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THESIS & DEVELOPMENT. The overall success of any persuasive piece of writing relies on a STRONG thesis. Your thesis should be…. CLEAR LOGICAL SPECIFIC WEIGHS SEVERAL FACTORS ARGUMENTATIVE (PROVE YOUR POINT!) SHOWING YOUR SIDE

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  2. The overall success of any persuasive piece of writing relies on a STRONG thesis Your thesis should be…. • CLEAR • LOGICAL • SPECIFIC • WEIGHS SEVERAL FACTORS • ARGUMENTATIVE (PROVE YOUR POINT!) • SHOWING YOUR SIDE • YOUR WRITING SHOULD REFLECT THAT YOUR SIDE IS THE BEST SIDE!

  3. What is a THESIS? • A thesis is NOT the hook/grabber • The hook/grabber sentence is the FIRST sentence in your introduction and GRABS the readers attention • A thesis statement does not JUST tell the reader about the topic • It addresses the point you will be making • A thesis is an ARGUMENT • A thesis takes a stand rather than announcing a subject • It contains THREE points to support your argument • A thesis is the last sentence in your introduction paragraph

  4. Thesis Construction • Logically constructed • Contains the main points of your ARGUMENT • You should have THREE points

  5. Helpful Hints… • A thesis is never a question • A question (“Why did communism collapse in Eastern Europe?”) is not an argument, and without an argument, a thesis is dead in the water • A thesis should be as clear and specific as possible • Avoid overused, general terms and abstractions • An effective thesis has a definable, arguable claim • This thesis makes a definite, arguable claim • The reader would react to this statement by thinking, “Perhaps what the author says is true, but I am not convinced. I want to read further to see how the author argues this claim.”

  6. Thesis & WritingConstruction • Argument of thesis statement present AND proved throughout the piece of writing • Each point included in your thesis becomes its own paragraph • Do not just tell about your topic • It is about the WHY • Why do these points matter • Focus on arguing the points of your thesis

  7. Basic Examples • Duxbury, Massachusetts is the best town in New England because it is close to the beach, has historical houses and buildings, and is centrally located between Northern and Southern New England. • Duxbury has the best public school system in the United States because our testing scores are high, our athletic and music programs are successful, and we have just have just built a brand new school.

  8. More Examples • The European Union is a successful union of European countries because it established a single market among all member countries, extended democracy throughout the continent, and established a single currency. • The Treaty of Maastricht is the most important treaty established by the European Community because it established the European Union, it put a plan in place to create a single currency, and it further unified the European countries. • The political landscape in Europe drastically changed and the world saw Europe unify because of the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the fall of the Soviet Union, and the advancements of the European Union.

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