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Moon Phase Angle Comparisons for Fortran and VIIRS Codes

This study compares Moon phase angles for each hour between the Fortran and VIIRS codes from New Moon to Full Moon period. While the Fortran code shows a smooth curve, the VIIRS code displays a jagged line that roughly follows the look-up table, particularly noticeable when viewing small portions of the period.

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Moon Phase Angle Comparisons for Fortran and VIIRS Codes

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  1. Moon Phase Comparisons

  2. This is the Moon Phase angles for each hour from the look up table used in the Fortran code and the value given in the VIIRS code for a New Moon to Full Moon period. It doesn’t look too bad for the period. The problem is seen when only small portions of the period is viewed.

  3. Full Moon Period New Moon Period While the look up table shows a smooth curve for both new moon and full moon, VIIRS shows a jagged line that roughly follows the look up table.

  4. To make sure the squiggle wasn’t an artifact of how the hour granule was chosen, all granules for June 24 were pulled. This graph shows there is a definite a wave in the values. Since it’s doubtful the moon phase angle should be showing this wave, the look up table is probably the best.

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