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Southern and Eastern Asia: Population, Climate, and Government

Explore population density, climate, and government systems in Southern and Eastern Asia through maps, ancient records, political cartoons, and cultural changes. Learn about citizen participation and the diversity of religions in the region.

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Southern and Eastern Asia: Population, Climate, and Government

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  1. 7th Grade Unit 5- Southern and Eastern Asia in 20th Century and Today Georgia Department of Education THIS WORK IS LICENSED UNDER A CREATIVE C OMMONS ATTRIBUTION - NONCOMMERCIAL - SHAREALIKE 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE

  2. Population Density maps display information about the distribution and concentration of the population. Often, there are noticeable patterns, about where people choose to live. Population density in Southern and Eastern Asia https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/fe/26/5bfe26edd560b3f2ded45e7ab4b91a9c.jpg

  3. Climate Map of Southern and Eastern Asia Climate maps display information about the most prevailing weather conditions and patterns within a region. http://i1.wp.com/www.7continents5oceans.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Asia_Climate.png

  4. 1806 Ancient Map of southern and eastern Asia Ancient Maps provide insight into previous borders and modifications of political boundaries throughout history. These changes have often created positive outcomes however, in other instances this partitioning has lead to conflict. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/1806_Cary_Map_of_Asia%2C_Polynesia%2C_and_Australia_-_Geographicus_-_Asia-cary-1806.jpg/1155px-1806_Cary_Map_of_Asia%2C_Polynesia%2C_and_Australia_-_Geographicus_-_Asia-cary-1806.jpg

  5. Some countries allow citizens to participate in the government by holding elections where the people can vote for their nation’s leaders. Citizens vote for the candidates whom they believe will best represent their views and make positive changes in areas which they find significant. Political Cartoon- citizen participation https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-suxGOsQB2Eg/Uygjj1kZ9QI/AAAAAAAAGU4/F1WXLc6zOhk/s640/blogger-image-1737929602.jpg

  6. Some countries allow citizens to participate in the government where they can vote, however there may be pressures to vote for specific candidates, or the selection may be limited to only certain candidates whom the government has already approved. In these cases, those representatives may or may not represent the ideals of the citizens. Political cartoon- citizen participation https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/15/e5/b415e563a81f3339edffb7798813378f.jpg

  7. In countries where citizens feel as though their voices and rights are being suppressed, the government may try to silence their opposition by any means necessary. Political cartoon- citizen participation http://cartoonmovement.typepad.com/.a/6a014e5f5d3c7c970c0168e5f43dbd970c-pi

  8. Culture is not stationary. As people migrate, and neighboring countries blend, religion and other aspects of culture can merge, or change completely. Diversity of religions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTZOjVwHr7A&feature=youtu.be

  9. There are several forms of democratic governments. Although the election process many very, the citizens’ power to vote for their representatives remains persistent. Clip: Two predominant forms of democratic governments https://youtu.be/4quK60FUvkY

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