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O u t d o o r e d u c a t i o n s a c 1 u n i t 2. M I G R A T O N B L U E W H A L E. By T one Gojani . C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s !. Colour *bluish-grey colour , with some white-grey spots. shape *It has a long body * head makes up ¼ of its body .
Outdooreducationsac1unit2 MIGRATON BLUEWHALE By T one Gojani
Characteristics ! • Colour *bluish-grey colour , with some white-grey spots. shape *It has a long body *head makes up ¼ of its body . Dorsal fins are a triangular shape. *females are larger than males. • Size *largest mammal *weigh up to 100 ton *Blue whales have long, thin flippers 8 feet long.
WHAT IT EATS *small shrimp like creatures . *consuming around 4 tons or more everyday. *eat up to 40 million krill in ONE day !
Whereitlivesanditshabitat! • present in almost all of the oceans . • southern hemisphere • likes cold temperatures ADAPTATION TO ITS ENVIRONMENT • thick blubber*it insulates the whale .
Migration • WHY DOES IT MIGRATE • They migrate to the cold waters so they can search for food and so that their body can stay cool . • Also so that they can mate during winter months and give birth to calves. • WHEN DOES IT MIGRATE • Every three or four months
Howdobluewhalesmigrate? Blue whales migrate swimming from the northern and southern hemispheres . Though whales usually don’t migrate all at once.
Bibliography http://www.whaleroute.com/migrate/ http://www.acsonline.org/factpack/bluewhl.htm http://www.whale-and-dolphin-facts.com/whale-migration.html BY TONE GOJANI !