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Vocabulary List #9. 801. menage – a household; domestic management; housekeeping 802. mendicant – a beggar; adj. pertaining to begging 803. cryptic – hidden; mysterious; obscure 804. counterpane – a bedspread 805. rueful – lamentable; sorrowful; regretful; pitiful
Vocabulary List #9 801. menage – a household; domestic management; housekeeping 802. mendicant– a beggar; adj. pertaining to begging 803. cryptic – hidden; mysterious; obscure 804. counterpane – a bedspread 805. rueful– lamentable; sorrowful; regretful; pitiful 806. hobbledehoy– a youth between a boy and a man; an awkward gawky fellow 807. unsullied – undefiled; untarnished; not soiled 808. confessor – a priest who hears confessions; one who professes (or confesses) his faith 809. fissure– a crack or crevice 810. devious – not direct; sneaky
Vocabulary List #9 811. prowess – extreme skill or ability or technique 812. edenic – pertaining to paradise or Eden 813. chtonic– pertaining to the gods of the underworld (kthonian) 814. saccharine–overly sentimental; too ”sweet”; maudlin 815. nostalgic – fondly yearning for the past 816. avuncular – pertaining to uncle 817. aphorism – a proverb or saying or adage 818. bacchanalian– pertaining to orgies ( to worship of Bacchus or Dionysus) 819. philistine– a person antagonistic to the parts or to progress 820. aquiline– pertaining to eagles
Vocabulary List #9 821. hedonist – one who lives for sensual pleasure 822. pedestrian– adj. commonplace, trite, banal 823. amoral– neither good nor evil; beyond morality; not moral 824. raptor – a bird or prey like a hawk or eagle ( a bird with curved claws) 825. anachronism– a mistake in chronology anachronistic - out of place in time 826. continent – restraining one’s desires; chaste 827. derisive – showing scorn; laughing at 828. didacticism– the attitude of tending toward teaching 829. pedagogue– a teacher pedagogical – a teacher 830. antiquarian – one who is interested in the past ( remains and artifacts)
Vocabulary List #9 831. magnanimous– generous; showing nobility or soul 832. stereotyped – lacking individuality; trite 833. anesthetized – numbed into insensitivity 834. cadaverous – pertaining to a corpse; corpse-like 835. ostracize– to exclude form deliberations; to make into an outcast 836. halitosis– bad breath 837. incognito– in disguise 838. bourgeois – pertaining to the middle class bourgeoisie– the middle class; the business or capitalist class 839. inane – empty; void of sense; pointless; vacuous THEO- God 840. theology– systematic study of revealed religion
Vocabulary List #9 841. theogony– the story of the origin of the gods 842. theodicy– branch of philosophy dealing with God 843. theocentric – God-centered 844. theocracy – a society where priests )or ministers of God) rule 845. abeyance– suspension; inactivity “to hold in abeyance 846. tumid– swollen; inflated; protuberant 847. expurgate– to censor offensive material 848. anchorite – a holy hermit 849. juxtaposed– placed next to; placed side by side 850. aggregate – the sum total; the entire group of articles
Vocabulary List #9 851. abscond– to steal away with 852. iconoclast – one who attacks cherished values 853. ephemeral– not long lasting; passing; transitory 854. acumen – sharpness of insight -THEISM – pertaining to the worship of gods 855. polytheism – belief in many gods 856. monothism– belief in one God 857. pantheism– belief that all nature is God 858. theism– belief in a personal God 859. adulation – praise and recognition 860. vernal – an abundance; a lot of something
Vocabulary List #9 861. vernal – pertaining to spring 862. debonair – handsome and gallant 863. agrarian– pertaining to farming 864. celibacy – the state of being unmarried 865. abnegate– to deny formally DE-DEI- 866. deify– to turn into a God; to make a God 867. desim – belief in an impersonal or uncaring God 668. admonish – to warn or “scold” beforehand 869. verisimilitude– accuracy; correspondence with the truth 870. laconic– brief or terse; concise; using few words
Vocabulary List #9 871. accolade – award; recognition; honors 872. naive – simple innocent unknowing 873. dormant – lying unused; latent; “sleeping” 874. ambrosia– food of the gods; any delicious food 875. adamant– stubborn, hard, unyielding -LATRY worship of 876. iconolatry– worship of icons or religious pictures and images 877. idolatry– worship of idols 878. gynaeolatry– worship of women 879. demonolatry – worship of the devil 880. abrogate – to cancel or revoke (a rule or law)
Vocabulary List #9 881. gamut– an entire range or series 882. ambiguous– having more than one meaning 883. debutante – a girl making her social debut 884. neophyte – a beginner; an initiate 885. analogous – similar to 886. eclat– brilliance or achievement 887. cliche– an overused metaphor 888. acme– high point 889. narcissisistic– excessively in love with oneself ANTHROPO- 890. anthropology– the study of mankind
Vocabulary List #9 891. anthropophagous – man-eating; cannibalistic 892. anthropomorphous– man-shaped; resembling human characteristics 893. malapropism– a humorous misuse of words 894. nouveaux riches– the newly rich 895. banal– commonplace, trite 896. advent – the coming or arrival 897. malaise – a general feeling of being unwell 898. abridge – to shorten 899. vacillation – hesitation; an inability to decide 900. analgesia – an insensitivity to pain