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Using a colon with a list

…not just the eyeballs on your text message face!. : ). Using a colon with a list. L.5.2a: Use punctuation to separate items in a series. When To Use a Colon #1. Before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself.

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Using a colon with a list

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  1. …not just the eyeballs on your text message face! : ) Using a colon with a list L.5.2a: Use punctuation to separate items in a series.

  2. When To Use a Colon #1 • Before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself. • If you took off the list, and the preceding clause can NOT stand alone, then you should NOT be using a colon.

  3. EXAMPLE • Mrs. Trinkle went was proud of her English 12A online students: Destiny, Diego, Lindsay, and Tiera. • MAIN CLAUSE: Mrs. Trinkle went was proud of her English 12A online students. This is a “stand alone” sentence. LIST THAT FOLLOWS MAIN CLAUSE: the mayor, the chief of police, the fire chief, and the chair of the Town Council.

  4. EXAMPLE #1 • Her recipe for gunpowder included saltpeter, dry oatmeal, and ground-up charcoal. • no colon after "included“ because “Her recipe for gunpowder included” cannot stand on its own! • How can you fix it so that you CAN use a colon? • Her recipe for gunpowder included the following: …

  5. EXAMPLE #2 • His favorite breakfast cereals were Rice Krispies, Cheerios, and Wheaties. • no colon after "were“ because “His favorite breakfast cereals were” cannot stand on its own.

  6. Let’s Practice! YES! • Which of the following is correct? • The Question • A) The potion contained: fruit, biscuits, and glue. • B) The potion contained fruit, biscuits, and glue. • C)The potion: contained fruit, biscuits, and glue. • The Answer • B) The potion contained fruit, biscuits, and glue. • The Explanation • The phrase before the colon cannot stand alone. Therefore, there should be no colon!

  7. Let’s Practice! • Which of these is correct? • The Question • a) Mankind has only one choice left stop burning fossil fuel. • b) Mankind has only one choice left, stop burning fossil fuel. • c) Mankind has only one choice left: stop burning fossil fuel. • The Answer • c) Mankind has only one choice left: stop burning fossil fuel. • The Explanation • The clause before the colon can stand alone. The words after the colon further explain the “one choice.”

  8. Payton asked a great question:Can you give us sentences that use the colon correctly? • The plate consisted of three different vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, and sweet potato fried. • ~ Melvin P.’s • I have many favorite colors: red, green, and purple, to name a few. • ~ Melissa M.’s

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