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Understand the concept of plagiarism, how to cite sources properly, and refine your research topic. Learn about paraphrasing, academic integrity, and consequences of cheating. Develop good research skills and utilize sources effectively. Remember, plagiarism can have long-lasting consequences. Gain insight and resources to excel in your academic endeavors while upholding integrity.
PlagiarismSusan Miller 11/25/08
Plagiarism • What does it mean? • Plagiarize - to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (a created production) without crediting the source vi: to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source… • FROM: Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary 9th ed, (Springfield, Ma: Merriam 1981, p. 870).
Syracuse University Library Webpage • http://library.syr.edu • Here is where you can do all your research.
Citing Sources • Cite everything that is not your words or thoughts • Guides to these sources are found on the Syracuse University Library webpage. http://library.syr.edu/cite/citationstyle.html
Keep Track of your Sources • Keep track of your sources from the beginning. It may be almost impossible to find it again. • Keep notes on your sources. • If the full citation is available print it out so you will have it for your bibliography.
What is common knowledge • It is knowledge you already know like who was the first president of the United States. • If you know the information without looking it up. • If you look the answer up and only find one reference to it, it is not common knowledge.
Refining Your Topic • Give yourself time to prepare the topic • Refining your topic may take time. • Create a list of words relating to your topic. Create a concept map. • Finding the appropriate articles, books or sources takes time. • Good research is not done in a few minutes. • You may need to keep refining your topic.
What is paraphrasing? • It is to reword the statement. • It is not just changing a word or two.
Academic Integrity • More than just plagiarism • Not cheating on tests • Doing your own homework and papers • You can not use a paper you did for another class • Do not use someone else’s paper • Academic Integrity Office at Syracuse University • http://academicintegrity.syr.edu/index.php?page=students
What happens if I cheat? • Fail a test or assignment • Fail a class • Be expelled from School
I won’t get caught • Quotes can be traced on the internet • Syracuse University Uses Turnitin • Tons of papers are in there database • Other Students from your school have submitted papers in this database • You may have submitted papers
Develop Good Research Skills • Keep track of your citations • Know how to evaluate your resources • http://library.syr.edu/instruction/tutorials/infolit/EvaluatingSources.html • Learn how to properly cite things • Realize that research can not be done quickly.
Remember Who are your allies • Your teacher • Your librarian
Plagiarism can follow you all your life • “Putin accused of plagiarizing his PhD thesis” Times on line March 26, 2008 • http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article695235.ece • Stories about plagiarism • http://www.diverseeducation.com/artman/publish/printer_6231.shtml • http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0511/p14s01-lire.html?s=widep