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France, 1901-2006. Annual growth rate of total population, rate of natural increase, rate of net migration (per 1000 inhabitants). Source : Insee, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles).
France, 1901-2006.Annual growth rate of total population, rate of natural increase, rate of net migration (per 1000 inhabitants). Source : Insee, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 1999. Total demographic contribution of foreign immigrants to the French population, 1960-1998, by period of immigration (in thousands). Source: M. Tribalat, Cudep / Ined 2005. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 1960-1998.Contribution to births of successive immigration waves of foreigners and repatriated French national. Source: M. Tribalat, Cudep / Ined 2005. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France,1999. Population age-pyramid on January 1st.Components of the demographic contribution of foreign immigration 1960-1998 (in thousands). Source: M. Tribalat, Futuribles, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 2006.The ten occupations with the most severerecruitment problems. Source : Assedic/Credoc, 2006. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 2008.Population age-pyramid.(Provisional estimation on 1st January) Source : Insee, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
Some developed countries, 1995-2050.Replacement immigration. Simulations and results. Source : United Nations, 2000. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
OECD countries, 2006. Employment/population ratio.Persons aged 15-64 years (percentages). Source: OECD, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
OECD countries, 2006. Employment/population ratio.Women aged 15-64 years (percentages). Source: OECD, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
OECD countries, 2006. Employment/population ratio.Persons aged 15-24 years (percentages). Source: OECD, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
OECD countries, 2006. Employment/population ratio.Persons aged 55-64 years (percentages). Source: OECD, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
OECD countries, 2000-2006. Employment/population ratio.Persons aged 55-64 years (percentages). Source: OECD, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 2005-2050. Total population prospects (in thousands). Source: Insee 2006. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 2008-2050. Employment of persons aged 15-64 years according to two extreme prospects of total population and two assumptions of employment/population ratio(in thousands). Source: A. Parant, Futuribles, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
France, 2008-2050. Employment of persons aged 55-64 years according to two extreme prospects of total population and two assumptions of employment/population ratio(in thousands). Source: A. Parant, Futuribles, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)
United Kingdom, 2001-2007.Vacancies (in thousands). Source: ONS, seasonally adjusted vacancies, 2008. Croatian Chamber of Economy Conference (19-20 June 2008) — Alain Parant (INED / Futuribles)