered by this program is shown in Picture 2 Picture 2 Black Sea program area www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
7. Joint Operational Program Black Sea 2007-2013 [10] • Eligible area: • Romania – South East Region • Bulgaria - Severoiztochen, Yugoiztochen • Greece: Kentriki Makedonia, Anatoliki Makedonia Thraki • Russia: Rostov Oblast, Krasnodar Krai, Adygea Republic • Turkey: Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Kocaeli, Zonguldak, Kastamonu, Samsun, and Trabzon • Ukraine: Regions: Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporoshye, Donetsk, • Republic Crimea, Sevastopol • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova: all regions • Projects: • Supporting cross border partnerships for economic and social development • based on combined resources • Sharing resources and competencies for environmental protection and conservation • Supporting cultural and educational initiatives for the establishment of a common • cultural environment in the Basin • Joint Operational Program Black Sea area is shown in Picture 3 www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Picture 3 Joint Operational Program Black Sea www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
PART II • Lesson Learnt • European funds are a chance for recovery for the new EU member countries. For some of these countries, access to funds is the top priority in the current economic crisis. • Romania has accessed within period 2007-2011 only 7% of the funds (19.2 one billion euro). • The reasons for the bad management in the fund accessing can be summarized below: • -Legislation and procedures for accessing fund complexity and lock of specialized and experienced personnel in the project development; • -Difficulties in the project co-financing; • -Extended duration for the expenses reimbursement after each project phase and complicated procedures for the VAT recovery; • -Issues mentality of beneficiaries who often have given up projects considering that they are too complicated and the companies have to cope too many and too frequent controls and financier checks which have the final consequences the production process disturbing. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro 25
Beneficiaries mentality problems who often gave up at already won projects arguing that they are too complicated and companies must deal with too many and too frequent controls and financial checks with final consequences company’s production disturbance; • -Communication difficulties between authorities and project partners. www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
Recommendations: • The main recommendations for reducing the impact of the types of problems identified in the process of financial management projects targeted at: • - Acceleration of verifying technical and financial reports reimbursement claims and paid by the responsible institutions • - Widespread practice of designating a person (teams) of contact throughout during the entire contract period to reduce the duration, unpredictability and uncertainties involved in the financial statements verification; • - Implementation and Best Practices Financial Guide contracting organizations within the priority axis, containing: • -updates and complete information about the program; • -synthesis with frequent beneficiaries mistakes in order to reduce as much as possible differences in interpretation; • - Establish an online platform / forum for information, consultation and training in financial aspect of the projects problems. 27 www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
- Widespread practice of organizing regular meetings for information, consultation; • -Training to all beneficiaries, with designated representatives responsible institutions, meetings prepared and supported by management experts in structural funds projects with specific themes and types of contracts; • -The dissemination of information to all organizations contracting improvement; • - Improve and increase the flexibility of online reporting platform "ActionWeb" including the introduction of ways to check and correct data before sending reports to the responsible institutions; • - Reduce possible excessive supporting documents and photocopies of verification process required by technical and financial reports; • - Purchase of appropriate computer systems running projects. 28 www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
List of references http://www.comfrac.ro/index.php/en/2012-06-23-09-09-17/carpolcap http://www.comfrac.ro/index.php/en/2012-06-23-09-09-17/nanoemat http://www. infolaser.comfrac.ro http://www.comfrac.ro/index.php/en/2012-06-23-09-09-17/scalpomat http://www.bscsif.ro/about-bscsif/ http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/external_relations/relations_with_third_countries/eastern_europe_and_central_asia/r17002_en.htm http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/external_relations/relations_with_third_countries/eastern_europe_and_central_asia/r17104_en.htm http://www.ndep.org/home.asp http://www.unep.org/regionalseas/programmes/nonunep/blacksea/default.asp http://funds.minfin.bg/docs/BSB%20JOP.pdf www.ecologicplus.ro www.comfrac.ro
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