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Cultural Sensitivity/Diversity Training. Teaching Afghan Refugee ELLs. Pamela Clark, Stephen Cruikshank, Jenna Hopping & Holly Jones. BRAINSTORMING ACTIVITY. What are the first things that come to mind when you think of Afghanistan & its culture?. “Afghanistan is multicultural & multiethnic”.
Cultural Sensitivity/Diversity Training Teaching Afghan Refugee ELLs Pamela Clark, Stephen Cruikshank, Jenna Hopping & Holly Jones
BRAINSTORMING ACTIVITY What are the first things that come to mind when you think of Afghanistan & its culture?
“Afghanistan is multicultural & multiethnic” It is important to get to know the background of your students. With Afghan Refugee ELLs, it is important to realize just how much diversity is within their home country, Afghanistan. Afghanistan has 22 different ethnicities living within it, with various languages & religions.
Ethnicities • Pashtuns make up largest percent of Afghanistan’s population and have traditionally been the dominant group. They reside mostly in the South. • Tajiks make up the second largest group and reside mostly in the North. • Some of the other smaller ethnic groups include Hazaras, Nuristanis, Uzbekis and Turkmen.
Since 1992 there has been polarization between the Pashtuns (who are a large part of the Taliban movement) and the other ethnicities (many of whom are part of the Northern Alliance).
It is important for teachers to understand that due to a long history of discrimination, division and civil wars, there are still tensions between various Afghanistan ethnicities. “Afghanistan has never had a strongly unified national culture and war has led to further fragmentation.” A young Pashtun girl.
Religions within Afghanistan • Just as there are many ethnicities amongst the Afghan people, there are a few different religions. • The main religion is that of Islam, and the majority of the people are Muslims (84% Sunnites and about 15% Shiites). • There are also small groups of Sikhs, Parsis, Jewish and Hindus in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is a very religious society and Islam is a unifying force within the country and both lifestyles and culture are influenced by it. • Many disputes are settled in Mosques by the community elders. • An important figure in most communities is the Mullah, a male religious leader who has many crucial duties such as teaching others about the ideas of Islam.
Important Cultural Aspects & Beliefs for Educators to know about their Afghan Refugee ELLs.
Social Relationships • Some groups in Afghanistan are egalitarian while others are based on a hierarchy. • Social stratification can occur amongst classes, different religions and ethnic groups. • Family is very important within Afghan society. There are very strong community and blood ties. Honouring the family and community are top priorities.
Gender Roles & Statuses In order to better understand some important things about their students, educators should know the gender roles within Afghan culture. • Afghanistan is a very male-dominated society & traditionally there are quite strict gender roles within society.
The public realm is typically the domain of men and the domestic realm is the domain of women. • Women’s duties are to take care of the children, take care of the home and sometimes create weavings and other artwork. • Both urban and rural men are traditionally not supposed to stay home during the day.
Women face many obstacles if they try to study or work or even get health care. • Women are supposed to be modest and obey the wishes of male figures (husbands, fathers, brothers). • Women are also left out of governmental decision making. • Despite these traditions, many rural women play important roles and are less secluded than the urban women.
Under the Taliban rule, Afghan women (especially urban) have to wear a long veil (Burka) covering themselves when outside the home. They also must be accompanied by a male relative when out in public.
It is important for Educators to get to know these cultural beliefs of their students because with this knowledge comes a better understanding of who your students are and where they have come from. Knowledge of their religion, ethnicity, social relationships and gender roles can help educators better prepare for accommodating these students in their classrooms.
Frightening Facts • 1/4 Afghan youths in Toronto thought about committing suicide • 16% have hurt themselves or tried to end their livesthese numbers double that of mainstream Canadian youth • majority suffer from emotional wounds left by homeland wars and repeated migrations in search of safety • 11% suffer post traumatic stress disorder • 1/5 belong to a gang • 1/5 have been expelled or suspended from school, mostly for fighting • 1/3 showed symptoms of anxiety • 15% showed signs of depression • 15% always reported experiencing racism/ Islamophobia in school • only 9% reported getting help based on a survey of 211 youth age 12-18 from GTA
These statistics are why so many of those youth turned to gangs, for protection, safety, and a response to bullying and racism. Majority reported not seeking proper help for their symptoms and feelings because of shame, embarrassment, pride, and a lack of community counseling services offering linguistic sensitive services. As teachers and future teachers we need to educate the community and link up with proper programing and counseling services for these youth.
