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Teacher trainings. Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Olsztyn Poland. The mission of the ZPE:.
Teachertrainings Zespół Placówek Edukacyjnych Olsztyn Poland
Themission of the ZPE: • Themainaim of thetrainingcourses of teachersis to provideeducational and therapeutic services on thebestquality for childrenwithseveredisabilities, inaccordancewithdevelopmentaltrends of ZPE. • Thisconceptiontakesintoconsiderationthestaff’ personality development, cooperationwithparents and achievementnewprofessionalcompetences.
Theprioritiesof ZPE based on „Theteachersneeds on survey results of Vocational Education of Teachers Working With Handicapped Children”: 1.Communication with Students, Parents and Colleagues 2. Using methods and techniques in Special Education
Thepriorities of ZPE: • The first priority, „CommunicationwithStudents, Parents and Colleagues” concernstheability to effectivecommunicationwitheachother and considers: -team workbetweenstaff; -team and individualworkwithparents; • individual and team workwithstudents ( communicationdifficulties:usingalternativemethods of communication –AAC.
Thepriorities of ZPE: • Thesecondpriority – „ Using methods and techniques in Special Education”. Itinvolvesimprovingprofessionalcompetences of teachers and itiscarried out by: • improvement of known and usedmethods and techniques on thebasis of currentexperiences; - findingnewmethods and techniques of work as a broadeningtheownworkshop.
Themainaim of thestaffattendanceintrainingsis: 1.Constant workqualityimprovement of ZPE. 2.Constant professionalcompetencesimprovement– bothteachers and staff (service and administration) . The team possessesthebestprofessionalcompetences and ismotivated to constantself-improvement.
On thebasis of surveyresults, ZPE carried out thefollowingtrainings:
„Themaingests and symbols of supportcommunication MAKATON”. • In thistraining 56 personstook part (39 teachers, 8 service staff and 9 parents). Theparticipantswereacquaintedwiththemainaims of thismethod. The MAKATON gests and symbolswerepresented. Participantscouldseedifferentkinds of teaching materials whichcan be useduringtheworkwithchildrenwithcommunicationdisorders.
„Theimpact of sensory processingdisorders on literacy and speech deelopment”. • In thistrainingtook part 67 persons (56 teachers, 11 parents). Duringthetrainingtheoreticalbasis of SI werepresented: course of S.I. processes and S.I. disorderssymptoms. Moreovertheparticipantscouldfindabouttheimpact of S.I. disorders on literacy and speech development (communication).
„Motivatingmethodsatworkwithautisticchildren and childrenwithcoupleddisorders”. • In thistraining 41 teacherstook part. Theaim of thetraining was presentation of the most popular motivatingmethodsusedwithchildren. Thefollowingmethodswerepresented: „MorningCircle – polisensorystimulation, „TheElements”, „Good Start” (Bon Deport), SherborneDevelopmentalMovement.
„Circledances – integrationdances”. 37 persons (32 teachers, 5 service staff) took part inthistraining. Themainaim of thistraining was staffintegration and alsowereshownpossibilities of usingdance and movement to support: emotional, intelectual and motor development. Participantswereimprovingtheirexpressionindance and skillsconnectedwithcooperationin group.
According to ZPE prioritiesinthescope of trainingcourses of teachers, thereareplanningthefollowingtraningsinJune 2012: • „Interpersonalmethods for teachers”. Itisabout: burnout, work and improvementrelationwithparents, and assertiveness. • „Technicaltraining”. Itsaimis to familiarizethestaffwiththeoperation of thenewesttechnical, multimedia equipment, alsoequipmetwhichisusedatworkwithchildrenwithcommunicationdisorders.
Summary: • Trainingswhichwerecarried out (alsowhichareplanninginJune 2012) areinaccordancewiththedevelopmentaltrends of ZPE and arisedue to analysis of needs of ZPE’ staffinaccordance to professionalimprovement. • Thechoice of scope of trainingsrefers to needs of educationalstaff - theparticipants of VETWHIC project.