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R&D on thermal noise in Europe: the STREGA Project. Geppo Cagnoli University of Glasgow AMALDI 6 – Okinawa - Japan June 20-24 2005. Toward the 3 rd generation detectors. The 1 st generation is taking data ~20 Mpc NS-NS detection range The Big Leap: Advanced Detectors
R&D on thermal noise in Europe: the STREGA Project Geppo CagnoliUniversity of Glasgow AMALDI 6 – Okinawa - JapanJune 20-24 2005
Toward the 3rd generation detectors • The 1st generation is taking data • ~20 Mpc NS-NS detection range • The Big Leap: Advanced Detectors • Stretching room temperature technology to its very limit • Impressive R&D for Advanced LIGO • ~350 Mpc NS-NS detection range • Advanced VIRGO proposal on its making • MiniGRAIL, SFERA and DUAL advanced resonant detectors AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Toward the 3rd generation detectors • We have to secure the detection distance and potentially increase it with a further 10 times reduction of the detector noise • Technology • Low temperature is a promising direction for Interferometers • SQL and ultra-cryogenic operation for resonant detectors • LCGT (Large Cryogenic Gravitational Telescope) is a precursor • Complementary to LISA and DECIGO AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
EGO: the 3rd generation observatoryhttp://virgo-bwulf.pg.infn.it/~punturo/FP6/ 10 -19 10 -20 EGO - RESONANT 10 -21 10 -22 10 -23 EGOINTERFEROMETER 10 -24 10 -25 10 100 1k 10k 1 Frequency [Hz] ADVANCED LIGO ADVANCED VIRGO h LCGT [ Hz –1/2 ] 1st generation limit AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Detection range on NS-NS binaries GRB050509B EGO AD LIGO/VIRGO 1stgeneration AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
What STREGA is • Study of Thermal noise Reduction for European Gravitational wAve detectors • STREGA mission • Lower thermal noise 10 times with respect to thesecond generation detectors • STREGA coordinates the efforts that many labs in different projects spend on Thermal Noise Research AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Institutions and Labs • CNRS/ln2p3 • ESPCI (Paris), LKB (Paris), LMA (Lyon) • INFN • Firenze/Urbino, Frascati, Genova, Legnaro, Napoli, Padova, Perugia, Pisa, Roma1, Roma2, Trento • IFN • Trento • University of Leiden • MiniGRAIL • University of Glasgow • IGR AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Some numbers • ~120 scientists involved • 1390 k€ total budget from EU • Started 1st April 2004 • 5 years duration http://www.ego-gw.it/ILIAS-GW/ AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
STREGA as part of a bigger Project ILIAS Astro-Particle Physicshttp://ilias.in2p3.fr/ EU FP6 7.5 M€ Dark Matter Double b decay Gravitational Waves Deep U-groundLabs FrameworkProgram 6supports thedevelopmentof the EuropeanResearch Areawith 17.5 G€ 72 G€ in FP7 STREGA (R&D) GWA (Networking) AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
The Content NEXT TALK NEW DATA • 3 Objectives: Materials, Cryogenics, Th. Noise Selected topics AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Silicon for substrates [111] B doped [100] intrinsic Low T facilities for optical and mechanical loss measurements are being assembled AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Coatings Loss Angle of SiO2 /TiO2-doped-Ta2O5 at 100 HzG.Harry - Coating Working Group – Advanced LIGO Facility forQ measurementson coatedcantilever bladesat LMA R.Schnabel andInstitute of Applied Physics, Univ of Jena Advanced LIGO poster + Investigation on lossesof dielectric coatings forDiffractive Optics AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Materials for Resonators Q up to 1e6 @4K Be Mo CuAl 5 cm Optical transducer prototype SiC cantilever blade AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Cryogenics facility at EGO COLD FINGER COLD FINGER 2m Cryostat Very Soft Joints AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Direct Th.Ns. Measurement Facility New Suprasil3 cavity, 10cm long, for the Perugia facility dedicated to measure thermal noise around resonances of membranes GLASGOW FACILITY Resonant state lasting for several minutes AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli
Conclusions • First of the 5 years is already concluded • The coordination across labs of different projects is working well especially for Coatings, Suspensions and Cryogenics • STREGA and GWA are open to new groups that want to participate in the project • Full details in http://www.ego-gw.it/ILIAS-GW/ AMALDI 6 - Okinawa - G.Cagnoli