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CSL718 : Memory Hierarchy

CSL718 : Memory Hierarchy. Cache Memories 6th Feb, 2006. Memory technologies. Semiconductor Registers SRAM Random Access DRAM FLASH Magnetic FDD HDD Optical Random + sequential CD DVD. Hierarchical structure. S. p. e. e. d. C. P. U. S. i. z. e. C. o. s. t. /.

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CSL718 : Memory Hierarchy

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  1. CSL718 : Memory Hierarchy Cache Memories 6th Feb, 2006 Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  2. Memory technologies • Semiconductor • Registers • SRAM Random Access • DRAM • FLASH • Magnetic • FDD • HDD • Optical Random + sequential • CD • DVD Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  3. Hierarchical structure S p e e d C P U S i z e C o s t / b i t F a s t e s t M e m o r y S m a l l e s t H i g h e s t M e m o r y S l o w e s t M e m o r y B i g g e s t L o w e s t Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  4. Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  5. Main Memory for Pentium IVDDR (double data rate) DRAM Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  6. Disk drives Seagate Baracuda 7200 RPM Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  7. Data transfer between levels hit P r o c e s s o r access miss D a t a t r a n s f e r unit of transfer = block Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  8. Principle of locality • Temporal Locality • references repeated in time • Spatial Locality • references repeated in space • Special case: Sequential Locality Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  9. Memory Hierarchy Analysis Memory Mi: M1, M2, …. , Mn Capacity si: s1< s2< …. < sn Unit cost ci: c1> c2> …. > cn Total cost Ctotal: ici . si Access time ti : 1+ 2+ …. +i (i at level i) 1< 2< …. < n Hit ratios hi(si): h1< h2< …. < hn = 1 Effective time Teff: imi . hi . ti = imi . i Miss before level i, mi: (1-h1)(1-h2) …. (1-hi-1) Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  10. Cache Types Instruction | Data | Unified | Split Split vs. Unified: • Split allows specializing each part • Unified allows best use of the capacity On-chip | Off-chip • on-chip : fast but small • off-chip : large but slow Single level | Multi level Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  11. Cache Policies • Placement what gets placed where? • Read when? from where? • Load order of bytes/words? • Fetch when to fetch new block? • Replacementwhich one? • Write when? to where? Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  12. Block placement strategies Direct mapped Set associative Fully associative Block Set # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # 0 1 2 3 D a t a D a t a D a t a 1 1 1 T a g T a g T a g 2 2 2 S e a r c h S e a r c h S e a r c h Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  13. Organization/placement policy Set 1 Cache Set S Set Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector SE LRU Sector Tag Block 1 Block 2 Block B Block V D S AU 1 AU 2 AU A Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  14. Addressing Cache Sector Name Set Index Block Displacement Address Selects set Compared to Tags Selects Block Selects AU Early select: access data after tag matching Late select: access data while tag matching Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  15. Cache organization example Sector Sector Block Block Block Block Tag V D AU AU V D AU AU Tag V D AU AU V D AU AU 1 2 3 4 Sets 5 6 7 8 Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  16. Cache access mechanism Address 31 0 18 12 2 Hit Tag Data byte offset index index v tag data 0 1 ... ... 4095 32 18 = Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  17. Cache with 4 word blocks Address 31 0 18 Data 10 2 2 Hit Tag byte offset block offset index index v tag data 0 1 ... ... 1023 32 32 32 32 18 = Mux Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  18. 4-way set associative cache 31 0 tag 20 byte offset 8 2 2 index block offset v tag data v tag data v tag data v tag data 0 ... ... ... 255 20 20 20 20 128 128 128 128 = = = = Mux Mux Mux Mux 32 32 32 32 Hit Mux Data Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  19. Read policies • Sequential or concurrent • initiate memory access only after detecting a miss • initiate memory access along with cache access in anticipation of a miss • With or without forwarding • give data to CPU after filling the missing block in cache • forward data to CPU as it gets filled in cache Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  20. Read Policies Sequential Simple: 1 1 1 Teff=(1-pm).1 + pm . (T+2) Cache T Memory Concurrent Simple: 1 1 1 Teff=(1-pm).1 + pm . (T+1) Cache T Memory Sequential Forward: 1 1 Teff=(1-pm).1 + pm . (T+1) Cache T Memory Concurrent Forward: 1 1 Teff=(1-pm).1 + pm . (T) Cache T Memory Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  21. Load policies 4 AU Block 2 3 1 0 Cache miss on AU 1 Block Load Load Forward Fetch Bypass (wrap around load) Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  22. Fetch Policies • Fetch on miss (demand fetching) • Software prefetching • Hardware Prefetching Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  23. Fetch Policies • Demand fetching • fetch only when required (miss) • Hardware prefetching • automatically prefetch next block • Software prefetching • programmer decides to prefetch questions: • how much ahead (prefetch distance) • how often Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  24. Software Control of Cache Software visible cache • mode selection (WT, WB etc) • block flush • block invalidate • block prefetch Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  25. Replacement Policies • Least Recently Used (LRU) • Least Frequently Used (LFU) • First In First Out (FIFO) • Random Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

  26. Write Policies • Write Hit • Write Back • Write Through • Write Miss • Write Back • Write Through (with or without Write Allocate) Buffers are used in all cases to hide latencies Anshul Kumar, CSE IITD

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