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EURADIN – European Addresses Infrastructure

EURADIN – European Addresses Infrastructure. RNDr. Pavel Vaniš. Needs for Addresses. Civil Service – engineering, cadastre, administration, risk management Business – navigation, marketing, banking, tourism etc. Citizens – common location reference

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EURADIN – European Addresses Infrastructure

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  1. EURADIN – European Addresses Infrastructure RNDr. Pavel Vaniš

  2. Needs for Addresses • Civil Service – engineering, cadastre, administration, risk management • Business – navigation, marketing, banking, tourism etc. • Citizens – common location reference • Digital datasets and data infrastructure connected with the problematic

  3. Addresses and INSPIRE • Addresses listed in Annex I • Ideal situation – address infrastructure making possible an access to all existing addresses – actual and georeferenced • Need to respect common and individual requirements • Different „address flow“ from creation to registration and maintenance • EURADIN registered as Spatial Data Interest Community • Participating in INSPIRE testing • Cooperation and involvement of INSPIRE TWG-AD

  4. EURADIN – main objectives • To solve problems mentioned above • 2-year eContentPlus project from June 2008 • Best Practice Network • Specifically: • Contribute to Address harmonization in Europe • Propose solution for interoperability • Make possible effective access, re-use and exploitation • 30 partners from 16 countries

  5. EURADIN - Partners

  6. Workflow of the Project

  7. WP2 – Initial Assessment and User Requirements • Analysis of current situation • Important level of heterogeneity - different national regulations, responsibles, actual state • => requires better coordination between all these stakeholders in order to create a European Address Infrastructure and avoid the delays on the updating process of new buildings/addresses and decrease the difficulty to share information from several sources • metadata information do not reach fifty percent of the total address systems, most of them use the standard ISO 19115

  8. WP3 – Data • we will provide an Address Data Model according to INSPIRE and extended if necessary • Carried out testing against the data model => found problems that have to be solved • E.g.: corner addresses, definition point multiple or not, semantic resolving of thoroughfarenames to proper names, articles and prepositions, not numeric locator, sub-addresses etc.

  9. WP4 – Metadata • Creation of metadata profile based on ISO19115, ISO19115 core, INSPIRE rules • Selection of elements from documents above • Prepared tools for the automatic extraction of metadata and edition tools

  10. WP5 – Data Flow • Searching for best practices • Definition of prototype workflow between local, regional and national levels

  11. WP6 – Business Model • Analysis of potential benefits, marketing analysis – estimation of supposed target users, application identification • Attitutde: • Questionnaire Survey • Social and economic benefits • GALILEO – wider possibilities?

  12. WP7 – European Gazetteer • Development of European Gazetteer service (Pilot): allowing access to several European countries addresses • Final validation regarding impact achieved • Architecture: 3 Scenarios EGN solution, Cascading, Peer-to-peer • Use of Standards SOAP, WFS • Functionality Querying, Filtering (exactly match, from-to, list)

  13. Conclusions • The project will be considered successfully if the results achieved contribute to fulfil the INSPIRE recommendations with respect to addresses • The project has demostrated this kind of Forum are really necessary for effective implementation of INSPIRE

  14. Thank you for your attentionpavel.vanis@vugtk.cz http://euradin.eu

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