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First day. Soft physics observables in heavy ion collisions. in view of the LHC. Francesco Prino INFN – Sezione di Torino. Disclaimers: experimentalist’s point of view perspectives for the LHC. XIII Mexican school on particles and fields, San Carlos, Mexico, Oct 7th 008.
First day Soft physics observables in heavy ion collisions in view of the LHC Francesco Prino INFN – Sezione di Torino Disclaimers: experimentalist’s point of view perspectives for the LHC XIII Mexican school on particles and fields, San Carlos, Mexico, Oct 7th 008
GOAL(s) of relativistic heavy ion collisions: Study nuclear matter at extreme conditions of temperature and density AND collect evidence for a state where quark and gluons are deconfined (Quark Gluon Plasma) AND study its properties Reminder: phase diagram
Thermal freeze-out Elastic interactions cease Particle dynamics (“momentum spectra”) fixed Tfo (RHIC) ~ 110-130 MeV Chemical freeze-out Inelastic interactions cease Particle abundances (“chemical composition”) are fixed (except maybe resonances) Tch (RHIC) ~ 170 MeV Thermalization time System reaches local equilibrium teq (RHIC) ~ 0.6 fm/c Reminder: space time evolution
Results published in the first year after RHIC startup: Multiplicity of unidentified particles at midrapidity PHOBOS, sent to PRL on July 19th 2000 PHENIX, sent to PRL on Dec 21th 2000 Elliptic flow of unidentified particles STAR, sent to PRL on Sept 13th 2000 Particle to anti-particle ratios STAR, sent to PRL on Apr 13th 2001 PHOBOS, sent to PRL on Apr 17th 2001 BRAHMS, sent to PRL on Apr 28th 2001 Transverse energy distributions PHENIX, sent to PRL on April 18th 2001 Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles PHOBOS, sent to PRL on June 6th 2001 BRAHMS, sent to Phys Lett B on Aug 6th 2001 Elliptic flow of identified particles STAR, sent to PRL July 5th 2000 … then came the high pT particle suppression from PHENIX (sent to PRL on Sept 9th 2008) Heavy ion results vs. time First 10k-20k events, fast analysis statistics<≈100k events, longer analysis time due to the need of PID, detector calibration, combination of different detectors
Particle production in heavy ion collisions • Multiplicity = number of particles produced in a collision • Multiplicity contains information about: • Entropy of the system created in the collision • How the initial energy is redistributed to produce particles in the final state • Energy density of the system (via Bjorken formula) • Mechanisms of particle production (hard vs. soft) • Geometry (centrality of the collision) • NOTE: In hadronic and nuclear collisions particle production is dominated by (non-perturbative) processes with small momentum transfer • Many models, but understanding of multiplicities based on first principles is missing
Particles produced in PbPb at SPS • In central PbPb collisions at SPS (s=17 GeV) more than 1000 particles are created
Particles produced in AuAu at RHIC • In central AuAu collisions at RHIC (s=200 GeV) about 5000 particles are created
Multiplicity and centrality • The number of produced particles is related to the centrality (impact parameter) of the collision • Heavy ion collisions are described as superposition of elementary nucleon-nucleon collisions (e.g. Glauber model) • The number of nucleon-nucleon collisions ( Ncoll ) and the number of participant nucleons ( Npart ) depend on the impact parameter • Each collision/participant contributes to particle production and consequently to multiplicity
Evaluation of Npart and Ncoll r0 (Pb)= 0.16 fm-3 • Glauber model calculations: • Physical inputs: • Woods-Saxon density for colliding nuclei • Nucleon-nucleon inelastic cross-section inel • Numerical calculation of Npart , Ncoll ... vs. impact parameter b C (Pb)= 0.549 fm r0 (Pb)= 6.624 fm
Particle production - Hard • Hard processes = large momentum transfer small distance scales • Interactions at partonic level • Particles produced on a short time scale • Small coupling constant calculable within perturbative QCD • In A-A collisions: • Modeled as superposition of independent nucleon-nucleon collisions • BINARY SCALING: hard particle production scale with the number of elementary nucleon-nucleon collisions (Ncoll)
99.5% soft Particle production - Soft • Soft processes = small momentum transfer large scales • Can not resolve the partonic structure of the nucleons • Large coupling constant perturbative approach not applicable need to use phenomenological (non-perturbative) models • In A-A collisions: • WOUNDED NUCLEON MODEL: each nucleon participating in the interaction (wounded) contributes to particle production with a constant amount, no matter how many collisions it suffered • Soft particle production scale with the number of participant nucleons (Npart)
Wounded nucleon model • Based on experimental observation (about 1970s) that multiplicites measured in protno-nucleus collisions scale as: • v = average number of collisions between nucleons (=Ncoll) • So: • since in p-p: Npart = 2 and in p-A: Npart= Ncoll+1
