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資源管理專題討論 第 5 講 Watershed Management of Newman Lake, Washington

資源管理專題討論 第 5 講 Watershed Management of Newman Lake, Washington. Ref: 1.Moore, B.C., Chen, P.H., Funk, W.H., Yonge, D., A model for predicting lake sediment oxygen demand following hypolimnetic aeration, Water Resources Bulletin, 32(4), 723-731, August, 1996

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資源管理專題討論 第 5 講 Watershed Management of Newman Lake, Washington

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  1. 資源管理專題討論 第5講 Watershed Management of Newman Lake, Washington Ref: 1.Moore, B.C., Chen, P.H., Funk, W.H., Yonge, D., A model for predicting lake sediment oxygen demand following hypolimnetic aeration, Water Resources Bulletin, 32(4), 723-731, August, 1996 2.Funk, W., Moore, B., Newman Lake Restoration Feasibility Study, Washington State Water Research Center Report, April 1988 簡報人: 陳炳宏

  2. Content • 1.0 Introduction • 2.0 Research Method • 3.0 Results • 4.0 Conclusions

  3. 1.0 Introduction What is environmental conservation? Ecological, economic, social sustainable development What is ecology? Living organisms and their environment Food chain Nutrient pollution How to do the conservation? Know the details of environment Based on scientific data investigation Model prediction for assessment Management strategy

  4. 1.0 Introduction Social/Economics: Population: 316 in 1976 (Spokane: ~200,000) Economy: Major: Kaiser Aluminum, Spokane Industrial park, 2 resorts Supplementary income: farm products & timber harvesting Newman Lake : Department of Ecology monitoring lake Area: surface 490 ha, drainage 7,500 ha Hypolimnetic stratification lake Medium Eutrophic lake

  5. 1.0 Introduction Land use Forest: 80%, timber harvesting  3330 m3/yr sediment input Northland, farm products, hay, livestock (fertilizer, animal waste) Lakeside: residential area, recreation Objective : Nutrient pollution prevention Fish Habitat Restoration Watershed Management

  6. http://didyouknowarchive.com/?p=1854

  7. 2.0 Research Method Nutrient Analysis: Flow, BOD, DO, solids, conductivity, N, P, Alk, pH, Metals… C14, chlorophyll a, Secchi disc, light waves, phytoplankton zooplankton, invertebrate Bacteria (FC) Sediment Sediment incubation: Find SOD as a function of velosity & s Management Suggestion Sediment aeration, pollution prevention

  8. 2.0 Research Method SOD incubation

  9. Water sample collection http://www.etelive.org/content/contentetedetail.numo?id=179&i=6

  10. Rotifera (輪蟲) http://www.pleasanton.k12.ca.us/avhsweb/thiel/creek/field_guide/invert/rotifer.html

  11. invertebrate http://www.worleybuggerflyco.com/yakima_river_hatches.htm

  12. 3.0 Results Productivity Algal Biomass proportional to phosphate concentration Nutrient Cycle Phosphate removed by plants Phosphate kept in sediment Phosphate released in reduction environment Phosphate cause algal bloom

  13. 3.0 Results SOD Water DO depletion method: under estimate SOD Mixing order reaction: zero + first order reaction Water velocity control SOD

  14. 3.0 Results Management Strategy Cutoff input nutrients & Remove exist nutrients Control Method Cattle fance Drawdown Phosphate cycle control (lime slurry spraying) Sediment aeration

  15. Nutrient Inflow control – Cattle Fance http://www.kencove.com/fence/21_Woven+Fence+Options_resource.php

  16. Nutrient Removing -- Drawdown http://plants.ifas.ufl.edu/manage/control-methods/physical-control

  17. Removing phosphorus http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/international/radio/program/innovations/new-way-to-control-algal-blooms/1103668

  18. Hypolimnetic aerator http://www.groundwaterresearch.com.au/reference_files/stanger/alphabet/hpage.htm http://darwin.wcupa.edu/faculty/fairchild/ponds/sedimentation.html

  19. 4.0 Conclusions Found: Sediment causing DO drop Phosphate cycle causing algal bloom SOD affected by water flow rate Suggestion: Nutrient cutoff: Cattle waste seperation Phosphate cycle termination Oxygen increasing: Aerator installation

  20. 提問討論

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