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JEOPARDY. JEOPARDY. APPLAUSE. Lecture 4-5. Weapons & effects of WAR. US in WWI. Hodge Podge. The Treaty. MORE stuff about WWI. The END of the WAR. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400.

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  2. Lecture 4-5 Weapons & effects of WAR US in WWI Hodge Podge The Treaty MORE stuff about WWI The END of the WAR 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. World War I was the bloodiest war in history up to that point because of THIS

  4. What is The development of new weapons? 100

  5. THIS Was a form of warfare that resulted in HUGE casualties ,caused the conflict to drag on with little progress made by either side,gave advantage to the attackersAND made the use of chemical warfare deadly and effective

  6. What is trench warfare ? 200

  7. Unit 3 PREVIEWThe primary goal of prohibitionists was THIS

  8. What is to eliminate the use of alcohol in society ? 300

  9. Any of various usually acute, often hysterical neuroses originating in trauma suffered under fire in modern warfare during World War I was called THIS

  10. What isShell Shock? 400

  11. The major significance of the Russian Revolution in 1917 to the German warstrategy was THIS

  12. What is Russia's withdrawal from the war was an advantage to the Central powers because it enabled them to transfer troops from the eastern front to the western front ? 500

  13. The American and British navies violated international law by the laid mines they laid HERE

  14. What isin the North Sea? 100

  15. Daily Double

  16. The name of the US troops in World War I that helped stop the German advance towards Paris in 1918 were called THIS (not the nickname the official name)

  17. What isAmerican Expeditionary Force(the AEF)? 200

  18. The American navy used THIS system to transport troops and supplies (a Protective escort for ships)

  19. What isConvoy system ? 300

  20. The AEF helped stop the German advance toward Paris in THESE two battles

  21. What were the Battles of Chateau-Thierry & Belleau Woods 400

  22. American forces did NOT join units of other Allied armiesbecause of this US General’s insistence that US forces be led by US commanders

  23. Who is General John J. Pershing ? 500

  24. The major reason for American opposition to the League of Nations was THIS

  25. What isFear of being required to get involved in future European wars ? 100

  26. When the Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson did THIS

  27. What isAppealed directly to the American people? 200

  28. American forces fought in THIS battle and succeeded To cut German railroad and communication lines

  29. What is The Argonne Forest? 300

  30. THIS included proposals for a League of Nations, Freedom of the seas and removal of tariff barriers, Self determination for former colonies

  31. What wereWilson's Fourteen Points? 400

  32. Wilson disagreed with Britain & France on THIS issue (Wilson lost the argument as this was put into the treaty)

  33. What isWar reparations? 500

  34. THESE Central powers signed armistices before Germany

  35. What is BulgariaAustria-Hungary Ottoman Empire? 100

  36. Daily Double

  37. THE Peace Conference of Versailles did not only NOT create world peace but did THIS

  38. What isEstablished seeds of resentment(by punishing the Central Powers- especially Germany? 200

  39. The League of Nations was established to do THIS

  40. What isprovide a place for nations to settle disputes? 300

  41. President Wilson found resistance for his desire for a League of Nations from Idaho’s William Borah and other senators because they favored THIS after World War I 1. Imperialism2. Isolationism3. Nationalism

  42. What is Isolationism? 400

  43. Unit 3 PREVIEWAll of the following women actively involved in securing THIS 1. Elizabeth Cady Stanton2. Susan B. Anthony3. Carrie Chapman Catt

  44. What isthe right to vote for women ? 500

  45. THIS was the name of Wilson’s proposals for the peace treaty after World War I

  46. What isThe Fourteen Points? 100

  47. THIS is the word that means a protective escort for ships against enemy submarines

  48. What isthe convoy system ? 200

  49. THIS was European retaliation against Germany at the end of the war, included war reparations

  50. What is the Treaty of Versailles ? 300

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