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Christianity. By: Miranda Pesock. Largest followed religion with approximately 2.2 billion believers. Basics of Christianity. Originated in Israel Jesus Christ, crucified in 30 A.D., founded Christianity The Bible (both the Old & New Testament) is the guide for Christians
Christianity By: Miranda Pesock
Largest followed religion with approximately 2.2 billion believers.
Basics of Christianity • Originated in Israel • Jesus Christ, crucified in 30 A.D., founded Christianity • The Bible (both the Old & New Testament) is the guide for Christians • Christians worship in churches and chapels • Holy Places • Jerusalem • Bethlehem • Nazareth • Lourdes • Rome • Canterbury Taught by priests/ministers through ceremonies, music, prayer, sermons, and speech scripture readings.
Major Holidays for Christians • Easter • Most important • Celebration of when Jesus rose from the dead (The Resurrection) • Christmas • Celebration of Jesus’ birth • Lent • Originated with Jesus fasting 40 days in desert • Begins Ash Wednesday • Ends day before Easter • Christians give something up for 40 days in remembrance of Jesus’ fasting
Christians believe… • Jesus is the son of God • God sent Jesus to save the world from their sins • Jesus died on the cross (Crucifixion) and rose three days later (Resurrection) • The Bible is an example of how Christians should live • The Trinity…(diagram following slide)
The Trinity GOD
Branches of Christianity Anglicanism Roman Catholic Baptists Seventh-day Adventist Orthodox Methodists
Symbols of Christianity • Cross • Symbolizes that Jesus died to save mankind • Dove • Symbolizes holy spirit and peace • Fish • Originated as a code • Half a fish was drawn, if an individual finished the drawing, they knew that person was a follower too
Social Functions • National survey • 59% of U.S. Citizens believe this is a “Christian country” • 17% say it isn't, "but it should be” • Brings people together with a common belief • Gives an example of how people should act and guidelines to follow
Works Cited • Barrow, Mandy. "Christian Festivals." Christian Festivals. Woodlands Junior School, 2012. Web. 06 May 2012. <http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/festivals.html>. • Barrow, Mandy. "Information on Christianity." Christianity for Kids. Woodlands Junior School. Web. 06 May 2012. <http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/homework/religion/christian.htm>. • Gerteis, Joseph. "The Society Pages." The Social Functions of Religion in American Political Culture. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2012. Web. 06 May 2012. <http://thesocietypages.org/papers/religion-and- politics/>. http://www.answermegod.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/world_religions_pie_chart1.png http://sermonseeker.com/images/bible.png http://www.listguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/church.jpg http://rlv.zcache.com/christian_easter_card-p137808937607030066bfmkq_400.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_IuOcxNXfAfI/SyJ4vUukh6I/AAAAAAAACRg/v9RXw4IDDWs/s400/Natal+-+Christ+is+Born+-+xms1121%5B1%5D.gif http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NkWtE6lHMIc/T0SlhqhLlAI/AAAAAAAABrk/kKzPml5UKkM/s320/lent-wednesday.gif
http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justintaylor/files/2010/09/DSB-what-Christians-believe.jpghttp://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justintaylor/files/2010/09/DSB-what-Christians-believe.jpg http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Js1-oFYv_No/0.jpg http://autrijus.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Baptist-churches.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/11/St_Mary%27s_Roman_Catholic_Church_-_geograph.org.uk_-_189898.jpg http://www.knutsonconstruction.com/_asset/v7qjsn/gallery/Greek-Orthodox-Church_1.jpg http://www.carrvillemethodist.org.uk/userimages/CarrvilleMethodistChurchMedium.JPG http://tranquilitysda.org/uploads/images/DSC_4166.jpg http://www.luxchroma.com/images/images_big/christian_cross_lighted.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-rS5pXNsudg/SwKeyrXGFXI/AAAAAAAAAX4/UoIMe_txie0/s1600/ist2_4364427-dove-symbol-of-peace-on-earth.jpg http://notyourmomsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/christian_fish.png