Measuring the multiplicity • Experimentally we count the multiplicity of: • charged (ionizing) particles • particles in a given window covered by the detector (acceptance) • Difficult to compare results between experiments with different acceptances • For this reason, multiplicities are commonly expressed as charged particle densities in a given range of polar angle • Commonly used: number of charged particles in 1 unit of (pseudo)rapidity around midrapidity: Nch(|h|<0.5) o Nch(|y|<0,5) • NOTE: pseudorapidity is easier to access experimentally because it requires to measure just one variable (the polar angle q) and does not require particle identification and measurements of momenta • dN/dh (dN/dy) distributions contain also other information on the dynamics of the interaction
Rapidity at RHIC (collider) • Before collision: • pBEAM=100 GeV/c per nucleon • EBEAM=(mp2+pBEAM2)=100.0044 per nucleon • b=0.999956, gBEAM≈100 • After collision: • Projectile and target nucleons (green) are slowed down and they are located at lower y (and b) values with respect to initial ones • Produced particles (red) are distributed in the kinematical region between the initial projectile and target rapidities • The maximum particle density is in the central rapidity region (midrapidity) :
Rapidity at SPS (fixed target) • Before collision: • pBEAM=158 GeV/c , bBEAM=0.999982 • pTARGET=0 , bTARGET=0 • Midrapidity: • The dN/dy in the center-of-mass reference system is obtained from the one measured in the lab with a translation y’ = y - yMID • The dN/dh distribution does not have this property
pT = pL q = 45 (135) degrees h = ±0.88 pT>pL pL>>pT pL>>pT Pseudorapidity • Midrapidity region • Particles with pT>pL produced at q angles around 90° • Bjorken formula to estimate the energy density in case of a broad plateau at midrapidity invariant for Lorentz boosts: • Fragmentation regions: • Particles with pL>>pT produced in the fragmentation of the colliding nuclei at q angles around 0° e 180°
central peripheral Peak position moves (midrapidity = ybeam/2 ) Particle density at the peak increases with s PbPb collisions at SPS Pb-Pb at 40 GeV/c (√s=8.77 GeV) Pb-Pb at 158 GeV/c (√s=17.2 GeV)
AuAu collisions at RHIC central central peripheral peripheral energy s
Multiplicity per participant pair • We introduce the variables: • which are the particle density at mid-rapidity and the total multiplicity normalized to the number of participant pairs • Motivation • Simple test of the scaling with Npart • If particle production scales with Npart , this variable should not depend on the centrality of the collisions • Simple comparison with pp collisions where Npart=2
dN/dhmax vs. centrality • Yield per participant pair increases by ≈ 25% from peripheral to central Au-Au collisions • Contribution of the hard component of particle production ? • BUT: • The ratio 200 / 19.6 is independent of centrality • A two-component fit with dN/dh [ (1-x) Npart /2 + x Ncoll ] gives compatible values of x (≈ 0.13) at the two energies • Factorization of centrality (geometry) and s (energy) dependence
increasing s – decreasing x dN/dhmax vs. centrality and s • Factorized dependence of dNch/dhmax on centrality and s reproduced by models based on gluon density saturation at small values of Bjorken x Pocket formula: • l and d from ep and eA data • N0 only free parameter • Armesto Salgado Wiedemann, PRL 94 (2005) 022002 • Kharzeev, Nardi, PLB 507 (2001) 121.
dN/dhmax vs. s • The dN/dh per participant pair at midrapidity in central heavy ion collisions increases with ln s from AGS to RHIC energies • The s dependence is different for pp and AA collisions
s = 130 GeV NA50 at 158 A GeV/c Warning • Npart is not a direct experimental observable and affects the scale of both axes of plot of yield per participant pair • Different methods of evaluating Npart give significantly different results!
Total multiplicity (Nch ) vs. centrality • Total multiplicity: • Need to extrapolate in the h regions out of acceptance • Small extrapolation in the case of PHOBOS thanks to the wide h coverage • Nch scales with Npart • Nch per participant pair different from p-p, but compatible with e+e-, collisions at the same energy
Total multiplicity (Nch ) vs. s • Multiplicity per participant pair in heavy ion collisions: • Lower than the one of pp and e+e- at AGS energies • Crosses pp data at SPS energies • Agrees with e+e- multiplicities above SPS energies (s >≈ 17 GeV)
e- p p e+ pp vs. e+e- • The difference between pp and e+e- multiplicities is understood with the “leading particle effect” • The colliding protons exit from the collision carrying away a significant fraction of s • In pp collisions only the energy seff ( < s ) is available for particle production • In e+e- the full s is fully available for particle production • The effective energy seff available for particle production is defined as: • with this definition, multiplicities in e+e- and pp at the same seff result to be in agreement • M. Basile et al.,, Nuovo Cimento A66 N2 (1981) 129.