Developing Resilience in Afghan Refugee Children So why did only some youth in that survey have such negative symptoms? A study was published in 2010 by researchers from Edmonton in a Canadian city as to why some students survive and thrive in the face of adversity and some do not. They studied 7 children between the ages of 13-17, 5 female and 2 male. Each participant was born in Afghanistan, entered Canada through Pakistan, had lived in Canada for at least 2 years and had a firm grasp of the English language. Photo conversations were had with participants describing the most important people, objects or celebrations in their lives.
Challenges These Student’s Faced Keeping up with school work -Students learned basic English while in transition living in Pakistan however, this is very different from academic subject area English -In some cases, students were taking different subjects at different grade levels which was challenging both socially and academically -Students found it challenging to listen and write at the same time Making Friends -Students said it would have been easier to make friends if they were younger, hard to make friends once in high school -Friends they had made in Pakistan that were also refugees now lived on the other side of the city
Results Common themes found in all children’s responses: -Believed they were in control on the events in their lives -Viewed change as an opportunity for growth -Had the presence of caring adults in their lives during or after times of stress -Had routines they followed to stabilize the chaos following a crisis -Treasured their own identities and integrated with other cultures -Were involved in volunteer work in their spare time and believed in the importance of helping others
Researchers' Recommendations • Provide safe, non threatening environments • Strengthen skills of teachers, facilitators, counselors etc who work with refugee children to adapt to the Canadian school system by: learning the language, understand the Canadian accent, getting used to Canadian teaching strategies • Collaborate with religious community or civil society ex: volunteers etc • Stress the importance of interdependency of family to support children • Facilitate integration with other cultures in Canada
Resources in Edmonton Edmonton Afghan Charitable Society 780-474-2328 People of Edmonton Afghan Society Facebook Page Edmonton Afghan Youth Group Facebook Page Catholic Social Services -Cross Cultural Counseling -Host Program -Host Program Homework Club -Newcomer Children and Youth Program -Youth Support and Homework Club Program 780-424-3545 www.catholicsocialservices.ab.ca
Resources in Edmonton Continued Edmonton Immigration Services Association -Bridge 2-Success Program for Newcomer Students -Summer Camps -Global Youth Network -In School Settlement Program www.eisa-edmonton.org 780-474-8445 Millwoods Welcome Center for Immigrants -ESL classes -Computer Classes -Youth Education and Counseling Programs 780-462-6924
“Curriculum is not value free” (Jones, 2007, p. 28). http://www.henryjacksonsociety.org/thescoop.asp?pageid=105&m=11&y=2009
History of Education in Afghanistan Throughout history education has been used to “promote political and/or religious viewpoints and to strengthen positions of power” (Jones, 2007, p. 27). http://www.life.com/image/91847906
After winning their independence from the British Empire in 1919 Afghanistan began to move to modernize their society, this included their education system. • For a period of time education was promoted and provided to all children including girls. • Although this can be seen as a positive move it created a division between the generation that had access to this new education system and the previous generation (Yukitoshi, 2008, p. 66).
