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“De Moda ”. Vocabulario de Unidad 1 Etapa 2 de Español III. Descripciones Using magazines, images from the computer, or other print sources, you are to clip out 5 images of people in various clothing designs. Please describe the following:
“De Moda” Vocabulario de Unidad 1 Etapa 2 de Español III
Descripciones Using magazines, images from the computer, or other print sources, you are to clip out 5 images of people in various clothing designs. Please describe the following: ¿Quélleva? – What are they wearing? i.e. Ella llevaunablusa, pantalones, un bolso, etc. ¿Cómo se ve la persona? – How do they appear? i.e. Ella está a la moda, etc.. (She’s in fashion.) ¿Cómoes la ropa? – How is the clothing? Is it tight, loose, etc. Are they wearing dark or light colors? ¿De qué material es la ropa? – What material is the clothing made of? *You must incorporate 20 vocab words from p. 75 in context!!!
Ejemplo #1 Ella lleva un vestido del color oscurocon un par de pulserascómodas. El vestidoesmuyapretado. Su estiloesmuysencillopero se destaca mucho. (She’s wearing a dark-colored dress with a pair of comfortable bracelets. The dress is very tight. Her fashion is very simple but she stands out a lot.)
Ejemplo #2 Detestoestevestuario. Ella llevaunablusa de poliéster del color negro. Tiene un collar grande de algodón. Suspantalonestienenlunares de los coloresnegros y blancosquehacenjuego con susguantes. Suspantalonesestánmuysueltos. (I hate this wardrobe. She’s wearing a black-colored polyester blouse. She has a large cotton collar. Her pants are black an white and match with her gloves. Her pants are very loose.)
Ejemplo #3 Este vestuarioes formidable perocómodo. Ella llevaunablusa con rayas de negro y blanco. Su faldaesmezclilla. Lleva un par de sandalias y hacenjuego con subolso. (This wardrobe is great but also comfortable. She’s wearing a blouse with black and white stripes. Her skirt is denim. She’s wearing a pair of sandals that match with her shoulder bag.)