Universality • The seff dependence of multiplicities in pp, e+e- e AA (for s>15 GeV) follow a universal curve with the trend predicted by Landau hydrodynamics (Nch s1/4) • No leading particle effect in AA (multiple interactions of projectiles) • Universality of hadronization
62.4 GeV 200 GeV Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, Npart = 100 PHOBOS PHOBOS Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, Npart = 96 Au+Au 35-40%, Npart = 99 Au+Au Preliminary 35-40%,Npart = 98 Gold vs. copper • Unscaled dN/dh very similar for Au-Au and Cu-Cu collisions with the same Npart • Compare central Cu-Cu with semi-peripheral Au-Au • For the same system size (Npart) Au-Au and Cu-Cu are very similar
Limiting fragmentation (I) • Study particle production in the rest frame of one of the two nuclei • Introduce the variable y’ = y - ybeam (or h’ = h – ybeam ) • Limiting fragmentation • Benecke et al., Phys. Rev. 188 (1969) 2159. • At high enough collision energy both d2N/dpTdy and the particle mix reach a limiting value in a region around y’ = 0 • Also dN/dh’ reach a limiting value and become energy independent around h’=0 • Observed for p-p and p-A collisions • In nucleus-nucleus collisions • Particle production in fragmentation regions independent of energy, but NOT necessarily independent of centrality
Limiting fragmentation (II) PHOBOS Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 052303 (2003) • Particle production independent of energy in fragmentation regions • Extended limiting fragmentation (4 units of h at 200 GeV) • No evidence for boost invariant central plateau
Conclusions • Charged particle multiplicities follow simple scaling laws • Factorization into energy and geometry/system dependent terms • Extended limited fragmentation, no boost-invariant central plateau • Resulting Bjorken energy density in AuAu @ s=200 GeV: Peak energy density Thermalized energy density eBJ well above the predicted critical energy for phase transition to deconfined quarks and glouns
Towards the LHC (I) • Extrapolation of dNch/dhmax vs s • Fit to dN/dh ln s • Saturation model (dN/dh sl with l=0.288) • Clearly distinguishable with the first 10k events at the LHC Saturation model Armesto Salgado Wiedemann, PRL 94 (2005) 022002 Central collisions Models prior to RHIC Extrapolation of dN/dhln s 5500
Towards the LHC (II) • Extrapolation of limiting fragmentation behavior • Persistence of extended longitudinal scaling implies that dN/dh grows at most logarithmically with s difficult to reconcile with saturation models Saturation model dN/dh≈ 1600 Log extrapolation dN/dh≈ 1100 • Borghini Wiedemann, J. Phys G35 (2008) 023001
Hadrochemistry • Measurement of the multiplicity of the various hadronic species (= how many pions, kaons, protons …), i.e. of the chemical composition of the system • Experimental data from SIS to RHIC energies can be described using “thermal” models based on the assumption that hadronization occurs following purely statistical (thermodynamical) laws • This allows to answer some questions about the characteristics of the system: • Was the fireball in thermal and chemical equilibrium at freeze-out time ? • What was the temperature Tch at the instant of chemical freeze-out ? • What was the baryonic content of the fireball ?