During the ‘New Democracy’ period (1963–1973) the education system was expanded and resulted in more than 60% of graduates coming from families where the parents had little or no formal education. • This further widened the emotional and social distance between generations. • There were not enough jobs for these new graduates • “Disconnected from traditional background, youth were more inclined to accept foreign ideologies” (p. 67). (Yukitoshi, 2008, p. 66-67)
Soviet Invasion in 1979 • Tension between those who accept the communist and Islamic ideas escalated to violence. • “Pedagogy of violence” became more explicit • Education became a “battlefield” where teaching violence was accepted • “The ruling communist government as well as the opposition Mujahidin (holy warriors) used education as a ‘weapon’ in order to achieve their respective goals” (p. 67) • Both groups use textbooks to reinforce their ideologies throughout the 1980s and 1990s • Example: • “One group of Mujahidin attack 50 Russian soldiers. In that attack 20 Russians were killed. How many Russians fled?” (p. 67)
During the transition from the soviet rule to the rise of the Taliban there were repeated collapses of the formal education system. • These collapses resulted in parents using madrasas (Islamic theological schools) which then supplied young troops to the Taliban. • The ideologies of the Taliban, a puritan Islam had been drummed into them and gave their lives meaning. (Yukitoshi, 2008, p. 67) • After the end of Soviet rule many people were resistant to schools because the associated them with a communist regime that played down Islamic values.
Taliban’s Education • Continued use of violent text books • Social studies was removed from the curriculum in 2000 because some ideas were against the teachings of Islam (Jones, 2009, p. 115). • Girls were no longer allowed to attend schools. This policy was backed by conservative readings of Islamic texts. • So while the boys were being taught with messages of violence and hate, the girls were being denied education in a way that is disempowering and silencing. • The education system was designed to create “good member of the new Islamic Emirate (Jones, 2009, p. 115). • The Taliban’s education system resulted in generation that have either been unable to be educated or exposed to a pedagogy of violence. (Yukitoshi, 2008, p. 67) http://www.afghanpix.com/9.html
Afghanistan’s Changing Curriculum • Since 2001 there has been an emphasis on “educational access and equity … for all – girls as well as boys” (Jones, 2009, p. 113) • The new curriculum “emphasizes that ‘when young people enter the world of work, as a result of the implementation of the new curriculum, they will be good Muslims, civilized human beings and true, self-reliant Afghans’” (Jones, 2009, p. 116) http://legacy.lclark.edu/dept/chron/questioningw06.html
Resistance? • The Taliban Leadership Council has threatened to attack schools because of curriculum. • They feel that there is too much governmental and foreign influences. • In 2007 the Taliban opened schools in southern Afghanistan that would use the 1980s’ mujahideen curriculum
Life Skills • The Life skills curriculum is for Grades 1-3 • The program seeks to teach young Afghani citizens skills to achieve peace, justice and equality. • Life Skill is taught in the early grades to increase the amount of children who are exposed to peace ideology • This peace curriculum may not be able to succeed while it is being taught in an environment of poverty and war. (Jones, 2009. p. 118)
Social Studies • Taught in Grade 4 – 6 • Has elements in common with the mujahideen curriculum but also includes peace and civic topics. • Teaches that military presence is needed for peace. • Existence of Justice (Jones, 2009. p. 119)
Education for Girls? • Opposition to new curriculum have sent threatening letters demanding changes. • One letter demanded a girls school to be closed because: • “They are teaching infidel books to girls and we don’t want these girls to become infidels” (p. 117)
What does this mean for you? • As teachers of students who are Afghan refugees or immigrants it is important to understand how previous experience can effect their willingness to engage. • Some of their parents may feel resistant to schooling because: • They see it as a way for the government to teach their ideals. • They did not have access and therefore do not value it. • If the child is a girl they may be fearful for her physical and spiritual wellbeing. • The curriculum may not be consistent with their beliefs.
WHY RESEARCH LANGUAGES? • Understand background to L2 acquisition challenges. • Language is a large part of culture; therefore understanding of language background can help with understanding cultural challenges as well. • Challenges: How in depth can teachers research be expected to go?
PASHTO د پښتو • Pashto is an Iranian language and one of the two principal languages in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is viewed as second in social prestige to Dari language, and has no official status. • Estimated 9.94 million Speakers in Afghanistan. • Spoken in Pakistan (est. 14,000,000 native speakers). • Spoken in Iran (est. 50,000 native speakers) • Pashto Speakers = "Pashtuns". It is only in the last 50 years that the term "Afghan" has come to refer to residents of Afghanistan.
