Plankhouses In the Pacific Northwest, Native Americans build plank houses. Typically they were 100 feet long, and about 25 ft. wide They had one entrance, and an opening in the low roof for smoke from cooking fires to escape. A large, extended family lived in one home, until there was need to build another.
The most used styles in the US Ranch Spanish Colonial Prairie The ranch or rambler style is a single-story structure with a low-pitched roof and typically deep eaves. Ranch houses became popular among post-World War II. This style gained widespread popularity in the United States in the first part of the 1900s. Thick walls, shaded loggias and prominent sculpted stone features proved to be an ideal response to the climate. The Prairie style is considered the first architectural style of American origin. Its bold lines and open multifunctional spaces are a direct reaction to the ornate.
Did you Know… When you build a traditional Laos house with wood it takes up to one year or two years. But if you make a traditional Laos house with bamboo it takes only three to six months
Why is architecture different in different places? In places around the world they have different climates like in green land its really cold so they would install floor warming and they might have a grass roof. Of course the materials like a log house it would use whatever tree is the easiest to get and the cheapest. Also The people that live in the house would have different cultures so they would make it relate to there culture in different countries. there different responses to architectural problems for example here in Laos we all the locale houses are on stilts that’s a response of architectural problem cause of the floods in Laos they make there houses high so that if there is a flood it just passes under the house. But in some countries you find the same kind of style its because when time passes things spread like rumors on a magazine it’s the same thing with architecture designs.
The famous architects Were Frank Lloyd Wright was from united states, zaha hadid is from the Iraq, sir Christopher wren was from England, antoni gaudi was from Spain, filippo Brunelleschi was from Italy. They all did magnificent structures
houses Frank Lloyd wright Antoni Gaudi Zaha hadid
sources http://www.huffingtonpost.com www.ask.com en.wikipedia.org Culture in action architecture Phet Images from Google images