Multiplicity of identified particles (I) • Pions vsprotons • At low energies (s<5 GeV) the fireball is dominated by nucleons stopped from the colliding nuclei (high stopping power) • Pions (produced in the interaction) dominate at high energies (s>5 GeV) • The decrease of proton abundance with increasing s indicates an increased transparency of the colliding nuclei
Multiplicity of identified particles (II) • Pions • More abundant among the produced hadrons • due to lower mass and production threshold • Difference between abundances of p+ and p- at low energies due to isospin conservation • Large stopping power at low energies Fireball dominated by the nucleons of the colliding nuclei Negative total isospin due to neutron excess (N > Z for heavy nuclei)
Multiplicity of identified particles (III) • Antiprotons • They are produced in the collision • Different from proton case: in the fireball there are both produced and stopped “protons” • Strong s dependence at SPS energies (onset of production) • At RHIC energies number of antiprotons ≈ number of protons • Net-protons ≈ 0 • Small number of protons stopped from the colliding nuclei
Multiplicity of identified particles (IV) • Kaonsand L hyperons • The larger number of K+ and L with respect to their antiparticles (K- and Lbar) at low energies due to quark content of these hadrons • K+ (us) and L (uds) require to newly produce only the strange quark, while light quarks are present in the stopped nucleons • K- (us) and Lbar require the production of 2 or 3 new quarks • Associated production of K+ and L (ss pairs) - - -
Multiplicity of identified particles (V) • Kaonsand Lhyperons • The difference between K+ and K- (and between L e Lbar) decreases with increasing s because the lower stopping power reduces the weight of “stopped” with respect to “produced” quarks • Very similar abundances of Lbar and antiprotons • They are both composed of 3 “produced” quarks and they have similar masses
Multiplicity of identified particles (VI) • Conclusions • Small s (< 5 GeV): • fireball dominated by stopped particles • High baryonic content • Importance of isospin and quarks “stopped” from colliding nuclei • Large s (> 20 GeV): • Fireball dominated by produces particles • Low baryonic content • Mass hierarchy ( Np > NK > Np )
Statistical hadronization models BASIC ASSUMPTIONS • The system (fireball) created in a heavy ion collision is in thermaland chemical equilibrium at the time of chemical freeze-out • The system can be described by a (grand-canonical) partition function and statistical mechanics can be used • Hadronization occurs following a purely statistical (entropy maximization) law • Original idea: Fermi (1950s), Hagedorn (1960s) • The hadronic system is described as an ideal gas of hadrons and resonances • Effective model for a strongly interacting system, consistent with Equation of State resulting from Lattice QCD below the critical temperature for quark and gluon deconfinement • Include all known mesons with mass<≈1.8 GeV and baryons with mass<≈2 GeV
Statistical hadronization models NOTES • Chemical equilibrium is ASSUMED • With this assumption it is possible to calculate the multiplicity of the various hadronic species (how many pions, kaons, protons…) • By comparing the measured multiplicities with the ones predicted by the model it is possible to validate the hypothesis of chemical and thermal equilibrium • Statistical models don’t say nothing about HOW and WHEN the system reaches the chemical and thermal equilibrium • No assumption is made on the presence or not of a partonic phase in the system evolution • The higher hadron mass cut-off in the H&R gas limits the applicability of the model at temperatures T<190 MeV • Not a real limitation: above the critical temperature for parton deconfinement (Tc≈160-200 MeV) hadron gas can no longer be assumed
Grand canonical partition function (I) • Starting point: partition function for a gas of identical particles (Bose or Fermi) of a given hadronic specie i: • a are the eigen-states (with energy Ea) of the single particle hamiltonian (= energy states with spin degeneracy) • mi is the chemical potential which ensures charge conservation • In an hadronic gas (=governed by strong interaction) limited to masses <1.8 GeV (= no charm, bottom and top) there 3 conserved charges (I3 = 3rd isospin component, B= baryon number, S=strangeness) • mI3,mB and mS are the potentials corresponding to each conserved charge • mi = energy needed to add to the system a particle of specie i with quantum numbers I3i, Bi, Si
Grand canonical partition function (II) • Transforming into logarithm: • Continuum limit: • where we have introduced the fugacity:
Particle densities • By performing the integral in the expression of the grand canonical partition function (see backup slides): • The density ni of particles (hadrons) of specie i is: • where Ni is the total number of particles of specie i in the system
Other points • DECAY CHAINS • The total number of measured particles of specie i (e.g. pions) is given by “thermal” production (Ni) + contribution from decays of short-lived particles that are not measured (e.g. r decaying into pions) • EXCLUDED VOLUME CORRECTION • A repulsive term should be introduced in the partition function to account for the repulsive force between hadrons at short distances, • e.g. by assigning a eigen-volume to each hadron (Van Der Waals like) • STRANGENESS SUPPRESSION FACTOR (gS) • Accounts for the fact that the s quark, due to its larger mass may not be completely equilibrated • gS ≈ 1 in heavy ion collisions at SPS and RHIC (= no strangeness suppression)
Free parameters of the model • Particle multiplicities given by: • There are 5 free parameters: T, mB, mS, mI3 and V • There are 3 charge conservation laws which allow to constrain 3 parameters starting from the knowledge of electric charge (=third isospin component), baryonic number and strangeness of the initial state (= protons ZS and neutrons NS “stopped” from colliding nuclei) • Fireball volume V and chemical potentials mS e mI3 are constrained • So, we remain with 2 free parameters: T e mB • plus (possibly) gS
Fit to measured particle ratios • Why use particle ratios ? • Some systematic errors in experimental data cancel in the ratio • The dependence on volume V is removed in model calculations • The determination of V is affected by the uncertainty on the stopping power and on the “excluded volume” corrections • GOAL: find the values of T and mB that minimize the difference between model predicted and measured particle ratios • Done by minimizing a c2 defined as: • Riexp and Rimodel are the measured and predicted paerticle ratios • si is the (statistical + systematic) error on experimental points