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The Internet Meme: No more bitches

The Internet Meme: No more bitches. Presentation prepared by : Syed Saad Qaiser Hassan Waqar Eric Madan Abbas Shah. The relevant issues and questions. Why & how we developed the meme; No more bitches? The emerging Ideas and options that were rejected. The strategy to propagate the meme.

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The Internet Meme: No more bitches

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Internet Meme: No more bitches Presentation prepared by :Syed Saad QaiserHassan Waqar Eric MadanAbbas Shah

  2. The relevant issues and questions. • Why&how we developed the meme; No more bitches? • The emerging Ideas and options that were rejected. • The strategy to propagate the meme. • Why and how it went Viral?

  3. Why and How we developed this meme; No more bitches. • The idea and concept behind the meme is the issue of sexuality or sexual orientation. • Our understanding of meme. • The 3 reasons for agreeing upon this particular idea. • The difference between the concept of a video meme and a picture meme as per our understanding. • Hidden aspects and elements of the meme.

  4. The emerging Ideas and options that were rejected. • We thought of conveying the same message through making a video consisting of sexually appealing women.( sex sells) • A different idea, of making a video of a dog doing funny/stupid acts. (developing no real message) • The idea of putting a personal video on internet on how woman deal with day to day issues. (concerns privacy). • A video showing a fight scene.

  5. The emerging Ideas and options that were rejected (cont). • Our initial meme: No more bitches.

  6. The strategy to propagate the meme. • 1. Imgur website -> hit count • 2. Reddit website -> vote up from people with good "Karma” • 3. 4chan website -> Flame Wars and Troll • 4. Twitter -> Re-tweets • 5. Face book-> Status, Walls and Popular Pages • 6. Forums such as www.topix.com , forums.bellaonline.com, and etc ; where there were relevant discussions on gays and lesbians.

  7. The strategy to propagate the meme.(cont) • Issues faced while promoting our meme: • 1) Privacy Issues. • 2) Facebook false advertising -> Bad idea, mistake on our part.

  8. Why and how it went Viral? • The relevant issue of sexuality. • The attempted use of humor. • Another view to the meme; people (men) with bad relationship experience can also relate to it. • It has a message which is universal. • The effective strategy we adopted (discussed earlier).

  9. Screen Shot of the view count.

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