DARI • Dari refers to the language known as “Persian”, also called “Farsi”, or “Parsi”. • Official language of Iran, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan. Approx. 14.2 million Speakers. • Estimated half the population of Afghanistan speaks a dialect of Dari. • Influenced by Arabic and Persian loan-words, and some by Turkish and English.
WHO MAKES THESE CHANGES? - By Dari Poet Jualaluddin Rumi Who makes these changes?I shoot an arrow right.It lands left.I ride after a deer and find myselfchased by a hog.I plot to get what I wantand end up in prison.I dig pits to trap othersand fall in. I should be suspiciousof what I want. APPRECIATION OF THE ARTS Dari literature and poetry is one of the richest in the world having a long history of writings. * In Afghan culture there is a strong appreciation of poetry and song. Appreciation of Creativity through Arts and Crafts, (weaking work, rugs/carpets, silk industry. **- Can this be useful for teaching integration practices?**
LITERACY • Literacy rate among Afghan Pashtuns has always been very low (about 5%) • Literacy rate of Pashto & Dari is estimated to be around 21%. (More Dari literate speakers, than Pashto). • (How would this effect teaching English to Afghan refugees?) • **How can knowledge of literacy rates help us as teachers?**
PASHTUN/ DARI GROUPS: PASHTO: 3 Primary dialects: (1) Kandahar (western) dialect, (2) Kabul (central) dialect, (3) Ningrahar (eastern dialect). DARI: Ethnic groups (various dialects): Tajiks, Hazara, Farsiwan, Aimaq). Ethnic/ Language Distribution in Afghanistan • * Note: There is danger with ethnic grouping: “Nowadays, an increasing emphasis on ethnicity has dismayed many of the country’s educated citizens, who still see themselves as ‘Afghans’, rather than as Pashtun, Tajik, or Hazara: they say that it is the politicians who have divided the people, in order to rule them.” (Afghanistan, Johnson, p.8) • Pashtun: 42% • Tajik: 27% • Hazara: 9% • Uzbek: 9% • Aimak: 4% • Turkmen: 3% • Baloch: 2% • other: 4%
LANGUAGE ORIGINS: • Pashto belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. • Dari is a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages.
WRITING SYSTEMS • Example of Pashto • Example of Dari
WRITING SYSTEMS • Written with a variant of the Arabic alphabet and uses a number of Arabic words, but is not related to Arabic or Turkic languages. Arabic letters are used, but dots are added to allow the writing of sounds like "p" and "g" and other more specialized sounds. • Type of writing system: abjad - includes letters only for consonants. Vowels, when indicated, are written with diacritics and/or combinations of consonant letters. • Direction of writing: right to left in horizontal lines; numerals written from left to right. • Dari language and Pashto and Persian speakers share a lot of words and similarities but will not understand each other.
WRITING SYSTEMS English: 5 Vowel symbols; 21 Consonants Pashto: 9 Vowel symbols; 32 Consonants Dari: 6 Vowel symbols; 23 Consonants • Consonant clusters -Pashto uses a lot more consonant clusters than English, incorporating up to 3 consonants before and after the vowel. • English: 32 Double consonant clusters • Pashto: Over 100!
NUMBER SYSTEMS - Follows those used in languages written in Arabic alphabets.
SOME PRIMARY GRAMMAR DIFFERENCES • *THINK: How do differences in grammar of Pashto& Dari affect learning ability of L2? • ** Unlike English, there is no standardization in the Pashto language. There are no universally accepted rules for spelling and punctuation, and many speakers have never had formal instructions in Pashto. • Nouns: Feminine & Masculine nouns • Adjectives: Feminine and Masculine alternatives. • Pashto Verb system: 5 Tenses; English =12 tenses, 17 (French, Spanish) • Verb conjugations: (Dari) Subjunctive, perfect, pluperfect ( similar amount as that of French, Spanish) • Case Markings: eg/ Accusative Case –Explains the object of the sentence. • Questions: Uses intonation much like English, to relay question. • Prepositions: Act similar to that of English.